Hunting High School

Chapter 69: The Murder Caused By The Tribute

How to be a cat king, wait online, very urgent...

On the shore of Linzhong Lake, in the depths of the grove, on a low wooden stake, a black cat that is changing its mood is holding its paws, looking sadly at the dozens of cats of different sizes and types around it, with something in its heart. Ten thousand alpacas galloped past.

It is said that cats are shivering, and they like to toss the shit-shoveling officer in different ways, and they never get tired of it.

But for Zheng Qing, he didn't notice the tendency of the cats in front of him to tremble. Instead, he just beat up the biggest cat, and then all the rest of the cats came up and let him beat him. To be honest, he was really proud of it for a while at first. After all, wherever he goes, there are a large group of younger brothers hugging him, which is really magnificent.

But soon, he became bored.

Cats aren't really social animals after all. Although I don’t know why, these cats in the school will get together and choose a leader, but in fact, most of the cats still maintain a subtle distance between them, like a blooming dandelion, echoing each other when they get together , but when the wind comes, they will go their own way and disperse into a ball.

This is not the Elvis King Zheng Qing wants to be.

To complain, before the group of cats scattered, Zheng Qing still enjoys the highest "treatment" among a group of cats. For example, if a cat catches a sparrow, it will bring the thickest piece of breast meat to him as a tribute; For example, if there are two cats fighting with each other, if he looks at each other, the two cubs will settle down peacefully; for another example, the most beautiful Persian cats and Ragdoll cats in the cat group are all at this moment. Lying obediently around the black cat.

It needs to be emphasized here that a certain black cat does not intend to have more in-depth communication with these beautiful little cats beyond race, he just thinks that these little female cats with long (chang) hair are well-behaved and beautiful, and they are very comfortable to step on . Besides, there would be several cats following him anyway, and it would be better to give up the position to these little female cats than to give up the position to those muscular and murderous idiots.

Originally, Zheng Qing planned to be an Elvis Presley with no ambitions until the effect of the transformation potion faded before leaving.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

Until a blue cat presented him with a dead mouse.

The black cat raised its eyebrows, and finally realized what he seemed to have missed.

He stood up and yelled at the blue cat: "Stop!"


As if a bomb fell into the woods, the cats who were lying on their stomachs, lying down, and wandering around were startled by the sudden "strange sound" and boldly bared their teeth and showed their teeth between their paws. The sharp blade looked around; the timid one jumped into the canopy of the tree next to it, and after hiding it, he cautiously poked out half of his head and looked down.

This made Zheng Qing almost crooked his beard.

It's just such a group of stragglers who can run faster than anyone else when things happen, so what can they be expected to do! It is really sad for Elvis Presley to have such a bunch of subordinates on the booth.

Fortunately, he wasn't a real cat, so he didn't have to keep being so sad.

After a pause, Zheng Qing finally recovered from the 'disintegration' of the cat group. At the same time, after the 'broken' cats didn't find any danger, they gathered together again in twos and threes, licking and rubbing each other's fur, as if nothing happened just now.

The black cat stared at them silently for a while, and finally gave up its plan to teach them a lesson.

"Cough!" He coughed dryly, raised a paw, and pointed at the blue cat just now.

Because of the little accident just now, he realized that speaking in human language might scare these cats, but he didn’t want to learn how to meow. The main thing is that he doesn't know what kind of meow means what kind of meaning, which is a bit embarrassing. If after he utters 'meow', seven or eight female cats come over shyly, it will not be fun.

After thinking about it, he simply stretched out his paw and began to gesture, only hoping that the group of "spiritual cats" in front of him were really as spiritual as the students said.

'Mouse, I want more! '

Zheng Qing pointed to the dead mouse on the ground, then pointed to himself, then clasped his paws together and let out an 'ow' sound.

"Aww!" The blue cat nodded repeatedly, then turned around and rushed into the woods again with a whoosh.

Zheng Qing looked at the blue cat's back with satisfaction, and his eyes fell on the other lazy cats. He couldn't help but froze, and then flew into a rage: 'You guys, too! '

He flew up a few times, kicked and kicked, and drove up the cats that were napping on the ground, then pointed to the dead mouse under the tree stump, and howled a few times.

The other cats meowed complainingly, and ran out of the forest dejectedly. Even those Persian cats and Ragdoll cats were no exception, they were all chased away by Zheng Qing to catch mice.

Soon, the first blue cat to leave came back.

It had a dead sparrow in its mouth.

The black cat's beard trembled, and it stared blankly at the sparrow, speechless for a while.

With the first one, then the second one, the third one, after a while, the big and small cats who were driven away by Zheng Qing came back with their tributes.

Zheng Qing finally despaired of the IQ of these stupid cats.

Kicking sparrows, fat caterpillars, squirrels with big tails, and occasionally a mouse or two are relatively normal tributes.

There was also a guy with a clear mind, who dug out a nest of corpse beetles from somewhere and sent them to Zheng Qing! It made Zheng Qing feel the urge to kill it and feed the bugs.

The strangest thing is the former leader of the cat, that is, the Norwegian Forest Cat. I don't know if it was to show that Own is different, or to show Own's bravery, it brought a three-foot-long grass snake to Zheng Qing in its mouth!

When the grass snake rolled to Zheng Qing's feet, it was still alive. Blood was bubbling from the transparent holes in the snake's neck, and the slender snake's body fluttered indiscriminately, causing grass clippings to fall and mud to fly around.

The black cat took a long breath, and then let it out slowly.

Don't be angry, don't be angry, they are just a bunch of stupid cats, there is no need to be as knowledgeable as them.

Then take another long breath and let it out slowly.

The forest cat looked at the black cat's inhalation, probably thought that he had done a good job, so he leaned over happily, stretched out his paws, and pulled the grass snake open.

Stab it!

The snake blood splashed onto the black cat's face with a few drops of strangely colored liquid.

Finally, the black cat couldn't hold back the restlessness in its heart. It screamed, jumped up, and slapped the forest cat on the head with its two tails. It seems that this forest cat is more resistant to beating among the group of cats, so it is the only one.

After venting his anger, the black cat finally felt a little better. (to be continued)

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