Hunting High School

Chapter 316: The Doctor’S Analysis Of Big Cats

"But Brother Qing's shadow is still there!"

A voice suddenly sounded, questioning Xiao Xiao's words.

It was Sim Fatty who spoke.

He didn't know when he took out a cup of fried and crispy chicken popcorn from his watch. He was holding it in his hand, chewing it with relish, and said in a vague voice: "When you were discussing this matter before, I said to wait one has come, and if you study blindly on the sidelines, there will definitely be problems."

"Hey! Now there's a problem..." Fatty licked his finger, wiped off the oil residue on it, then stretched out his finger, pointed at the sole of the public fee student's feet solemnly, and emphasized: "Although what the doctor said is very I generally agree with the truth...but, look, brother Qing's shadow is still there!"

"If that big black cat was caused by his shadow, then his shadow should be gone by now!"

Zheng Qing nodded when she heard this.

Even to support Fatty's argument, he deliberately took two steps towards the light, letting the shadow under his feet draw out a long shape, and added: "Yes, yes, my shadow is still there. It's so obvious Things... If the shadow is gone, I won't know?"

Zhang Jixin blew his nose vigorously and muttered something, as if he was questioning Zheng Qing's statement.

Xiao Xiao did not answer Fatty directly, but asked a difficult question:

"Do you think that after a two-dimensional shadow breaks through the two-dimensional world, it will still be a two-dimensional shadow?"

Zheng Qing and Fatty looked at each other, speechless.

Indeed, in theory, if Zheng Qing’s shadow breaks through the dimensional constraints and escapes from the two-dimensional world, then his state must have met the requirements of higher dimensions—this means that he may be three-dimensional, four-dimensional, or even higher. dimension exists.

If this is the case, then 'Shadow No. 1' dislikes Zheng Qing's body being too crowded, and goes out for a walk, leaving a 'Shadow No. 2' to occupy the place, as if someone left a piece of clothing when leaving home, there is nothing wrong with that .

Xiao Xiao turned his head to look at Zheng Qing, and said seriously: "You are in the hunting ground, and your perspective is limited. And you passed out during that time... I was in the stands, and I saw and knew more than you naturally."

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"After you passed out, red flames ignited on your body."

"There are black shadows in the red flames."

"Those monsters who wanted to take the opportunity to attack you turned into black ash after being contaminated with red flames—this is the sacrifice—and those black shadows grew rapidly after enjoying the sacrifice."

"When the red flame was exhausted, the black shadow solidified and turned into that big black cat."

"Compared to the name you used as 'black tiger demon', I am more inclined to call it a 'big black cat', which is the externalization of your inner projection..." Xiao Xiao had a deep meaning He took a look at Zheng Qing.

Zheng Qing knew that Xiao Xiao's implication was that he transformed the black cat. Not many people know about this matter, and Dr. Xiao Da is one of them.

"The black shadow, the shape of a black cat, the process of turning from virtual to real, and the story before your shadow, etc., all kinds of clues are brought together. If you know a little bit of divination skills, you can perceive the connection and make a conclusion. The most likely judgment."

"Yes, all my judgments just now are guesses."

"Although the probability is the highest, other more extreme possibilities cannot be ruled out."

"If the black shadow is my shadow, what is the red flame?" Zheng Qing asked, while stretching out his finger, nodding his head: "You said 'the shadow I came back from before' ran away again, but I There are indeed many scattered memories in my head, memories that don't belong to do you explain this?"

"Do you think breaking through the two-dimensional world, or getting out of your body again is a very easy thing?" Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows: "Although we don't know much about the concept of dimensional leap, it doesn't affect us knowing that this is a Very difficult, very difficult."

"According to what you said, there are only some fragmentary memories left in your head."

"In fact, he may be forced to leave more than some memories..."

"Stop! Stop! Stop here!" Zhang Jixin interrupted the doctor's analysis in a rough voice, frowned, and said with a firm expression: "What we are discussing now is that Zheng Qing left his teammates and lured away the demon privately." Qun, something that almost killed you!"

"This is a very serious discussion! Don't digress!"

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, and closed his mouth with unfinished thoughts.

Zheng Qing moved aside, hid half of his body behind Xin Fatty, and showed a cute smile at the red-faced wizard.

Zhang Jixin was unmoved, with a tigerish face, waving his arms, and said excitedly:

"Give up the own team members!"


"Put yourself in danger casually!"

"You are the captain of a hunting team! Not a wandering wizard! Not even a bait!!"

"Are you doing this because you don't trust us?"

"No, absolutely no such meaning!" Zheng Qing immediately jumped out and loudly denied Elder's guess.

"Then you think you can fight hundreds of monsters by yourself, and you think we are a burden?"

"Not at all..." Zheng Qing's expression immediately collapsed.

"The hunting team is a group! Hunting is a collective activity! It's not a place for you to play personal heroism and take leftist risky behaviors!" Zhang Da Elder smashed his palms hard, and said sadly: "The punch just now was for me. You fought with Fatty as punishment for giving up your you have a problem?"

Zheng Qing shook his head to the rattle.

But he still couldn't help but defended in a low voice: "I didn't give up on you..."

He didn't finish his sentence.

Xin Fatty, who was standing beside him, suddenly opened his arms, embraced him forcefully, and gave him a firm hug.

"Yes, we all need to explain." Xin whispered and patted him on the back hard.

Zheng Qing felt his eyes a little sour.

Then he struggled to break away from Fatty's hug, and muttered in a low voice: "...Why is it a greasy Fatty...the smell of fried chicken on your body is too strong..."

The other hunters of the forgiveness hunting team didn't care about his whispered complaints, and stepped forward one by one, giving their captain a comforting hug. Zheng Qing muttered words that he couldn't understand, but he couldn't stop the bright smile on his face.

Zhang Jixin was the last one.

When the crowd dispersed again, the red-faced wizard cleared his throat and continued to speak:

"In view of Zheng Qing's private behavior and undisciplined behavior."

"I propose to remove Zheng Qing as the captain of the hunting team!"



Xiao Xiao and Lan Que agreed decisively, making Zheng Qing look confused.

I was still in a hug just now, how could I get rid of my captain in a blink of an eye? Although he didn't care about this identity at first, this sudden gap is too exaggerated!

"Or, let's talk about it later..." Xin Fatty glanced at everyone, and said in a low voice: "I'm going to be on stage to receive the award soon... Regarding the hunting team, we will have a meeting in a few days, let's settle it in a meeting ..."

Before the words fell, a familiar voice came from outside the lounge:

"The freshman game is not over yet, you guys are going to kill Captain Own!"

"It's the funniest hunting party I've ever seen." (To be continued)

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