Hunting High School

Chapter 42 The Broken Law

Maybe it's because of the influence of 'that shadow'.

After turning into a cat again, Zheng Qing felt that his own bone frame seemed to have grown a lot—no, it didn't seem to be, it was indeed a big size.

The black cat, which was originally about the same size as Tuantuan, now had to lower its head to see the tips of the fat cat's ears, not to mention the fat cat's paws. Zheng Qing reckoned that if he stood up straight, he might be one meter high or low.

This is no longer a black cat.

It would not be an exaggeration to call him a 'little black tiger'.

"You monster... stand far away! My body can't fit half of your face!"

"Where's the clothes? You rascal cat! Where's your clothes? How big is the cat, with bare butt, can you lose the cat?!"

"Clean up the gum from the corners of your eyes! Don't pollute other people's eyes!"

Dylan's full-length mirror screamed viciously, reprimanding the big black cat squatting in front of it, completely ignoring the dangerous light in the squinted eyes of the black cat in front of him, not knowing that he was only one paw away from being torn apart. distance.

Fortunately, apart from this noisy full-length mirror, there are two talking guys in the room.

"Cough cough," Dr. Xiao Da coughed twice, before the big black cat got mad and smashed the mirror, he reminded cautiously: "I remember that mirror was a birthday present from Dylan's family... very commemorative meaningful."

"The murderer dies, and the one who hurts the thief shall be punished." Xin Fatty shook his head and memorized the three chapters of the agreement, and at the same time stole a glance at the big black cat, and added in a muttering voice: " will never be a cat forever... smash it Other people’s things have to be paid for.”

Zheng Qing's raised paw paused in mid-air, and finally retracted it slowly.

There were two sighs of relief from behind.

Looking behind the mirror, he seemed to have discovered the threat of the black cat, and finally stopped making noise—to be precise, it was startled by the black cat's raised paw, and completely hid in the mirror frame, refusing to show up— The mirror finally returned to its original function.

The young public fee student squinted his eyes, stood in front of the full-length mirror, and looked at the tall and mighty black cat in the mirror, both happy and worried.

Happily, he is now so big and strong that it seems safer to roam the campus. Even if you encounter some out-of-control werewolves and zombies, you will not be powerless to resist.

What worries him is that with such a big change, he doesn't know if he can still wander around the campus at will.

Although the First University does not prohibit the existence of "non-pet small animals" on campus, it clearly prohibits those animals that are too large or have certain lethality to appear on campus - for example, Zheng Qing's patrol team has a The most important job is to throw out all kinds of strange creatures such as kappa, fishwife, and water ghost who slipped out of Linzhong Lake, and wild boars, leopards, and big snakes that sneaked in from the Silent Forest along the river channel—this is both For the safety of the students, but also for the safety of other small animals.

Thinking of this, the black cat raised the pads in its paws, popped out its sharp claws, looked at the pink pads and the cold light on the tips of the claws, and was a little unsure whether he was considered a 'dangerous animal' or not.

'It would be nice if he could be smaller. ’ the young public fee student muttered in his heart.

Then he felt his whole body tighten, his vision flickered for a while, the magic power in his body flowed, and a feeling of being hollowed out spontaneously arose.



There were two shocked shouts faintly behind him.

When Zheng Qing regained his composure and looked at the full-length mirror again, he was almost scared by the impact in the mirror and jumped to the ceiling.

"This size is much more suitable!" Jingling, who was originally hiding behind the mirror frame, immediately noticed the change of the black cat, and squeezed its round, fat pancake face onto the mirror again, and added solemnly: "... Now that I am in this state, I can help you plan your image and give you accurate opinions..."

Zheng Qing stared blankly at the image in the mirror, completely ignoring the noise of the full-length mirror.

In the mirror, the big black cat, which was originally more than one meter tall, has shrunk to about half a meter at some point—just simply connect the cause and effect, and the young public finance student will immediately understand the mystery—he feels that he has discovered a big cat. power power.

"Ahem!" The black cat raised its paw, brought it to its mouth, and pretended to cough twice—'It would be better if it could be smaller! ’ He said silently in his heart, then stared at the full-length mirror with wide eyes.

As expected, as the feeling of skin tightening hit again, his eyesight shook a little, but suddenly, the half-meter-high body of the black cat shrank again, becoming about 30 centimeters.

'Smaller' 'Smaller' 'Small, small, small! '

In this way, with his thoughts, the size of the black cat continued to shrink, down to about five or six centimeters, and finally there was no way to continue shrinking.

At this moment, Zheng Qing's straight body was not as tall as Fat Cat's front legs—but Fat Cat seemed to be frightened by the shrinking black cat, its eyes were wide open, and the long hair on its neck was fluffy. It looked like it would jump onto the desk and run away at any moment.

'Grow bigger! ’ Zheng Qing changed the angle and began to meditate again in his heart.

As it wished, with a flash in front of its eyes, the black cat, which was originally the size of a mouse, suddenly grew up and swelled up as if blowing air. Ten centimeters, fifteen centimeters, thirty centimeters, sixty centimeters, one meter, two meters, all the way to three meters high and low, almost crowded the dormitory to the brim, Zheng Qing vaguely felt the 'growth limit'.

Dylan's full-length mirror closed its mouth completely when the black cat swelled to two meters, and hid behind the mirror frame again. As for the Fatty Cat, when the black cat swelled to two meters, it jumped back to Fatty's bed, got into the bed, only half of its head was exposed, and cautiously stared at the 'capricious' guy.

As for Dr. Xiao Da and Xin Fatty, since Zheng Qing's body shape began to change, they have always had their mouths, motionless, and looked like they have lost their minds. They were all stunned.

Zheng Qing, on the other hand, seemed to have found a new toy, constantly switching between 'bigger', 'shrink', 'bigger', 'shrink smaller' - until he felt dizzy before his eyes, I was surprised to find that the magic power in my body was almost exhausted!

This brought him back to his senses, and at the same time, he began to be shocked by the change in own.

You should know that according to the 'Mundell's Law', it is impossible for a wizard to simultaneously achieve the three conditions of 'magic power stability', 'accurate deformation' and 'independent spirit' - this means that as long as it is a formally transformed wizard, it is impossible to Mana consumption occurs.

But now, Zheng Qing consumed a lot of mana in the transformed state, which made him a little panicked, wondering if he was going to have symptoms like 'schizophrenia'. (to be continued)

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

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