Hunting High School

Chapter Eight: The Ugly Duckling Among The Geese

In the long course of development, the classification and title of wizards have changed several times.

As the philosophical school "Dimension School" became a prominent school in the modern wizarding world, the Grand Wizarding Conference in 1945 established the classification and title of modern wizards in the form of law, and promoted its use in the alliance.

Any wizard who has passed the alliance's secondary education can obtain a formal 'wizard' certification.

This kind of certification will be recorded in the UMMC and can be inspected by people, but there is no certificate.

As the basic force of the alliance, the number of 'wizards' is the largest in the alliance. Maybe they can only cast a dazzling flash spell, or prepare some useful potions, but it is undeniable that these ordinary wizards support the normal operation of the entire wizarding world.

Of course, because the division is relatively extensive, there are also good and bad among wizards. In the alliance law, a magician who can only do a few simple magic tricks is called a wizard; a wizard who can smash buildings with explosive fireballs is also called a 'wizard'.

Without passing the relevant tests, a wizard can only live forever as a magician.

This is one of the reasons why jugglers are so hated in the wizarding world.

No one wants to be equal to a fool—even if, from a legal point of view, a fool is no different from an ordinary person.

When a wizard graduates from university and passes the relevant examinations, he becomes a cpw, which is a recognized licensed wizard. Sometimes they are also simply referred to as "Zhengwu" or "Zhengwu" by wizards.

Compared with the fragile and immature abilities of wizards, the Alliance has set clear and clear requirements for the level of registered wizards.

CPW is generally familiar with more than 300 runes, proficient in the preparation of 143 commonly used potions, proficient in general divination algorithms, and good at 365 spells and 81 talismans necessary for registered wizards , and can outline seventy-two sets of standard magic circles within the allowed time.

The most important thing is that they can fully grasp the power in their own blood, instead of passively receiving and using those powers that do not belong to them like ordinary wizards.

From the perspective of modern wizard theory, the abilities of every intelligent creature are incomparably vast and difficult to calculate.

The difference between a wizard and Bai Ding lies in the degree of development and mastery of these abilities.

Most white people, throughout their lives, will only develop little physical potential and use few brain cells to complete those ordinary and repetitive tasks. Their bodies are stiff, their minds are confused, and they often don't know the difference between Life and death.

And a certified wizard already has a certain degree of mastery over his own body. Their bodies are strong and lively, their brains are flexible, and their minds are keen.

The Wizarding Union has developed a series of standard tests to judge the level of wizards in long-term practice.

For example, preparing a certain potion, divination certain details, or chanting a spell, and so on. When a wizard can complete a certain test, the Wizarding Union will acquiesce that the wizard's ability to control the body has reached the standard.

This set of standards was originally developed by First University and promoted in the upgrade examination, which has been used until now. According to the judgment of senior assessors in the Wizards Union, every student from the First University who was normally promoted to senior year has the level of a registered wizard.

Registered wizards are the backbone of the wizarding world.

Among the more than one million people in the wizarding world, the number of registered wizards has always remained at around 10,000.

Almost a one in a hundred ratio.

Even if monster attacks and experimental accidents are excluded, there is not much room for improvement in this ratio.

In the eyes of wizards, registered wizards mean higher social status, richer salary income, and longer life span. Many high-level positions in the wizarding world are only open to registered wizards, such as the senior investigator of the Trident Sword, and a teaching assistant or lecturer at First University.

Only after obtaining these high-level positions, registered wizards have the resources to work hard towards the ranks of great wizards.

Although the potential of the human body is vast, it always has an end.

When a registered wizard has completely mastered his own body and soul, he has touched the threshold of a great wizard.

This is the pinnacle of being a registered wizard. During these days, they can prepare almost any potion developed by the wizards, and most of the complicated formations can be made at one go, and long and complex spells can be chanted without practice.

At this time, with the current physical condition, the registered wizard could no longer go any further.

So they need to look for opportunities and breakthrough themselves.

Perhaps a new spell, a new prescription, a theoretical breakthrough;

Maybe it's a wandering in the long river of time;

Perhaps an epiphany between life and death.

When registered wizards breakthrough this layer of shackles, they will touch a whole new world.

Great wizard.

The senior professors, deans, and even the vice-principals of the First University, the senators of the next month's council, senior members of the wizard council, and so on. These dazzling business cards are the best footnotes of the great wizard.

To ordinary wizards, great wizards seem to be everywhere, yet extremely far away.

Any great wizard is a valuable asset in the wizarding world and a spiritual guide for ordinary wizards.

Every bit of their breakthrough is a huge improvement for the wizarding world.


At the end of the letter paper is a thick dot of ink poked by a brush.

It seems that Xiao Xiao also breathed a sigh of relief when he wrote this.

Zheng Qing carefully folded the crumpled paper and stuffed it into the gray cloth bag in his bosom.

He felt that this kind of general common sense was worth taking the time to read it several times.

A burst of warm applause startled the absent-minded public fee students.

Zheng Qing raised his head, and the last freshman who introduced himself was staggering down from the podium.

Pulling out the pocket watch, most of the class time has passed silently.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of knuckles clasping the table sounded.

The freshmen cheered up again.

Professor Yao has already stood behind the desk again. The green smoke around him dissipated at some point, and those squinted small eyes revealed sharp black pupils again.

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"This is the end of the freshmen's self-introduction. I will say a few more words next."

Zheng Qing pricked up his ears.

But Professor Yao did not continue to speak.

Because in the first row of the classroom, a short arm stood straight in the air, interrupting his progress.

It's Li Meng.

"Is there any problem?" Lao Yao looked at the little girl very gently.

"Hello, teacher!" Li Meng stood up neatly, like a well-educated lady: "There is one person in our class who hasn't introduced himself. It's the one in the last row by the window, short, with watermelon hair, and wearing black glasses , called Xiao Xiao!"

"Oh! There's a new classmate." Professor Yao suddenly realized, and looked at Xiao Xiao with a smile: "That new classmate, did you say a few words?"

With a dark face, Xiao Xiao squeezed past a few giggling boys and walked onto the podium.

"Hi everyone. My name is Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao, a happy smile. I come from China. I like to wander around, but I hate writing notes. My pet is an old turtle. I don't have any specialties."

"I'm a special student at the First University, and I haven't taken the Wizarding Higher Education Examination. It can be understood that the college entrance examination score is 0."

Nodding, Xiao Xiao walked off the podium, not paying attention to those strange eyes.

There was sparse applause in the classroom.

Zheng Qing glanced at Xiao Xiao worriedly.

After all, among a group of freshmen who have taken the college entrance examination, there is a classmate who has not taken the college entrance examination.

Like an ugly duckling among geese.


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