Hunting High School

Chapter Five Visiting

November 7th, the tenth day of October in the lunar calendar.


Solar terms, Lidong.

Yi, offering sacrifices, bathing, and traveling.

Avoid, open the market, break ground, hold funerals.

The turbulent moon hunting is gradually coming to an end in one exciting hunting game after another, especially in the last few days, because the closing ceremony of the school hunting meeting is approaching, Jiuyou Academy has reappeared the peak flow of people in the opening days of the opening ceremony, Guests from brothers colleges and off-campus came in droves, filling the originally spacious school to the brim, and even the forest by the lake and the promenade around the mansion were full of people.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Zheng Qing.

Because of the commotion from other colleges after the freshman match, and the rumors that gradually fermented in the future, the young public-funded students were under tremendous pressure. Although it's not like "rats crossing the street and everyone shouting and beating", there is no way to go to various arenas to watch games leisurely like in the past, or go to small hunting parties held by certain associations to eat and drink.

After all, people often drink too much at dances. If he appears in the wrong place at the wrong time, he is likely to be splashed with alcohol. If he is unlucky, he may even be dragged by his robe and scolded.

After all, Zheng Qing doesn't shake m, and he doesn't like to yell, so out of sight and out of mind, he simply doesn't go to crowded places.

Today is Friday, there is an alchemy class in the morning and a practical class in the afternoon.

Maybe it's because of Moon Hunting, in the last month's practice class, Hilda's assistant teacher seldom let the students do high-intensity spell training, but more on learning some theoretical knowledge - such as the rules and regulations of hunting games, Case studies of classic hunting games, tips for watching hunting games, and other interesting little knowledge, etc.

Just like in this lesson, what Hilda shared with you were specific examples of certain fouls in hunting games.

Since this was a big class mixed with the Alpha Academy, Zheng Qing had already prepared himself to be sarcastic and verbal. But to his surprise, he didn't hear too many excessive words until the bell rang.

It wasn't until Andrew Taylor stepped forward to greet him with a smile that the young public fee student vaguely guessed the reason.

"Mr. Soprano expressed his appreciation for the freshman competition at the Cheung Kei Club's regular meeting, so many people in the academy should have some reservations about your opinions."

The little Young Master of Taylor's family stroked the jewel on his finger, and continued: "Of course, Alpha is very big, besides Mr. Soprano, there are also Sir Friedman's people..."

As he spoke, he glanced calmly at Matthew Karen who was not far away, and added in a low voice: "My friend told me that people from the Hemophilia Society have been wandering around the Shushan Pavilion recently, as if looking for Who... Of course, they are not necessarily looking for you, but they are not Mr. Soprano's people after all, just to be on the safe side, I suggest you stay in the dormitory to study recently."

Zheng Qing forced a smile: "Thank you...I happen to have other things these days, so I didn't plan to go to the library."

Andrew nodded in satisfaction, looking at his expression, he seemed to think that Zheng Qing changed his attention because of his persuasion.

But in fact, Zheng Qing is really a bit busy these days.

Just like today, after the practical class, he will go to the school hospital to visit Dylan with other partners; tomorrow, Saturday night, he will have a routine patrol mission; and on Sunday, Jiang Yu informed him in the morning that Du Ze Dr. Mu had something to do on Monday, so the time for the elf inspection was brought forward to Sunday—of course, the recent increase in the number of people in the school, and the overcrowding of the Book Mountain Library is also one of the reasons why Zheng Qing gave up going to the library.

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Speaking of visiting Dylan in the school hospital, Zhang Jixin originally suggested that everyone raise funds to buy a Pandora’s box at Green’s grocery store—this is a small box that can only be opened to find out what gift is inside, which is a test of luck for the buyer—but This suggestion was finally rejected by Xiao Xiao.

According to Dr. Xiao Da, what Dylan needs now is not a little luck, but a lot of energy.

Because it coincided with the beginning of winter, after repeated discussions, the doctor finally chose to bring a large box of dumplings as a gift.

"In fact, I would rather you bring me a dozen chicken legs." Mr. Vampire Werewolf wearing a hospital gown looked sadly at the big box of dumplings in front of him, and muttered, "Or, it would be good to bring a few boxes of blood tofu."

"I remember that you don't have so many requirements when it comes to food." Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows and said in surprise, "Didn't you say before that you are an omnivorous creature?"

"Aren't picky eaters allowed?" Dylan said with a gloomy face, "As a 1,500-year-old man, he can't even eat what he wants... It's really sad."

"Oh, oh, the age has increased again!" Xin Fatty shook his stubby fingers and reminded repeatedly: "Aren't you only 1,300 years old before? It's only been a few days since I saw you, how come you have increased by 200 years!"

"My age is affected by Schrödinger's law. It is constant for me, but it is constantly changing for you." Dylan forced a wave of explanations, and immediately changed the subject: "By the way, what are dumplings stuffed with?" ? Let me tell you first, I definitely don’t eat spicy things like onions, ginger, garlic, leeks..."

"Knowing that you have half the blood of a vampire, who wouldn't mind preparing garlic for you!" Xiao Xiao snorted, but still patiently explained: "The dumpling stuffing is made of frog meat."

"Frog meat?" Dylan picked up one with chopsticks, sniffed it under his nose, with a somewhat interested expression on his face: "Although I've heard that frogs can eat...but it can also make dumplings? Take frogs Don’t you get taxed for making food?”

Zheng Qing knew that Dylan was referring to the 'murder tax'. It was a special tax for wizards killing small animals, and the tax rate was very high, and it would also involve other corresponding penalties.

"Amphibious animals are no longer included in the taxable list." Xiao Xiao said with a dark face: "In addition, these frog meats are sent by Iseni - that is, the murloc in Linzhong Lake - they have raised frogs as snacks And according to the concept of murlocs, a frog is a creature that can transcend life and death (note, here refers to hibernation and awakening), eating it can lead to health and longevity. So this gift is very suitable in my opinion."

"But I remember Iseni's pet is a little flying frog?!" Xin Fatty suddenly remembered something, and was shocked: "Did it chop the own frog into dumpling stuffing? The murloc actually ate the own pet! It's too evil Already!"

"Eating dog meat does not conflict with keeping a pet dog." Zheng Qing sees this aspect quite clearly: "Although the possibility that Iseni chopped the little frog into dumpling stuffing is not ruled out, it is also possible that it is just from itself. I picked a few from the raised frog garden and chopped them up." (To be continued)

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