Hunting High School

Chapter 80 Ding Dong Ears

After hearing the little mouse's request to take them as a guest, Zheng Qing was not surprised - this was a normal reaction of a mouse when faced with a combination of a cat and a wizard.

If the little mouse happily led them to find the mouse hole without saying a word, the young public finance student would instead mutter in his heart, and speculate about the mouse's intentions with the worst malice.

Shaking its ears, the black cat raised the corners of its mouth slightly, and squeezed out a tolerant smile: "It's okay, it's okay. I can't go this time, and I will go again when I have a chance. The first time you are born, the second time you are acquainted, and you will get to know each other a lot. Already... If it's not convenient for you to take us to your house, you can come to our dormitory to play."

"Our dormitory is on the big mountain dormitory behind Linzhong Lake. Linzhong Lake, you know, is the big lake next to the small forest where we stayed before... Oh, yes, I almost forgot..."

As he said that, the black cat raised its paw, signaling the big cat guarding the little mouse to let go of the mouse.

"Meow!" The big cat let out a low cry, and obediently opened its mouth biting the collar of the little mouse. The little mouse that was suspended in mid-air lost its support, and under the action of gravity, it "plopped" into the mud and fell on its back.

It didn't grow wings, it didn't flick its tail as a propeller, and it didn't float up by chanting a spell—the black cat narrowed its eyes and looked at the little mouse that fell on the ground, weighing its reaction, and judging what abilities it possessed in the bottom of its heart.

So far, apart from wearing clothes, speaking in human language, and having a little brain, he has not found any more outstanding performances of this little mouse.

"It's really rude... The cat below is not sensible, and it's causing you trouble." The smile on the black cat's face became more and more kind: "It's the first time we meet, please give me your advice, I am Andrew from Jiuyou College of First University Taylor, those next to me are classmates from the same hunting team as me."

The black cat hooked its tail, swung it left and right, and the tip of its tail passed in front of several partners.

"Andrew?!" Lin Guo's slightly surprised voice stopped abruptly as soon as it sounded. Xin Fatty had sharp eyes and quick hands, grabbed a piece of orange he had just peeled, and stuffed it into the little wizard's mouth, blocking the voice behind him.

"Quiet!" Lan Que reached out and patted Lin Guo's shoulder lightly, exhorting her softly.

The little wizard is just a little young and inexperienced, and he is not stupid—on the contrary, as the youngest entrant to the First University for decades, his IQ is very high—just in the blink of an eye, he understood the nonsense of the black cat. Because of this, she closed her mouth obediently and continued to suck the sweet and sour orange juice in her mouth.

"Damn big cat!" The little mouse got up from the ground cursingly, patted the dust on his body, then took the time to trim his beard, and politely greeted the black cat: "I made you laugh, Your honorable cat leader. You can call me 'Dingdong Ears'."

The corner of the black cat's mouth twitched, not knowing whether to complain about the little mouse's earthy "cat leader" or the little mouse's "name"—it was reasonable, although he told the little mouse that the name was fake, But at least it was a name. There are surnames, formats, and standards, and the names of the allusions can be found in the Oxford Dictionary.

And the "Dingdong ears" that the little mouse calls itself doesn't look like a real name no matter how you look at it.

"Dingdong ears, right?" The black cat repeated the name of the little mouse with difficulty, and laughed dryly: "It's a very interesting name, it's rare... Is your surname Dingdong, or your ears?"

"What's the surname?" The little mouse gave the black cat a strange look: "Everyone calls me 'Ding Dong Er'... Isn't that my name?"

Why would someone give you such a weird name!

The black cat roared in his heart, took a deep breath, and a lot of concepts and nouns appeared in his mind - such as the concept of paternity, blood, family, etc. - and planned to have a good talk with the little mouse. But when he thought that what he was facing was just a mouse, he felt bored.

After a moment of silence, Zheng Qing finally decided not to dwell on this issue any longer.

The black cat tilted its head and glanced at Fatty next to it.

Fatty came to his senses immediately, took out a small bag of shredded squid from his watch, and stuffed it under the little mouse's nose: "Hey, it's not a respect when we meet for the first time... I just gave you a fright, this is my apology."

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

The little mouse's nose twitched, its eyes suddenly opened wide, and its two little paws stretched out involuntarily. While taking the small bag in Fatty's hand, it still gave way: "How embarrassing, how embarrassing... Actually, just now Everyone is wrong, but I, Ding Dong, have a good ear and a good heart, so I forgive you."

While muttering incomprehensible words, he tore open the mouth of the bag, pulled out a golden shredded squid from inside, stuffed it into his mouth two or three times, and chewed it with enjoyment.

Fatty rolled his eyes, trying to suppress the humming in his throat.

Seeing that the chatting atmosphere became more and more active, the black cat finally started to ask some sensitive questions: "You said before that you came out of the house to find a mouse with could it be 'brought back' by my subordinates? "

As he spoke, he pointed to the forest cat not far away.

Because there is no need to lead the way, the forest cat is lying lazily under a big tree, enjoying the pleasure of being licked by other cats. Suddenly seeing the black cat raise its paw towards it, it jumped up in a jerk, wagging its tail in favor.

The little mouse chewed the shredded squid, glanced at the big cat wagging its tail, and muttered: "Because the ancestors said that if we meet a cat outside, we should not run around and learn to pretend to be dead... cats in school don't eat dead bodies." of."

"At that time, I was following a litter of big mice. The little mice they gave birth to recently seemed very spiritual, so I blocked the entrance of their cave, planning to ask for a few to take back. Then I was at the entrance of the cave, and the one under your hand The big cats met."

"I am very disciplined. When I saw a cat blocking the back, I immediately lay dead."

"It turned out that your cat is not particular about his hands... I was lying there stiffly, and he even brought me back."

Speaking of this, Ding Dong sighed deeply, shook his head, then nodded again, raised his little paw, stroked his beard, and added: "Speaking of which, you are not as fierce as it is written in the book... ..."

Several wizards looked at each other with subtle expressions.

"You still read?" Fatty finally couldn't help it, and asked in a rough voice: "What book are you reading? Where did you get it? Who taught you how to read? Your family... all mice like you read books Is it?" (to be continued)

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