Hunting High School

Chapter 285 Years Ago

"The last question is still a cliché, safety issue."

"What is safety? Safety is not to think that you have learned a few new magics at school, so you dare to go to the wild to practice with monsters; safety is not to conduct unreported magic experiments in your basement; safety is on the road If you find a Black Devil law book, you must report it to the Trident Sword or the school, and absolutely never open something of unknown origin."

"These things are very basic, but they are also very important. We have to talk about it from time to time, everywhere, and never relax for a moment."

Lao Yao was spitting and dancing while talking on stage.

Zheng Qing went in and out of his left ear and out of the right ear under the stage, and unconsciously lost his mind. For some reason, he had a strong sense of déjà vu to the things Lao Yao said, as if he had heard them countless times.

After pondering carefully for a long time, he finally found a plausible explanation for himself, that is, no matter the original elementary school or middle school, or the current Wizarding University, the teachers and the school are mostly concerned about the same things.

It’s just that when I was young, the school’s repeated orders during the winter vacation not to throw firecrackers into the manhole cover, fire prevention, electric discharge and gas, and pay attention to traffic safety, etc., have become Beware of the Black Devil method, Beware of wild monsters, pay attention to hunting safety, etc. with the wizard.

That's all.

Thinking of this, the corner of the young public fee student's mouth couldn't help but twitch, consciously finding another truth in the world.

Perhaps when he has time in the future, he can write a book "Mathematical Principles of Social Philosophy" like Newton, discuss the common norms of different societies in a quantitative way, and then become a great man.

Young minds are always bold and erratic. When Zheng Qing recovered from his distraction again, Lao Yao had already started another topic on the podium.

"There are still some specific matters below," Lao Yao tapped on the table with his fingers, and stacks of documents floated from the podium and flew to each student accurately.

Zheng Qing tilted his head and looked around from top to bottom. Some of them were a piece of paper, and some were a booklet, with different thicknesses, sizes and colors.

"The top form is the "Winter Vacation Safety Responsibility Letter". You must read it carefully and hand it in after signing... This is not a contract, and you don't need to check word by word for magic traps."

He said the last sentence to Li Meng.

After the little girl got the "Winter Vacation Safety Responsibility Letter", she immediately took out a piece of jade pendant, put it on the responsibility letter and moved it a little bit, but if the color of the jade pendant deviates from the clearness, she would drag Jiang Yu to report it .

"However, this kind of cautious attitude is worth learning from. This is the mentality that a real wizard should have." After Lao Yao praised Li Meng, he continued:

"The red booklet under the "Responsibility Letter" is your winter vacation practice report...the content includes four weekly diaries, one piece of potion configuration experience, one rune analysis report, 280 basic talisman copying, Eight spell analysis, and a crystal ball divination project."

"Of course, if someone is not good at crystal ball divination, they can modify it by themselves. They can use standard divination methods approved by the Wizards Union such as tarot cards, senile grass, calculations, and tortoise shells... but absolutely cannot use smoke, tea, etc. This is the last point that Professor Yi has emphasized before."

There was mourning in the hall.

Actually is not everyone's opinion on not being able to use tea divination, but I didn't expect a lot of homework to be assigned during the winter vacation around me!

I'm so sorry for the word 'university'!

It was agreed that everything will be easy after entering university, you can dawdle, sleep late, and have no homework?

"Finally," Lao Yao had to yell to suppress the slightly boiling atmosphere in the hall: "Finally, there is also a school's "Evaluation Manual" for students, which includes your overall performance this semester, and the results of each subject. Professor's comments, and club activities!"

"Your parents need the content of the "Evaluation Manual", and then fill in an opinion and suggestion of more than 300 words!"


"Parents also need to sign on the last page of the "Evaluation Manual", which is the student's academic evaluation at the end of the semester! This manual and the winter vacation practice report mentioned earlier need to be handed in at the beginning of the school report in the next semester. Without these two assignments, Or students who haven’t finished their homework, the school will not allow you to report.”

"Students who have completed the two assignments with excellent performance can receive corresponding credit rewards, and the professor's evaluation coefficient for the next semester will be raised..."

"Professor!" A boy boldly raised his hand, interrupted Lao Yao, and shouted: "We are already adults, why do we need our parents to sign? Isn't this a university? Why does it feel like a primary school student?"

"This is the university, and this is my university." Lao Yao didn't feel annoyed when he was interrupted. After the dean of the college, you can modify it at will... But now, you only have the choice to follow the rules."

The boy who raised his hand sat back in his seat in frustration, and the others were no longer as obedient as before. After all, the combination of school and parents has always been the most frightening thing for students. Almost everyone was whispering and talking about something in a low voice. The classroom seemed chaotic for a while.

Zheng Qing is also a member of the mess.

This kind of answer doesn't make sense at all, it's a sham! Zheng Qing secretly slandered Lao Yao's previous words in his heart.

Before he finished slandering, he saw Lao Yao beckoning to him, signaling him to go over.

This move made the young wizard jump, thinking that his slander just now had been overheard by the great wizard.

After he lingered to the podium and listened to the professor's words, he realized that he just had a guilty conscience and thought too much.

Lao Yao asked him to come on stage, and what he was talking about was public welfare work during the winter vacation at public expense.

"Both of you, there is one more thing you need to pay attention to this winter vacation." The professor said, pointing at Zheng Qing and Liu Feifei next to him, and reminded: "You all know about the winter vacation public welfare project at public expense, right? "

The two young wizards of Tianwen Class 08-1 replied unanimously: "I know."

The professor nodded in satisfaction, and took out two new forms from the bottom of his hand: "This is the application form for public welfare projects provided by the school work committee, please fill it out... After the Chinese New Year, you will need to enter the school with the form."

"Chinese New Year?" Zheng Qing was taken aback for a moment.

The professor raised his eyebrows: "Any questions?"

Zheng Qing waved his hands again and again, with a confused expression on his face: "No, no, I just said... Isn't that public welfare project before the Chinese New Year? Why did you submit it after the Chinese New Year..."

"Who told you before the New Year's Eve!" Lao Yao raised his hand and his head popped, and the boy hissed and gasped, and then he taught: "Today is already a new year, and it's only a week before New Year's Eve... What have you been thinking all day?!"

Zheng Qing held his head, tears streaming down his face.

It was then that he realized that, for some reason, he had always thought that the public welfare projects arranged for him by the school and Xin Fatty's trip to the North Side of Beta Town were all years ago.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Could it be that his own timeline is a little messed up because he has dealt with Lin Guo a lot?

Zheng Qing rubbed his forehead, feeling a little stuffy in his heart.

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