Hunting High School

Chapter 314: 'Hello'

The underground promenade is winding and deep, with no distractions.

There is no exit in front and no light in back.

Zheng Qing and Lao Yao walked among them, and could only hear the tapping of footsteps and Lao Yao's rambling explanation.

As a professor, Lao Yao may have a bad temper, but his habit of being a good teacher penetrates the bone deeply. Even if he simply explained the concept of 'Karma Turning Curse' to Zheng Qing, he took the trouble to give many examples and elaborate many details.

For example, from his mouth, Zheng Qing learned that those monsters in the hunting grounds are also very particular about the'eating method'.

In order to reduce the difficulty of 'Death', when the wizards of the school recorded the spells for these monsters, the priority command given was 'swallow', that is, to swallow them as completely as possible after being bitten to death, so as to reduce the students' pain in the process of Death. pain.

Of course, sometimes there are too many monsters and little meat, or the bloody eyes of fighting, this 'priority order' will naturally be covered up by a stronger nature, and it is inevitable that there will be such things as 'sharing food', 'chewed', and 'torn into pieces' 'Wait for the worse.

Although these circumstances will not affect the return of the students, they will definitely leave a certain degree of psychological shadow on them.

When encountering such unlucky people, the school does not hesitate to spend. It has arranged the best therapists and ample rest time for these students to ensure that their future studies will not be adversely affected.

In addition, there is another more troublesome situation, that is, a small piece of "parts" - such as a small finger, an ear, half of a nose, etc. - is bitten off by a monster in a hunting ground. According to the magic requirements, since the student is not dead, Naturally, you can't use the 'turning technique' to return completely.

Faced with this situation, the school will give priority to arranging high-level hunters to hunt down the unlucky monster, retrieve the missing parts from its stomach, and recombine them. If it takes a long time and the 'parts' have turned into gastric juice, the school will also advise students to use 'regeneration', using potions or magic to restore missing limbs.

In short, for this kind of high-risk event, First University has tried its best to reduce the probability of danger in all aspects to ensure that young wizards will not be harmed.

While talking, the two had reached the end of the corridor.

Behind a layer of crimson velvet curtains is the lounge of the podium.

Zheng Qing had faintly heard the commentary, drumming, and the cheering and singing of the young wizards from the stands not far away.

Seeing that Lao Yao was about to lift the curtain and leave, the young public finance student finally couldn't help but opened his mouth and grabbed the professor's sleeve.

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"Professor!" He looked at Lao Yao anxiously, and asked hurriedly, "Then, what about that tiger? Is it a demon or not?"

Lao Yao turned his head and raised his eyebrows: "Who told you it's a monster?"

"But it has Monster Qi on it!" Zheng Qing said incoherently with a broken face, "You all say that it is not a monster, but it has red eyes, but it has Monster Qi all over its body... Most importantly, it It appeared with those monsters! I thought..."

"What do you think?" Old Yao interrupted him, glared at the young wizard, and reprimanded: "Do you think what you think is what you think?"

"How many times have I told you, don't think that having two red eyes is a monster... Didn't you walk around the school with one red eye before? Didn't you see a lightning strike from the school's guardian array?" On the head!"

"But what about Monster Qi, how to explain the Monster Qi on it..." Zheng Qing muttered softly.

"If you face a large group of monsters, with your claws up and down, from the east of the monster group to the west of the group, and scratching hundreds of monsters to death, you will definitely be stained with such a thick Monster Qi."

"Killing hundreds of fish will cause a fishy smell, let alone a monster!"

"That means you have little experience!"

"Any hunter who has a deeper understanding of monsters will not mistakenly confuse 'contaminated Monster Qi' with 'emanating Monster Qi'... This is a basic skill, you still need to learn one."

"It's not a demon, what is that?!" Zheng Qing continued to ask.

"There is this possibility, and there is that possibility." Old Yao bit his pipe, sprayed a few smoke rings, and shook his head: "There are too many possibilities. I haven't investigated carefully, so I can't just draw conclusions."

"But I can tell you that this black tiger must have some kind of deep connection with you."

Zheng Qing still wanted to ask a question, but a burst of violent cheers and shouts suddenly came from behind the curtain, interrupting his question.

Seeing this, Lao Yao pushed the young public-funded student in, and said: "If you have any questions, you can ask them slowly later, and go to receive the award first, this is a business... You can also ask your teammates, they will come out It was earlier than you, and you may know a little more..."

Before he finished speaking, Lao Yao's figure suddenly faded, and before Zheng Qing could recover, he disappeared into the corridor.

All that was left was the empty corridor and the curtain that fluttered in the dark wind.



Perhaps because he realized that it would be embarrassing to meet with other teammates, Zheng Qing has been vaguely resisting the meeting with his teammates deep in his heart-this is why he pestered Lao Yao to ask one question after another one of the reasons.

After all, he cried and acted handsomely on that hunting ground, and his restraint as a man was gone.

It's just that it's one thing to be embarrassed, but it's another thing to be beaten up when you meet.

Zheng Qing had guessed in his heart many scenes when everyone met.

For example, hugging and crying—this is a little exaggerated, but Zheng Qing refuses in his heart. And he didn't believe that the blue bird would cry and hug other people.

Another example is cheering, high fives and hugs—except for the carefree Xin Fatty, it is hard for Zheng Qing to imagine other people having reasons to be happy. After all, Xiao Xiao and Lan Que died just once, and the negative mental trauma will definitely not dissipate so easily.

After thinking about it, he thinks that the most likely thing is that a few elders smiled at each other, nodded awkwardly to each other, then talked about something, and turned the page silently.

It's just that after thinking about it a lot, he didn't expect in the end that he was punched heavily in the face when he saw the other hunter who had just seen him forgive him.

This punch was punched by Zhang Jixin.

When Zheng Qing crossed the curtain and appeared in the lounge under the podium, the other hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team were standing in the corner, whispering something.

The young public fee student had just put a kind smile on his face, and before he could figure out how to greet him, he was punched and flew up by the red-faced wizard who rushed up.

He was really beaten up.

While floating in mid-air, Zheng Qing was still thinking about it—the old Zhang family is indeed the wizard family with the most ruthless punches in the rumors, look at this punch, it's really beautiful! In the future, hunting team training may give him more burdens.


why did you hit me? ! (to be continued)

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