Hunting High School

Chapter 47 Poor Excuses

Wednesday morning was supposed to be a philosophy of magic class, but Astronomy 08-1 class had already taken this class on Monday, so Zheng Qing and the rest of the class were very curious about how Professor Yao would handle this slightly conflicting situation.

Xin Fatty is very pessimistic that the academy will send another Charms professor to replace Lao Yao to make up lessons for everyone. But this statement was unanimously despised by Xiao Xiao and Zhang Jixin.

"He is the counselor of our class!" Zhang Jixin clapped the book in his hand, emphasizing: "Even if you want to change the professor, you should also change the professor of this philosophy of magic class... It is impossible to change our course."

"You should know that he is also the dean of our Jiuyou College, and has the authority to temporarily adjust the class schedule." Xiao Xiao added next to him: "The "First University Management Regulations" clearly stipulates the dean's scope of authority... Maybe he will teach that guardian spell to all the philosophy students in this class."

"What do you think?" Xin Fatty turned to look at Zheng Qing, trying to gain support from others: "What do you think Lao Yao will talk about in this class?"

"What?" Zheng Qing raised his head in a trance, as if he had just heard the discussion of several companions, and said vaguely: "It's okay, it's okay..."

"Attention! Concentrate!" Xin Fatty rubbed his fingers, snapped a series of fingers in front of Zheng Qing, and raised his voice slightly: "You can't lose your own soul just because Irina came to class today Bar!"

This sentence hit the young public fee student's Achilles heel.

Indeed, the gypsy witch came to class for the first time today, which made Zheng Qing a little distraught. He was just thinking about how to get back in touch with Irina inadvertently, and then trying to find a way to give away the dress that he bought for a long time.

But these secret thoughts obviously cannot let other people know.

Zheng Qing's face flushed suddenly, and his eyes immediately cleared up a lot.

"Fart!" He denied it in a low voice, and then waited for Ai Ai for a moment before adding: "I was just thinking about when to go to Professor Li to get the transformation potion... You know, it's the beginning of October, maybe I should take advantage of it When the werewolves haven't transformed, let's spend a little bit of their own catastrophe.

Even he himself believed what he said.

Sim Fatty naturally had no more doubts.

Because Professor Yao didn't give Zheng Qing a password, so in class yesterday afternoon, several boys knew the treatment plan that Professor Yi arranged for Zheng Qing.

Almost all expressed some level of envy.

After all, except for those young people who were born in the ancient wizard nobles, there are very few wizards who can start learning Transfiguration in the first year of university. What's more, you can also use the free transformation potion.

It's no wonder that Dr. Xiao Da guessed whether the college recently robbed the lairs of several ancient dragons, so there was nowhere to spend the money.

Today is no exception.

When Zheng Qing brought up the topic again, several boys soon began to discuss with great interest when Zheng Qing would drink the transformation potion, what animal he would turn into, whether he should take some photos as a souvenir, whether he should get out of beta in advance Town to buy some pet food and many other nonsensical things.

When the topic shifted to the weird category of 'if Zheng Qing turned into a cockroach, would he give birth to a bunch of cubs within twelve hours', the young public finance student finally couldn't bear it anymore and forcibly interrupted their topic .

"Class is about to start!" Zheng Qing roughly separated several boys who had gathered in a pile, and said very resolutely: "I will definitely not become a, shut up and don't discuss this issue any more."

Just at this time, the stick figure behind the door shouted.

Xin Fatty shrugged, gave up continuing the dispute, turned around and sat back in the own seat.

This made Zheng Qing feel relieved.

He couldn't help turning his head quietly, and glanced at the gypsy witch sitting in another corner of the classroom.

Elena seemed to be back to the way she was on the admission plane, leaning against the wall as if dozing off, looking very tired.

"If you're really worried, just sit over and ask...the seat next to her is still vacant." Xiao Xiao's voice suddenly rang in Zheng Qing's ear.

"Where... how can there be!" Zheng Qing immediately turned his head and forcefully argued: "I don't understand what you said... I just want to see if Lao Yao has come in."

Xiao Xiao tilted his head, looked over the top edge of the pair of black-rimmed glasses, and examined the young public fee student.

a long time.

It wasn't until Lao Yao strode onto the podium that Dr. Xiao Da snorted through his nose:

"'re happy."

Zheng Qing slammed on the desk dejectedly.



Different from the guesses of the boys, Lao Yao's solution to one person taking two different classes at the same time is very simple and rude.

It is also very suitable for the identity of the dean of Jiuyou College.

He didn't know what kind of magic he used to conjure up another 'Professor Yao' - a 'Professor Yao' so lifelike that all the students couldn't tell the truth from the fake one.

The two professors Yao stood on the podium at the same time, giving lectures as if they were talking about cross talk.

An old Yao said very happily that he has applied for a new small classroom, where he can tutor the students of Astronomy 08-1 class in the spell class that falls behind.

Another old Yao lost no time in expressing to the students who came to the philosophy of magic course that this large West 306 room belongs to them completely, and everyone can sit more loosely and comfortably.

This fun way makes the atmosphere of the whole classroom lively.

"Maybe Lao Yao has created a new teaching model." When the students of Tianwen Class 08-1 made a transition, many of them joked with each other.

Zheng Qing and several companions did not join them.

They were discussing the issue of going to the Association of Associations for an interview in the afternoon.

When Zheng Qing was discussing with relish, the boys around them all closed their mouths in unison.

"Hurry up," the young public finance student couldn't help urging: "You haven't finished talking just now, what should I do after the hunting team is formed, do I need to make an appointment for a coach a week in advance..."

No one answered his words.

Every boy was looking at Zheng Qing with subtle and weird eyes, making him almost think he had a flower growing on his face.

Just when he was a little annoyed, a scent that was already a little strange but still very familiar poured into his nostrils, making him freeze in place immediately.

"I remembered that there is still a row of books on the bookshelf in the Shushan Pavilion that needs to be sorted by volume." Xiao Xiao quickly picked up the books, paper and pens on the desk, stuffed them into his robe, and then picked up the black notebook , Retired politely.

"Ah! My brother said he would give me special training, and almost forgot..." Zhang Jixin also immediately came up with his own excuse, and ran out of the classroom with a smile on his face.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

"Wait for me, wait a minute." Xin Fatty quickly followed behind the two, but still did not forget to turn his head, and explained to his own roommate with a playful smile: "You know, I'm going to follow the editor to pick up stories..."

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