Hunting High School

Chapter 274: Fierce Trilogy

As Xin Fatty unfolded the first part of "Uncle is in the stalk, the fire is strong", the originally dark and damp forest should feel something, and the atmosphere suddenly became much more active.

Tall trees, low shrubs, ferns without branches, colorful fungi, etc., these plants that have lived in the forest for generations seem to have received the uneasy signal from the air, as if they were frightened Yep, crazily secreted a moist liquid, gurgling down the tree trunks and leaf veins, covering itself with a damp life jacket.

At the same time, the branches and leaves collided with each other, making a rustling sound, as if begging for mercy; the vines that were chasing after the forgiveness hunting team also rolled into a ball and rolled back at full speed There are even many trees toppled over by themselves, making harsh and rough friction sounds, trying to open up a firebreak by themselves.

Behind the young wizards, the obstacles on the road leading to the outside of the forest were cleared away in a short period of time, including weeds, trees, and lush vines, shrubs, ferns and other plants. Make way for a wide open road.

"Is this... praying for peace?"

Zheng Qing looked at the performance of the surrounding forest with great interest, thoughtfully. Maybe they still underestimated the ability of that vine demon. Looking at the orderly adjustments around them, it was obvious that the power of the vine demon was much stronger than they had previously guessed. It is even possible that this forest is the back garden opened up by that guy.


Noticing Zhang Jixin's questioning eyes, the captain of the forgiveness hunting team shook his head slightly, clarifying his own opinion.

Even without the experience brought back by the shadow, the young wizard still clearly remembered what Lao Yao said in a certain class not long ago-the relationship between wizards and demons is a life-and-death relationship. No compromise, no appeasement, no mercy.

This is not struggle, but war, and destruction!

After receiving the clear answer, Zhang Jixin immediately grinned, showing a satisfied smile.

He raised one hand in front of him, laid the Dharma book firmly on the palm, pressed the other hand on the Dharma book, cleared his throat, and after Zheng Qing signaled, he recited loudly:

"Uncle Zai Yau! Fiery Ju Yang!"

The fragile sparks that were originally hanging on the tip of the grass, on the branches of the trees, and on the branches suddenly swelled under the blessing of this spell, and the fire suddenly became more intense, like an inflated orange-red balloon, turning into an A huge fireball.

If the previous moment was the time when summer flowers were in full bloom, then at this moment, this forest has become a fruitful autumn.

It's just that in these fruits, there is no sweet and rich juice, only fierce fire poison.

The forest roared.

The thick branches, vines, and aerial roots stretched out again, waving, wrapped in a wet breath, and crazily beat the vigorous fireballs around. But those orange-red 'fruits' all grew on the trees, and the more they were beaten, the more they spread.

Zheng Qing raised his hand and pressed it, stopping Xiao Xiao from chanting the third "Uncle is Zai".

Then he opened the Dharma book in front of him, took a deep breath, and said softly:

"Hehe Yanyan, I have nothing to say!"

"When the wind blows, there will be a lot of research!"

An invisible wave rippled around the Dharma book, sweeping away the dampness in the entire forest. The heat of the scorching sun above the head seemed to be drawn down by this spell, and the whole world was shrouded in scorching heat. Then, a rapid and violent gust of wind blew in from the outside, passing through the forest and trees, driving those burning fireballs deeper into the forest, and the disaster seemed endless.

These are the two spells that Zheng Qing retrieved from the depths of his consciousness—his subconscious mind told him that these spells were called "splicing spells"—although he didn't understand which spells were spliced ​​together, and he also I have never learned it, but Zheng Qing is very easy to display it.

So far, it looks pretty good.

Especially the shocked expressions on the faces of the other hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team are even more satisfying.

"It's your turn, doctor." Zheng Qing snapped his fingers, swung his arms again, and continued to beat own time according to the rhythm: "Attention, three, two, one, up!"

Xiao Xiao restrained the shocked expression on his face, held the book in one hand, and pointed to the incantation with the other. With a calm tone, he recited the last incantation of "Uncle Zaishou" word by word:

"The uncle is in the soba, and the fire has a fu!"

The orange-red fire balls were connected in series in the spell, and the flames were like golden chains, firmly enclosing the forest in the center. When the lingering rhyme of the spell ended, these chains suddenly tightened, retracted, and then exploded one after another. The miserable and helpless cry of the vine demon pierced everyone's eardrums and echoed over the flames.

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Zheng Qing raised his head and looked around, there were flames in all directions, and the air seemed to be ignited by the raging fire.

counterattack? There can be no counterattack. Under the combination of wind and fire, the vine demon was too late to escape with all his strength, so how could he have any spare energy to trouble these wizards!

"The north wind is cool." Xiao Xiao waved his hand and cast another spell.

It's just that the cold wind that was supposed to be chilly has turned into hot wind under the baking of layers of fire.

"I have the 'cold air talisman' here." Zheng Qing took out five gray talisman papers from the gray cloth bag, and stuffed them to several teammates: "You are also lucky, these talisman papers were originally 'brought' from Mr.'s closet , to prepare for the summer heat.”

"Aren't you sir?" Zhang Jixin looked a little confused, but his subordinates took the talisman without any ambiguity, and slapped his forehead with his backhand.

As the smoke curled up between the talisman papers, a contented and contented expression appeared on his face.

"Let's go out first, Elder's brain is almost roasted by the fire." Xin Fatty complained: "The brain is not big at first, but after being roasted, I am afraid that there are really muscles left."

There was a layer of purple on Zhang Jixin's red face. But instead of arguing with Fatty, he snapped his fingers threateningly and gave Fatty a sideways look.

Xin Jue lowered his head decisively and concentrated on studying the cold talisman on his belly.

"Are you ready to move the curse?" Xiao Xiao glanced at Zheng Qing: "Now that there is no interference from the vine demon, we should be able to move out of this forest accurately."

Zheng Qing nodded, and immediately turned the book to the last few pages:

"Five peepers, ten luan clangs!"

With a whispered incantation, he tapped the pages of the book with his fingers. Five halos rose from the book and landed on the five people in an orderly manner.

Accompanied by the tinkling of luan bells, the five figures suddenly disappeared into the blazing forest.

Behind the five people, the forest writhed frantically in the raging fire, whipped the note, howled, then turned into a low whimper, and finally became completely quiet, and slowly became stiff.

The orange flame gradually faded along with the stiff corpses of the trees, leaving only a scorched black dead world.

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