Hunting High School

Chapter 189: Illusion

The guardian circle of First University is a nested circle.

The inner array is constructed with the campus walls and fences as the boundary; the outer array is formed with the winding coastline of Phuket Island as the boundary. To put it simply, the guards on the inner front are more closely guarded and heavily guarded; the outer front is relatively looser, and it is precisely for this reason that His Excellency the Duke chose to 'chat' with the public-funded student when he walked out of the campus.

Although Milton is a bit older, he is still not confused. He will definitely not be under the noses of a group of old wizards, beating drums and drums to trouble their students.

As the saying goes, enter the village quietly, not those who shoot.

The reason why the management of the outer formation is relatively loose is that in addition to many students studying at the First University, there are also a large number of businessmen, adventurers, and even diplomats from different civilizations living on Phuket Island. Like the students in the school, they stay in the palm-sized campus all year round and immerse themselves in their studies.

Therefore, for the students who are studying at the First University, there are only a few days in the winter and summer vacations every year, when the guardian magic circle is open, they have the opportunity to leave the island; With an invitation letter or a pass, you can conditionally land or leave this one of the most mysterious islands in the wizarding world.

This is somewhat similar to a school with strict access control. During class, the school gate is locked, and only a short period of time after school is over. The school gate will be opened to allow students to enter and exit. The small door next to the gate, or the existence of the side door, is reserved for visitors entering and leaving the school. According to the formal procedures, every visitor entering and leaving the campus will inevitably be repeatedly reviewed and ordered by the porter. It is a bit strange. People also need to further register personal information.

Milton Karen is naturally no stranger to the "porter" of First University.

This young Karen vampire also studied at First University long, long ago, and devoted himself to studying magic for a while. During that time, he also served as the president of the Hemophilia, leaving many legends in the history of the Hemophilia.

In addition, in the west area of ​​Beta Town, there is the Karen Mansion, which occupies a huge area of ​​the Karen family; in the east area of ​​Beta Town, there are many shops, storefronts and other industries of the Karen family.

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Not to mention that the Duke of Milton, Karen, is one of the five members of the lower-month council, and the lower-month council is the cornerstone of the Wizarding Union at the same level as the First University. In other words, the status of the Duke of Milton or Su Damei , approximately equivalent to several deans of First University.

Therefore, although the Duke of Milton's visit to Phuket Island aroused the attention of the school's guardian formation, it did not arouse too many ripples.


No. 97 Pedestrian Street, inside the d&k store.

The young shopkeeper was unaware of the imminent threat. Because he is now fully focused on a new guest.

Just a few minutes ago, the gypsy witch appeared at the door of the small shop.

At that time, Zheng Qing was chasing a short-haired cat that had stolen a mouse from a rat cage and ran around. Just as he ran to the door of the store, a red dress suddenly blocked his head, blocking him for a while. resistance. The ghostly short-haired cat took this opportunity to sneak away from the side of the red skirt, and in the blink of an eye, it ran away without a trace with the mouse in its mouth.

'Don't make me look back and find you among the cats, or get ready to catch a hundred mice for me! ’ After the stingy store manager muttered a few words viciously in his heart, he raised his head and looked at the figure blocking the door.

Then he was immediately blindsided.

"Eh?! Come?!" The young public finance student stood up straight at a loss, stood at the door of the store, and stared blankly at the gypsy witch.

Elena's arrival surprised him very much. But after the surprise, there was an inexplicable annoyance that I could talk to if I wanted to talk to him, and I just didn’t talk to him if I didn’t want to talk to him, am I a grass on the side of the road?

This time, it must not be exposed so easily, the wizard emphasized to himself in his heart.

"Why, aren't you welcome?" The gypsy witch seemed to have forgotten the little awkwardness of the past few days, and asked with a smile. At the same time, she raised her arms and pulled back her long, wavy hair that fell by her ears.

A strong fragrance rushed towards her face following her movements.

Seeing her smiling face, Zheng Qing's smoldering anger dissipated for some reason. Just a few seconds ago, he was going to yell at her, asking why he had treated him like this all this time, and at the same time giving To cheer yourself up, you must persist and have a bit of backbone.

But just seeing her smiling face, the young wizard felt that everything seemed to be no big deal.

"Who doesn't visit relatives for a few days every month...Maybe she's really busy recently."

The young public finance student comforted himself in this way, and at the same time clumsily moved away from his body, and said in a low voice, "Welcome, welcome, warm welcome... Come in, it's cold outside."

The witch pursed her lips, lowered her head, and squeezed sideways into the shop.

Zheng Qing glanced at her fair neck and smelled the fragrance from her shoulders, feeling a little dizzy, and couldn't help apologizing, "I'm so sorry...the store is a bit small. We can't afford to rent a place that is too big. I can make do with it."

"It's amazing," the gypsy witch praised, stepped across the threshold lightly, walked into the shop, and comforted her at the same time: "As far as I know, you are the only one among the first-year students who rely on their own ability to make money... this is The best."

Zheng Qing rubbed the back of his head and smiled foolishly.

In the distance, there seemed to be a few chuckles and whistles coming from the depths of the shop. The wizard felt a little heat on his face. He tried not to look at those partners or customers in the store. He could completely imagine those narrow expressions.

"Ah, by the way, I didn't interfere with your work just now, did I?" Just after entering the door, the witch seemed to think of something, and looked back at the shop manager, looking a little uneasy: "That cat..."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it's just being naughty." Zheng Qing waved his hand grandly, looking like he didn't care about it at the same time, pointed to the room, and said with a smile: "Those cats are also customers in the store. But unlike you, some cats are a bit naughty... that's okay."

Behind the counter, Jiang Yu, who was helping to check the ledger, coughed heavily twice.

Hearing this, Zheng Qing couldn't help but blushed for a while. Half a minute ago, he and Jiang Yu clamored to catch the cat and put it in a cage, 'there must be no less mice in the store'.

He tilted his head, pretending not to see Jiang Yu's teasing smile.

Then a yellow raccoon flickered past the corner of his eye.

The wizard immediately turned his head, widened his eyes, and searched carefully.

He didn't find the looming figure. In his sight, there was only a certain puppet cat squatting on the chair, licking its paw stupidly.

Illusion, it should be an illusion, he thought, shook his head, and threw out the absurd idea in his mind.

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