Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 78 I count to three

Wu Daoyuan also had some considerations in choosing seven days later.

The two clans had just fought a battle. In the first few days, the Liu family must have been heavily guarded, fearing that the Wu family would take risks and take action again.

After waiting for seven days, if Wu has not taken action, her vigilance will definitely be lowered.

The discussion was finalized, and the entire Wu family began to operate quietly.

Wu Fuhai's mansion.

"You two, I have persuaded the Wu family and the Liu family to start a full-scale war. The superiors of the upper clan have promised me, but they cannot go back on their word."

Wu Fuhai said.

"Don't worry, what you owe to the Wei family can be written off in one stroke. Moreover, after the Liu family is destroyed, the clan leader will promise to support you as the head of the Wu clan. Anyway, that old guy Wu Daoyuan won't live for a few more years."

One of the Bei brothers said.

No one else in the Wu family knew that the Bei brothers had actually defected to the Wei family a few years ago and became their high-ranking disciples.

Wu Fuhai was lustful and unintentionally played with a woman who turned out to be a descendant of the Wei family. In fact, she was not an important role at all, but the Wei family caught her.

Then the Bei brothers were sent to approach Wu Fuhai. Under coercion and inducement, Wu Fuhai was firmly controlled by the Wei family.

"In this battle to destroy the Liu family, our brothers and Wu Daoyuan will join forces to kill the ancestor of the Liu family. When the time comes, we will deliberately let the enemy go. First, Wu Daoyuan and the ancestor of the Liu family will suffer losses. Then we will kill the ancestor of the Liu family. Controlling Wu Daoyuan will be easy. At that time, you will be the master of the Wu clan, and as long as you hand over two blood lines, the Wu clan can still retain its current status."

Another one of the Bei brothers said.

"That's good." Wu Fuhai nodded.

Lu Yan now faces a problem, he has no food.

The martial arts branch of Manxiang is about to stop practicing.

This time he came in a hurry and didn't bring much martial arts food with him. He finished it in one day. He had some left at home, but it wasn't enough, so he had to buy some.

But Lu Yan wanted to leave, but was blocked.

A burly figure stood in front, holding a knife, and said with a cold face: "Master Liu has an order, and we must guard it tightly. There can be no omissions. No one is allowed to leave without Master Liu's order."

This person is the captain of the seventh brigade, Murong Kai.

The first captain of the 7th Brigade was Sun Xiang. After Sun Xiang's death, another member of the Liu clan was transferred to serve. However, the Liu clan member was transferred after two years of training.

Murong Kai, who was originally the deputy captain of the First Brigade, had broken the limit five times at that time, so he was transferred to the Seventh Brigade as the captain.

"Captain, Lu Yan's family has something important to do. Please come back as soon as you go, within an hour at most."

Lu Yan clasped his fists and said politely.

"No, don't say it for an hour, not even a moment. If something goes wrong, no one can afford it."

Murong Kai said coldly.

"Captain, please let me know. I will keep an eye on Lu Yan's position for him. It will be fine for an hour."

Wang Lin also came over and smiled.

"No, don't mention this matter again. If someone leaves his post without permission, don't blame me for being unkind."

Murong Kai's face was cold, his tone was unquestionable, his energy and blood were surging, and the powerful aura that broke through the limit for the fifth time rushed towards his face.

Lu Yan's face turned cold.

The body of the barbarian elephant is not far away from the union of man and force. If he breaks through, it will undoubtedly be a huge improvement to his combat power and ability to save his life.

Whether it is facing the coming war or secretly rescuing Lu Qingshan and Wang Cui, strong force will be needed.

He had to buy martial food.

Anyone who blocks it is putting him in danger.

"Brother Wang, let the others stand down."

Lu Yan said.

Wang Lin had been getting along with Lu Yan for a long time. As soon as Lu Yan said something, he understood what Lu Yan meant.

"Let's all disperse. Let's go on patrol separately. If something goes wrong, our lives may be in danger."

Wang Lin waved his hand, and the other members of the seventh brigade dispersed and went on their own patrols.

Only Lu Yan, Wang Lin and Murong Kai were left at the scene.

"I'll count to three. If you don't let me go, you'll be responsible for the consequences."

Lu Yan said coldly.

"You are responsible for the consequences. What a loud tone, I want to see it."

Before Murong Kai finished speaking, he heard a bang and a burly figure rushed towards him, casting a large shadow.

A huge palm pressed down on his face and hit the ground hard.

