Hunting High School

Chapter 23: Evil Demon

The bustle ended, the river became quiet again, and the students who were watching returned to the cabin in twos and threes.

On the deck, apart from the old boatman who was pole-pulling, there were only Zheng Qing and Yi Lianna.

Zheng Qing secretly jumped for joy.

"Did you duel with Professor Trudeau?"

In the end, it was Elena who broke the silence between the two and asked first.

At the end of last semester, because "Magic Wand" included Zheng Qing in the new Grand Arcana list, Professor Trudeau, who originally occupied the title of "World", fell out of the list, which made the narrow-minded professor very annoyed. Once claimed to have a duel with Zheng Qing, the time was set at the end of the final exam.

It's just that just after the final exam, Zheng Qing smeared oil on the soles of his feet and slipped back home, naturally he didn't go to the challenge.

He also didn't think the behavior of owning was an escape. After all, one was an official professor hired by the First University and a senior registered wizard; while the other was a freshman who had just enrolled for half a year and hadn't even memorized the basic principles of modern magic. .

Not responding to the challenge did not affect Zheng Qing's sense of honor in the slightest.

"I have always respected my teachers, how could I just open the Dharma book to my professor casually?" Zheng Qing argued solemnly.

Elena rolled her eyes and skipped the subject.

"I remember, didn't you go home for Chinese New Year? When did you go back to school?" As she spoke, the witch lowered her hand and nodded the ferry boat under her feet: "Why are you going by boat today?"

The young public finance students were extremely happy to find an opportunity to chat.

"Stayed at home for two weeks, and just returned to school yesterday afternoon." He clasped his fingers and explained in detail: "Because I am a public-funded student, the school requires us to complete certain public welfare work during the winter vacation, and I came to the school early mainly for this purpose. It just so happens that Xin Fatty is going to make a survey report on the current situation in the North District of Beta Town, and asks me to help. In total, I can also arrange my public welfare work in the North District..."

"Northern area of ​​Beta Town... the concave area." The gypsy witch lowered her eyelids and said softly, "So, are you going to the northern area by boat today?"

"Bingo!" Zheng Qing didn't notice the witch's expression, and snapped her fingers cheerfully.

"I heard that the jugglers in the North District are very unfriendly to wizards. Is it okay for you to go like this?" Elena reminded again.

Zheng Qing patted the gray cloth bag on his waist indifferently, full of pride: "It's okay, we have Dharma books and amulets... Besides, no matter how unfriendly, it also belongs to Beta Town and is within the scope of the First University. You can ask the school for help."

The witch finally said nothing more, folded her arms, and turned to look at the calm river outside the boat.

The atmosphere was silent for a few seconds, and Zheng Qing finally realized that he could ask questions himself.

"Why are you going by boat today? Those are all your companions." He tried to ask in a brisk tone: "But I don't seem to have seen them in the academy..."

"They are all international students from the Gypsy Witches," Elena turned her head and explained with a smile, "It's just that they are not in Jiuyou Academy... Those two tall ones are from Starry Sky Academy, and the thin and small one is from the Starry Sky Academy." In Atlas, and the most beautiful one is in Alpha Academy..."

"You are the most beautiful." Zheng Qing interrupted the witch involuntarily.

Immediately after he realized that he owns Meng Lang, his cheeks immediately began to heat up.

When the witch heard the words, her eyebrows and eyes curved. For a moment, Zheng Qing felt that the originally dark water surface became much brighter.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, and the skill of flattering has improved!" Yi Lianna stretched out her hand, patted Zheng Qing's shoulder appreciatively, and praised generously.

Zheng Qing felt her heart beating wildly when she slapped her.

"It's not flattery, it's the truth!" He replied loudly this time, he didn't have the slightest blushing and hot reaction, but instead had a feeling of being buoyant and full of energy.

The smile on the witch's face grew brighter.

"Ahem..." A sudden cough interrupted the chat between the two young wizards.

Zheng Qing turned to look at the old boatman with a dejected expression.

"Talk about love in the cabin, don't hang around on the old man's deck." The old man Bernard Shaw said in a rough voice: "There may be evil spirits in the waterway below. Stand on the deck and be careful not to be swept away by evil spirits."

Zheng Qing's face suddenly changed when he heard this.

"Evil?!" He pressed the gray cloth bag on his waist, his voice suddenly raised a bit: "There are evil near the school?! Are you kidding me!"

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Similar to him, Irina immediately tensed up and grabbed the wizard's arm.

This is not because Zheng Qing is timid or sensitive to monsters, but because to wizards, evil monsters are like extra-large bedbugs. If they are left unchecked, they will pollute the environment. For us, even though the name of evil spirit has the word 'yao' in it, the evil spirits don't regard evil evil as their own kind.

If it is said that wizards are after order and truth, and monsters are after chaos and depravity, then evil monsters are after something other than the two.

They are the redundancy of this world.

It is an existence that is rejected by all life.

There is no fixed shape, no unified image, each evil monster has a unique concept, but all these concepts do not conform to common sense and logic.

A weak evil monster may be just a piece of code, a spell, without flesh and blood, worse than air.

Powerful demons can devour the stars, drain the rivers of time, and reverse Karma's beings.

In the new world, this kind of life is also known as 'abomination', 'meme', 'strange', etc., and some strong people will also be dubbed by the title of 'Old Dominator'.

The wizards initially listed evil monsters as the same type of creatures just because they had similar dark attributes to ordinary monsters. Of course, with the development of modern magic theory, wizards have realized that monsters have an internal order, while evil monsters have natural chaotic attributes and do not belong to the same species.

But on the one hand, the long-standing habit of classification, on the other hand, both monsters and evil monsters are the enemies of wizards, so until now, except for professional researchers, most wizards still confuse the two, but in the eyes of wizards, An evil monster is a worse and more disgusting existence than a monster.

"There is nothing in the First University. If you want to visit ancient Shendu, there is a place to go." The old man Bernard Shaw was a little disapproving of the shock of the two young wizards: "Not all evil spirits are that dangerous, and they are dormant most of the time, and they basically don't Take care of the wizard. Let you stay in the cabin, just in case..."

Before the words fell, a low-pitched call came from the end of the river:


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