Hunting High School

Chapter 51: Bad News And Good News

When Zheng Qing saw Xiao Xiao and the others again, it was in the dormitory at midnight.

During the interview at the Federation of Associations at noon, the "knights" in the regiment did not show up, but a few paper cranes flew over to express a certain degree of encouragement to the young public finance students through paper.

Fortunately, all kinds of questions raised by the interviewer have been analyzed in a targeted manner, and the young public-funded students can answer them fluently, so they don't care about the absence of others.

Because he feels good about himself, Zheng Qing has decided in his heart that his own Knights Order will be established soon. After returning to the dormitory in the afternoon, he can’t wait to start preparing for the Knights Order’s first team building activity—listing on a large white paper the ceremonies that need to be postponed Guest—he even made up his mind to 'self-finance' a jade coin for this first group building event.

Elena is a must. When Zheng Qing thought of what the gypsy witch said before she left, she couldn't help showing a smirk on her face.

Jiang Yu, well, as a friend, I also need to let her know the news.

Other students in the class, such as Nicholas, Liu Feifei, Duan Xiaojian, etc. who have a good relationship should invite them; like Matthew Karen, who can't speak three sentences a month, it will only increase the embarrassment.

There are also Professor Yao, Professor Li, Professor Yi, and teaching assistants such as Thomas and Hilda. No matter whether they have time to come to support, invitations must be sent.

Oh, by the way, there is also the old man Verne from the school work committee. During the time he stayed in the patrol team, the old man gave him and Linguo a lot of care. It's just that I haven't seen this old man walking his dog by the lake these days, so I don't know if he's busy recently.

After thinking for a moment, Zheng Qing still listed the old man's name on the white paper, but there was a question mark in front of the name. He made up his mind to go around the cabin by the lake after class tomorrow. If he meets an old man, he should invite him verbally; if the old school worker is not at home, he should let him go.

Until Xiao Xiao came back, the young public fee student kept this happy mood, humming a little song, and drawing on the huge white paper - he even suspected that someone poured some blessings into his own breakfast Otherwise, it would be impossible for everything to go so smoothly today.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Zheng Qing quickly stuffed the white paper into the drawer, turned around and waved his hand, calling the orange cat into his arms.

The hinge behind the door made a rattling noise, and the copper mirror hanging on the ceiling seemed to have received some message, and began to rotate slowly, aiming the shining mirror at the door—this copper mirror was still in the sand some time ago. Dylan hung it up when he was tossing around on campus. Although the rumors have ended, no one thought of taking it off again, and it was just a small decoration.

Soon, the dormitory door was opened.

Xiao Xiao pushed open the door and habitually covered his eyes to block the glare from the bronze mirror above his head.

"Yo, our great doctor is finally back." Zheng Qing slumped in the large seat, holding the orange cat in his arms, and gave a strange smile to Xiao Xiao Yin & Yang who had just entered the door.

Then he noticed the figures behind Xiao Xiao, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"When will you take off that broken mirror!" Zhang Jixin forgot to cover his eyes when he entered the door, complaining repeatedly.

The young public fee student ignored him.

"Very good...very good, everything that should come has come." He sat up slightly, piled the fat cat in his arms to the top of his head, and at the same time stretched out his hand, and arranged a neat row of talismans on the desk: "Then, let Let's sort out what happened today... Do you have any excuses?"

Zheng Qing felt that it was necessary for him to talk about the repeated 'betrayal' of these guys this morning.

Suppressive talisman, bondage talisman, soft leg talisman, five-color talisman, five-note talisman and so on.

The bright red cinnabar glowed red in the dimly lit dormitory, and the orange cat Tuantuan let out a very appropriate 'ow', adding to the terrifying atmosphere.

These little powerful but very troublesome little talismans were drawn by the young public finance students in the gap before dinner-of course, those precious standard talismans that can be exchanged for money, Zheng Qing has already stuffed them into his gray cloth bag Inside, the desks were filled with inferior talismans.

Even if it's just a poor-quality talisman, it's enough to toss these soulless ones.