Without the strength to resist, Murong Kai's head hit the ground hard, gravel flying, his eyes felt dizzy, his head seemed to split, and blood surged from his mouth and nose.

He reacted, pumped up his energy and blood, and struggled desperately, but that big hand was pressing on his face like a mountain, motionless, and he felt like he was suffocating.

"What about now, do you want to give up?"

Lu Yan put a hand on Murong Kai's face, spoke condescendingly and indifferently.

Murong Kai nodded desperately, yelling in his heart, what about the count to three as promised?

At the same time, he was also frightened. This was not the second time Lu Yan had broken the limit. His power far exceeded that of his five-time limit breaker, which gave him the illusion that he was facing Wu Hou.

It would be easy to kill him.

He was afraid.

Lu Yan calmed down a little, relaxed his palms, and said, "I believe you know what should be said and what shouldn't be said. Don't even think about snitching on Mrs. Liu. Mrs. Liu may not be able to kill me, but I want to. It’s easy for you, do you understand?”

Murong Kai nodded desperately.

Lu Yan let go.

It is unrealistic to kill Murong Kai now, because the killing of the captain will soon alarm the Liu family.

And he believed that Murong Kai was not a fool and would make the right choice.

If he informs Mrs. Liu, will his family be released? Not realistic.

On the contrary, it would completely offend Lu Yan.

To take a step back, even if Murong Kai snitched on him, Lu Yan would have nothing to fear.

The improvement of his cultivation strength has given him a lot of confidence. At the same time, this is an extraordinary moment. Even if Liu knows his true strength, it is impossible to deal with him now.

Now is the time for Liu to employ people.

Of course, it is not without risk at all, what if one of Liu's senior management loses their mind?

But Lu Yan had to do this.

When he acts, he always looks at the pros and cons.

There's no risk of exposure if you stay honest, but the elephant body will stagnate.

To suppress Murong Kai, there is a slight risk of exposure, but you can buy martial arts, so that the body of the elephant can be combined with human and martial arts, and the strength will be greatly increased.

Obviously, the latter is more advantageous.

"excuse me."

Lu Yan smiled, lifted Murong Kai up, helped him straighten his messy collar, and said, "Don't worry, if there is a chance, I will help you rescue your family."

Of course he said this casually.

It's a combination of kindness and power. After the beating, of course you have to give a candy to try to reduce the risk of the other party snitching.

"Thank you, thank you, Mr. Lu."

Murong Kai said quickly.

"Eh? Now that we're out, why don't you just call me Lu Yan?"

Lu Yan said something with a straight face, and then strode away.

First, he went to Linglan Chamber of Commerce to buy a hundred kilograms of dried wushi, and then returned home to pack up the remaining dried wushi.

These martial arts stems are enough to elevate the human body to the point where humans and martial arts become one.

After packing, Lu Yan returned to the Liu family's bloodline, patrolling and chewing on dried wushi.

At the critical moment, Lu Yan no longer had to worry about his stomach and intestines. He ate at least twenty kilograms of dried martial arts in one day, and the progress of the elephant body was improving rapidly.

In just four days, Manxiang's body improved from 50% to 100% of the state of perfection, and then with a sudden change, he broke through to the realm of the integration of human and martial arts.

Lu Yan found a deserted place to practice the wild elephant body and obtain gifts from heaven and earth.

His body became taller and stronger, his muscles were like iron, and they swelled even more when he exercised, like a wild elephant. His skin was rough, like a thick layer of leather armor, and his defense power was greatly increased.

But this time the increase in qi and blood volume was very small, less than 10%, which was within Lu Yan's expectation.

The thickness of Qi and blood increased by about 10%.

The improvement brought by the martial body is not big, but the improvement brought by the wild elephant body itself is huge. When used superimposed with the diamond body, the strength and explosive power will be greatly improved.

"It's just that this physique is so intimidating."

Lu Yan looked at his body, his arms as thick as a child's waist, and his steel-like muscles, and was secretly stunned.

Especially the thing below, so majestic and majestic, with its head held high, even he was startled.

"It's better to make it smaller."

By operating the Vajra Body and the Elephant Body, his physique began to shrink and returned to about 1.9 meters tall, with a strong but well-proportioned figure.

"The next step is Vajra Fist."

Lu Yan took out the Diamond Fist manual and started to read it in detail.

As for Skyhawk Eye, leave it to last.

Special martial arts are extremely difficult to practice and more time-consuming and labor-intensive to improve. It is better to leave it to practice later when you have time.

The fever is finally gone, haha, let’s start writing code words.

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