Hunting High School

Chapter 249 Arrival


A heavy wooden stick smashed heavily into the soft snow, creating a huge snow pit and splashing scattered snowflakes. It is said to be a wooden stick, but it is actually more like a wooden hammer, because at the position of the stick head, there is a huge tree bulge, like the hammer head of a hammer.

The body of the stick was not held in the hands of a certain wizard, but grew on a big tree.

Yes, this stick is the weapon of a 'tree man'.

When the bull head with red eyes began to pluck trees frantically, the young wizards did not stop them, but carefully built a defensive circle to be alert to the bull's head's actions. In their view, Niutou's actions are more like some kind of sequelae after losing control.

Besides, come on, it's just a guy with a cow's head, can you expect any meaning in his every move?

So very quickly, they paid the price for own bias and carelessness.

The bull's head pulled out the big tree, the turtle's back left a rune on the tree, the beautiful snake sprinkled the potion, and finally the golden guy gave the big tree a soul.

It's not a traditional druid spell, but it has a wider scope of application. This is another reason why the teaching assistants didn't react immediately. Even the seedlings less than 50 years old were successfully awakened by them.



An arm stretched out from behind and yanked violently, almost dragging the young public fee student to the ground. At the same time, a huge tree burl brushed against his scalp and whizzed past, and smashed firmly on a shield supported by the teaching assistants next to him. The shield flashed wildly and almost shattered. .

"These upgraded tree men are not only rough-skinned and thick, but also surprisingly agile... You'd better not stand still and prepare spells like the method taught in the textbook." Assistant teacher Hilda threw at the tree man A binding spell, while turning around to impart lessons to the young wizard.

Zheng Qing watched in shock as the treant roared and struggled under the binding spell, and nodded repeatedly.

"Also, if you don't want to become torches with those treants, don't use any spells related to fire." The assistant teacher finally warned before turning around: "Many of the trees pulled out by the bull's head just now are pines and cypresses. Yes, it's very easy to ignite...Brother Yu just arranged for a few assistants in the back to prepare all kinds of water magic to prevent those guys on the opposite side from using a lose-lose style of play. I suggest that you also follow his arrangement."

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When Su Shijun walked through the temporary passage and came to the sandbox Minor World, the chaos in the snow was gradually coming to an end.

Although the teaching assistants have used all kinds of dazzling magic, there is a gap in rank after all. They are only registered wizards, and they can only barely cope with the prosthetic bodies of the four great wizards.

If they didn't rely on a large number of people and a stronger initiative, I'm afraid their battle formation would have been broken up by those guys early on.

Compared with the teaching assistants, the fellows of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, who are not even registered wizards, can only beat the side drums and beat soy sauce. That is to say, Zheng Qing can draw talismans on the battlefield, and he also has two talisman guns, which can remotely support the counterattacks of the teaching assistants, which makes the faces of these favored children of the first university not so ugly.

Of course, no matter how fierce the battle was, the teaching assistants always firmly stood at the forefront of the battle, blocking those berserk treants and those four crazy righteous bodies in front of them. A kind of firmness that if you want to hurt the students behind you, you must step over their corpses.

"When will the people from the school come?!"

When another assistant teacher was thrown back to the battle formation, vomiting blood from the bull's fist, Zheng Qing finally couldn't hold back the anxiety in his heart, and looked up at the rippling sky above his head.

As the battle became more and more intense, the temporary sandbox Minor World could no longer withstand the overflowing magic power and tended to fall apart. The bright moon above the head, which is flat and round, is the best proof.

"If the reinforcements don't come within ten minutes, the school will have to help us collect the corpses." Xin Fatty grabbed a chicken leg, tore off a piece of chicken viciously, and muttered: "Even if I become a blue titan, I don't have the confidence to break through the space." Turbulent current, get out alive."

"Ten minutes?" Xiao Xiao lowered his head, fiddled with the crystal ball in his hand, and sneered at Fatty's speculation: "Even if the teaching assistants can last that long, this space can't last that long... According to my opinion, five minutes , no more."

This pessimistic tone made the surrounding atmosphere even more gloomy.

Zheng Qing had to find a way to change the subject, trying to make everyone ignore the atmosphere.

"I just accept that you can eat anytime you want." Zheng Qing glanced back at Fatty, who was dripping with oil, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh: "I feel like my own stomach is twisted into a ball now... like It's cramp."

"People are going to die, why don't you eat enough and go on the road?" Fatty rolled his eyes strangely, and gave a very good reason: "As for the stomach cramps you mentioned, it is a disease and needs to be treated."

On weekdays, Zheng Qing would definitely rack his brains to come up with reasons to refute Fatty's arguments, and no matter how bad it was, he would find a way to run on Fatty one after another. But now, he didn't have that kind of thought at all. He just frowned and stared at the few figures who were fighting with the teaching assistants not far away.

I said a few words, but in fact, the only ones who have been entangled with the teaching assistants from the beginning to the end are the bullhead and the turtle-backed dwarf who sneaks up from time to time. The beautiful snake and the guy covered in gold have been standing behind the treant army, throwing a few spells from time to time, looking like soy sauce.

Finally, when the bull head was repelled by the battle formation of the assistants again, it gave up continuing to attack, but turned around and rushed towards several of its companions furiously.

"How long are you going to stand by and watch?!" The tauren's eyes were red, and two puffs of thick white air came out of his nostrils. The space was trembling with his voice: "Don't you feel it? It has already fallen!"

"You are its prosthetic body, we are not... Your induction is naturally much stronger than ours." The beautiful snake spit out a long letter, as if sensing the fluctuations from the space, which made her voice a little bit a bit when she spoke. Vaguely: "Besides, if you do it alone, you will smash this space..."

"If we don't take the spoils that are ours, then our only destiny is to be destroyed!" growled the tauren.

"Do you have other fates?" A cold voice interrupted the Tauren's roar, his tone full of chilling meaning.

Everyone at the scene raised their heads in unison, following the prestige.

In mid-air, beside the bright moon, a beautiful figure wearing a red cloak appeared at some unknown time.

Behind that figure, three huge cyan foxtail phantoms swayed silently, at first glance it seemed to fill the entire sky.

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