Hunting High School

Chapter 33: The Dimensional World

"...According to the difference in convergence content and convergence method, the obtained forbidden spells are also very different. For example, global convergence and local convergence, conditional convergence and absolute convergence, etc., the range of convergence is different, and the power of forbidden spells is also different. same."

"Some students may not understand the 'concentration' mentioned just now."

"If there is convergence, there will naturally be divergence. The convergence of the wizards on the origin of the world created the forbidden spell, so what about their divergence from the origin of the world?"

It was very quiet in the classroom.

Everyone grabbed their pens and stared, expecting the professor to give the next answer.

Zheng Qing tilted his head and glanced at Dr. Xiao who was beside him.

"The world." Xiao Xiao replied lazily, propping his chin with one hand and turning the brush with the other.

"Very correct!" The professor at the podium keenly grasped the faint answer in the classroom, swung his arm vigorously, and clenched his fingers, as if he wanted to grasp the answer in his palm: "The divergence of the origin of the world, the creation of the world... Accurate understanding allows us to touch the infinite world!"

Immediately, there was a rustle of notes from the audience.

Speaking of this, the professor seemed to have just realized that he had deviated from the syllabus, so he paused for a moment, and brought the topic back to the introduction to the 'Dimension Theory'.

"Well, the concepts of convergence, convergence, and infinite world mentioned just now belong to the scope of research and thinking that only wizards above the registration level need to study and think about. The content is relatively complicated and difficult. You just need to understand it a little bit. "

"There are a few knowledge points below, please pay attention."

Professor Yao changed his voice, put down the topic about the principle of forbidden spells, and started knocking on the blackboard again.

There were sighs of disappointment in the classroom.

Even if you don't understand, it's great to tell everyone to open their eyes.

In this way, when people in the class go out to brag, they can use that faint tone to regretfully mention: "Our class didn't go too deep when talking about the philosophy of magic... The professor just showed us a few restraint schemes for forbidden spells... I only took several pages of notes, which is really annoying..."

Apparently, Professor Yao didn't estimate the messy thoughts of the young wizards. He resumed chattering and filling everyone's ears with various knowledge points:

"...According to 'Albus Do's Conjecture', there should be forty to fifty ways of dimensional convergence, which means that there should be forty to fifty forbidden spells."

"...Of course, according to the "Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Forbidden Curses", no individual or group is allowed to study forbidden curses in any way... Any form of dimensional fluctuation experiment is prohibited... If there are young people who pay attention to current affairs, they should have noticed this year At the end of summer, the 'Dark Blue Castle Incident' dealt with by the Wizards Union, the castle was conducting illegal dimensional fluctuation experiments."

"...For now, there are only five to six known curses in the world."

"The First University has sealed four of the forbidden spells."

There was silence in the classroom, and then there was an uproar.

Everyone stared excitedly at the professor on the podium, hoping that he could spit out more valuable news.

However, Lao Yao is destined to disappoint everyone.

He looked at the excited faces under the stage with satisfaction, shrugged his shoulders, spread his hands, and curled his mouth like a fishhook:

"I know the names of these four forbidden curses...but I can't tell you; I also know where these forbidden curses are sealed...but I can't tell you; I also know the names and locations of the remaining two or three forbidden curses... ...but I just can't tell you guys!"

There was a sudden chaos in the classroom.

"You can't do this! Professor!" Duan Xiaojian yelled loudly: "We are here to seek knowledge..."

This declaration immediately resonated with many people.

"Want to know the answers to the above questions?" Lao Yao wiped his back, raised his chin high, and had a bright smile on his face: "Then hurry up and accumulate credits! Accumulate enough credits for graduation and become a If you are a real registered wizard and enter the research institute of the First University, you will know all the answers you want to know... All the great mysteries of the wizarding world are hidden there!"

Zheng Qing couldn't hold back the puff, and lay down on the table, his shoulders shaking violently.

He couldn't explain the own joke to others.

That would make him look a little stupid.

However, Professor Yao's remarks obviously got the understanding of many young wizards in the audience, and the classroom quickly returned to the proper order.

"'s really a fascinating dimension." The professor squinted his eyes and sighed with emotion, but as soon as the topic changed, he continued the teaching progress of own without hesitation:

"After gaining some intuitive understanding of dimension theory, we need to continue to explore in depth to understand wizards' self-awareness and understanding of the entire wizarding world triggered by dimension theory."

"Since the world is dimensional, what about society? What about wizards?"

"In the perspective of the Dimensional School, society and wizards naturally have their own dimensions... In other words, the Dimensional School believes that wizards are a dimensional creature; and the wizarding world is a dimensional society."

Zheng Qing rubbed his sore wrist, looking at the quill automatically jumping in front of Duan Xiaojian, he couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

Those shorthand quills in the store only cost one copper each.

One copper can clearly and completely record every word the professor said in class.

Compared with high school classrooms, university professors teach faster and more complex content. Sometimes while talking about it, it will involve some new content that the freshman has never been exposed to. For example, Professor Yao, who was on the podium just now, threw the research content above the registered wizard level into the freshman class indifferently.

And just because of the so-called "tradition" of brush calligraphy, and just because everyone praises own brush calligraphy for its beauty, I ignore the necessity of shorthand quill pens, which is simply ridiculous!

Before the next class, be sure to buy some shorthand quills.

The young public-funded student licked the tip of the brush, sighed, continued to endure the soreness of his wrist, and listened to the ups and downs of the professor's voice on the podium, and quickly took notes:

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"...need to see the essence of things through phenomena..."

"Visible dimensions, such as the height, weight, fat and thinness of wizards...such as the number of wizards, etc. These dimensions are external and are easily understood and accepted by everyone."

"As for the inner ones—those invisible dimensions, we need to have a deeper understanding of their essence and combine them with dimensions. For example, wizard age, fat content, blood lipid concentration... and the order of wizard society."

"Yes, order!" Professor Yao slammed the pipe heavily on the blackboard, making a thumping sound, and emphasized: "Here, I need to help you understand a new concept."

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