Hunting High School

Chapter 247: The Frog Must Die

The mouse wizard looked intently, and saw that the vampire duke of the Karen family had recovered his bat form at some point, covering his body with a pair of wide bat wings.

Of course, during the violent explosion just now, Duke Milton's bat wings have also become unrecognizable, like a piece of rice paper that was thrown into the water by a child and soaked and then fished out, crumpled and tattered. .

A little further away, the wandering wizard happened to be sitting on a tree stump in his spare time, with his legs drooping, smoking a cigar slowly. He had already taken off his mask, revealing his old but clean face. He seemed completely As if not affected by the magic just now.

"Where are people?" The mouse wizard looked around stubbornly, and repeated the question a few seconds ago.

Duke Milton had just put away his bat wings and turned back into a human body. He was shaking his head hard at this moment, trying to get rid of the thinking disorder and soul tremors caused by the shock in his head, so naturally he would not respond to the mouse wizard's doubts.

It was the wandering wizard who quickly understood what the mouse wizard meant.

"He's not here, of course he's gone... Fu..." He took a deep puff of the cigarette and exhaled a few beautiful white smoke rings. I don't know if it was because of the effect of the smoke, but his voice was not as oily as before, and it seemed a lot dry:

"...that little girl from the Su family left a cannonball and ran away, and now she has run away... I must admit that your previous rhetoric of besieging Wei and saving Zhao was not bad, that girl can only leave us to save those Little Doll."

"As for our other companion..."

Speaking of this, the wandering wizard spread his hands and made a helpless gesture: "First he was suppressed and restrained by formation, and then received a scourge from the front... You know, its identity is quite special, compared with us Come on, it's less tolerant of that magic."

"If you're lucky and nimble, I reckon you'll be able to find a few fragments of that magic before the aftertaste of it fades away from the scorched earth... If it's slower, we'll only be able to I miss my own teammates."

The mouse wizard had a gloomy face, and jumped back and forth in the scorched earth a few times, and finally had to admit the judgment of the wandering wizard.

The largest remaining skeleton of the companion it found from this empty scorched earth was a scorched black femur less than three inches long.

"Demons?! Ha, demons!" Rat Wizard held the bone and laughed shrilly, his voice was extremely harsh: "It's really interesting... For hundreds of years, I have been soft-hearted in killing demons. I want to be with them now, and join them. If the old headmaster in the school is still there, he must have rushed to the underground world long ago, and burned my rats and grandchildren to ashes."

"Fu..." The wandering wizard took a deep breath and exhaled a thick smoke.

The smoke was lingering, covering his face behind, and even the tone of his words seemed a bit ethereal: "So, the nameless principal is really not in the school anymore, right?"

The Mouse Wizard kept his mouth shut tightly and did not make a sound.

The wandering wizard doesn't seem to want to let it go: "Fu... Three years ago, the Dark Council issued a list of related tasks, hoping to confirm the principal's whereabouts... Fu... If you tell this matter earlier, get The council's reward, I'm afraid your ratman evolution plan has been successfully tested... You don't need to do this kind of thankless task with me, a bad old man... Fu..."

"Now, inside and outside the school, there are more and more forces who guess that the old man is gone... Even if you want to sell it for a good price now, you can't sell it."

"Why bother here? I want to be a whore, but I also want to set up a torii..."

"This is my own business!" The mouse wizard interrupted the vagabond wizard roughly, pinched the thigh bone, and asked another sharp question: "Speaking of which, I am very concerned about another matter... How did you do it?"

The wandering wizard took the cigarette away from his mouth with just the right amount of bewilderment on his face.

"The spell just now... No matter what you think, you shouldn't be so relaxed." The mouse wizard's eyes were full of suspicion.

"Fu... poof."

The wandering wizard shrugged and stuffed the cigarette into his mouth again. Soon, his face was hidden in the thick smoke again: "It's good not to be affected by the energy... just like you just said, it's just own after all." matter."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】




A thick returning soul tree was uprooted by the bull's head and thrown into the snow.

And its other three companions had also slipped down from the treetops at some point, standing not far behind the bull's head, watching all this silently.

On the opposite side of them, the teaching assistants who had already believed that these "prosthetic bodies" had lost their command noticed the abnormal situation, picked up the books one after another, and gathered around the leader Zhang Yu anxiously.

Zhang Yu didn't hesitate, and immediately organized everyone to rebuild the defense formation. Correspondingly, he didn't forget the three forgiveness hunters who had been sleeping under the influence of magic, and woke them up.

"I thought you could go back to school after one night's sleep," the gray-haired senior assistant said to the apologetic hunters, "It seems that you all need to cheer up now... ..."

"Crazy." Thomas looked at the bull's head opposite, and put on the leather gloves silently. The originally quiet bull head on the opposite side turned scarlet eyes at some point, and began to uproot the big trees one by one.

"I think the word 'out of control' is more appropriate." Hilda corrected her briskly.

While talking, a small thing jumped out of the pit just pulled out by the bull's head, jumped in front of the bull's head, and opened its mouth to spit at the huge monster opposite:


Unlike the amphibians on the campus of First University who like to jump around in the snow, in the silent forest where the living environment is relatively harsh, many frogs still retain the habits inherited from deep in their genes.

Such as aversion to cold.

And this little thing that jumped out of the pit, obviously, was spending the winter in the spacious and warm cave under the tree root, but unexpectedly the frog was sitting at home, and the disaster came from the sky. It huddled in the small hole by itself and dozed off, and the house was demolished after a bang. When it opened its eyes, it was a white world.

Is there anything more miserable than this?


"Wow wow wow..."

"Gum, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The frog that climbed out of the tree pit screamed and howled dryly, expressing its complaints and inner restlessness to the moonlight above and the dark night. It caused other people on the field to look sideways.


The bull head raised its hoof and stepped on the howling little guy.


Bolognese splattered.

This little frog, who had just woken up from hibernation for less than five minutes, lost consciousness again in the blink of an eye. However, unlike the previous hibernation, this time, the little frog will not wake up in the coming spring breeze.

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