Hunting High School

Chapter Ii The Position Of Public Opinion

Zheng Qing's impression of Shi Yuan is still in the little monk sitting next to him on the special plane for admission to the school, and the delicious conversation in the Yota restaurant.

Although the Knights of Punishment signed the name of the little monk when it was established, it was more because according to the regulations of the First University, the establishment of a new society needs to include all the characteristics of the four colleges, so they must Russ College seeks a suitable 'Representative'.

It has been almost a month since the establishment of the Knights, and the Forgiveness Hunting Team has even finished its own debut, but it is the first time for Shi Yuan little monk to formally participate in the meeting of this small group.

"Welcome, welcome!" Xin Fatty opened his arms and shouted in an exaggerated tone: "Warmly welcome Master Shi's visit and guidance... I didn't prepare the vegetarian meal in advance, and the hospitality was not good, please forgive me!"

"Nawu Amitābha..." Shi Yuan seemed a little caught off guard, he was stunned, and then he bowed, proclaimed the Buddha's name, and said vaguely: "Don't dare, I'm stupid, please give me some advice."

Fatty's open arm met little monk's 'hand knife', and he couldn't move forward or retreat immediately. Finally, he laughed dryly, bent his arm back, and hugged it to the back of his head: "...Is there anything important today? Usually you You rarely come to our parties."

Not very few, not at all. Zheng Qing muttered in his heart, and also looked at Shi Yuan curiously. He was also intrigued by the question Fatty asked.

"Amitābha, the little monk is also a little confused." Shi Yuan touched the Buddhist beads hanging around his neck, turned his head to look at Xiao Xiao, and added: "Student Xiao asked me to come here."

"Doctor?" The eyes of the others turned to Xiao Xiao immediately, with surprise in their eyes.

Xiao Xiao did not immediately respond to these doubts.

He didn't even look directly at the guests, which seemed a bit rude.

At this moment, he crossed his hands, propped his chin, and was staring blankly at a distance with his eyes out of focus, as if he was thinking about something. Perhaps sensing the confused atmosphere around him, he retracted his gaze a little, lazily opened the thick black notebook in front of him, and shouted: "Since everyone is here, let's start..."

"Today we call everyone, there are three things."

"The first one is about the recent rumors..."

Having said that, Xiao Xiao paused, sat up a little bit upright, and looked around. As far as the eye could see, everyone carefully avoided Zheng Qing's figure and exchanged meaningful glances with each other.

"Everyone knows that there have been a lot of strange remarks recently in the class, in the courtyard, and outside the courtyard. For example, our hunting team carried a powerful 'demon-attracting potion' that is prohibited by the rules, and our hunters contracted powerful drugs in advance. Magical Beasts as helpers, or Lao Yao ignoring the rules and favoring people from his academy, etc... Even the fact that the hunting team helped us train before was dug out and publicized."

"Honestly, it's a terrible feeling."

"Here, I need to emphasize that we ourselves have a clear conscience. We did not use any dishonorable methods in this game, nor did we do anything against morality - but as I told you before As my brother said, sometimes, there are certain things that cannot be solved by escaping."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"If we don't occupy the position of public opinion, those rumors will occupy it. If we don't do it, no one will do it for us. Therefore, these rumors must be eliminated by our own They won’t disappear unless they’re wiped out. It’s the same as sweeping the floor, the dust won’t go away by itself if the broom doesn’t reach it.”

"However, I remember that when the school started, didn't Arthur Ness also toss a bunch of rumors? We didn't pay attention to him." Xin Fatty immediately put forward his own opinion.

"The premise is different, and the offensive and defensive powers are also different." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and explained: "In the matter of Arthur Ness, he did not discredit us, but tried to 'praise' us... We explained and No, it doesn't matter much."

"It's different now."

"We have been enrolled for two months, and the mid-term examination is about to end. If some professors feel bad for us because of such rumors and lower our grades casually, that would be too bad."

"What's more, we were new to school and unfamiliar with the place. Even if we wanted to explain, we didn't know how to justify... Now, Fatty works for the school newspaper, and Brother Qing is also familiar with wandering wizards. Whether it's a formal Whether it is a place for public opinion or a place for disseminating rumors, we all have some channels, so we won’t be blind."

After some words, Fatty smiled.

"It's easy to say, easy to say." He stuffed the remaining beef jerky in his arms back into the watch, and then pointed his fingers and said in a serious manner: "I was preparing the manuscript a few days ago, as long as you give me some advice, doctor, that's fine." That's right...maybe I can mix up a commentator's article!"

"What about you?" Xiao Xiao kicked Zheng Qing.

Zheng Qing slammed on the table without lifting his head, but he still took out a card from his pocket and stuffed it in: "This is the gold card of the homeless bar... If you have any questions, you can negotiate with that old man yourself .He only recognizes money but not people.”

"But the card is registered." Xiao Xiao picked up the card with two fingers, tilted his head to look at it, finally shook his head, and threw it back to Zheng Qing: "This matter still needs to be done by you... Remember, you are the head of the club."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing sighed quietly.

"Then, let's talk about the second thing."

"Today is the Wednesday of the tenth week, and next week, that is, the Wednesday of the eleventh week, is the Xiayuan Festival. Before the Xiayuan Festival, we will go to the school hospital to visit Dylan... I hope you still remember that poor lad."

Zheng Qing still had an impression of this matter.

Because of the influence of blood, the Xiayuan Festival has a particularly serious impact on the hybrid creatures under the moon. So Dylan was admitted to the safe ward early in accordance with the school's requirements, so as not to cause any unnecessary troubles outside - because of this, the original plan to let him play as a hunter was ignored, and he was replaced by Blue. bird.

Of course, the blue tits are also doing very well.

"Then let's go on the weekend!" Zhang Jixin immediately said, and suggested: "We can spare time to go shopping in the pedestrian street and buy him a gift."

"We can't do it on weekends." Xiao Xiao immediately denied: "Sunday is not an auspicious day for the zodiac, and the result of divination is that it is forbidden to travel or visit friends, but it is suitable for burial and prayer... On Saturday, many of us have school working committees. arranged work."

He pronounced the word "many people" very clearly.

The others looked at each other and laughed a few times.

Zhang Jixin muttered in a low voice: "Then tell me, when are we going?"

"Tomorrow, Thursday." Xiao Xiao said quickly, apparently already made a plan: "According to the Chinese calendar, tomorrow is a good time to travel and avoid burial... and tomorrow is Lidong, we can go to the school hospital to visit him after class, by the way Bring him some dumplings." (To be continued)

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