Zheng Qing showed a sinister smile to the few guys who had just entered the door.

But beyond his expectations.

Neither Xiao Xiao, Xin Fatty, nor Zhang Jixin expressed any expression of 'fear' or 'trembling' to his blunt threat.

This made him a little unhappy - the script is not like this, how can you play cards without worrying about the routine?

"The application failed." Xiao Xiao raised a heavy kraft paper envelope in his hand, and told Zheng Qing the very bad news with a frustrated expression and tone: "When I just came back from the library, I stopped by the office of the Social Council for a transfer. Circle...the results of their review have come out."

"Impossible!" The young public fee student yelled, jumped up from the armchair, and reached out to grab the yellow-brown envelope.

The fat cat that was lying on top of his head didn't notice for a moment, and almost fell down. This made it very dissatisfied, and raised a thick pad of flesh to pat the young wizard's head several times.

Zheng Qing didn't care about Sha Mao's bad temper. In fact, compared with it, Zheng Qing's mood was even worse under the ups and downs. He even forgot that the 'torture plan' for a few souls had been formulated half an hour ago, and he didn't notice that Xin Fatty carefully swept the pile of inferior talismans on the desk into his pocket while he was not paying attention.

The envelope is not big, but it seems that there are a lot of things stuffed inside, and it feels a little bulging.

"She Han No. 111" is printed in red Song typeface on the upper left corner of the cover, and in the center is written "Reply Letter from the Association of First University Associations Regarding (Zheng Qing)'s Application to Form an Association" in black calligraphy.

Stamped on the back of the envelope was a red wax seal bearing the Union of Societies logo with an s in a diamond.

"So formal." Zheng Qing muttered, tearing open the envelope forcefully.

A slightly yellow card fell into the hands of the young public finance student following the tilt of the envelope. He tilted his head, and glanced at the white fluorescent lamp above his head in ten lines.

"Dear student Zheng Qing:

Your application to form a society (Knights of Punishment) submitted on October 6 has been received.

According to the second paragraph of Article 13 of the "First University Campus Management Regulations" and the relevant provisions of the fifth paragraph eighth of the "First University Association Management Measures", the (society name) you applied for violates (public order and good customs) ), it is not approved. Relevant regulations have been mailed herewith.

You can resubmit your application after thirty calendar days.

If you have any objection, please file for reconsideration within seven natural days.


18:25 p.m. on October 8, the Standing Council of the Federation of First University Associations"

Zheng Qing rubbed his eyes and read the contents of the card again.


The "government departments" such as the Student Union or the Social Federation have always used this high-ranking, seemingly formal, but in fact nonsense standard official document format.

Even through a piece of paper, Zheng Qing seemed to be able to smell the stench from the fat-headed campus bureaucrats of the Association of Societies.

He turned the brown paper envelope in his hand again.

Several stacks of folded thick and bulging documents finally broke through the shackles of the envelope and fell out.

Zheng Qing opened these stacks of documents, and the big bold characters of "First University Campus Management Regulations" and "First University Association Management Measures" looked particularly glaring.

"The good news is that due to some irresistible factors, this year's moon hunting will be delayed by one week." Xiao Xiao noticed that the young public finance student raised his head, and immediately added: "Mr. Zhang from the library told me, Professor The resolution just issued by the joint meeting this afternoon... It is estimated that this news will spread throughout the school tomorrow morning."

"In other words, we still have a chance." Xin Fatty fell back on his spacious bed at some point.

The orange cat that was lying on top of Zheng Qing's head weighed it for a moment, and finally jumped up, leaving the head of the young public fee student, and jumping back onto Xin Fatty's belly.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

For it, a warm and comfortable belly is obviously more suitable for taking a nap.

"It's all soulless!"

Zheng Qing cursed angrily, and threw the envelope in his hand on the desk. I don't know if it's scolding the few lacking companions in front of me, or the bureaucratic student cadres of the association, or the fat cat that is lying on Fatty's belly and licking its paws leisurely.

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