Hunting High School

Chapter Seventeen Birds Chirping

Zheng Qing failed to direct the big goat to find a helper in the end.

Maybe the goat couldn't understand what he was saying because his 'faun language' hadn't passed the level yet; maybe the goat simply refused to accept the command of this fish lip-wanted to keep an animal companion away from it comatose The master, is a very unmagical thing.

In short, after three minutes of Zheng Qing's dry mouth bleating, the big goat still stood motionless in front of him, wriggling its cheeks, chewing the supper, and looking at the young wizard with a blank expression. Performance.

It made him feel stupid.

Fortunately, at the fourth minute, the big goat stopped watching the show—perhaps simply because he was tired of the young wizard's weird cry—and he solved Zheng Qing's troubles in another way.

Wake up Linguo.

The black goat stuck out its rough tongue, making the little wizard's face drool. After patiently licking for two minutes, Linguo woke up sneezing.

"It's so cold!" His teeth were chattering, and he said tremblingly, "Is it raining?"

The big goat snorted and rubbed the little wizard's cheek.

The slender fluff got into Linguo's nose, causing him to sneeze a series of times again.

"Did you copy the contact spell in your dharma book?" Zheng Qing didn't look back, still staring intently at the wild monster not far away who was tied into a rice dumpling.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that apart from greed, there seemed to be a trace of fear in the eyes of the kappa demon looking at him.

But he doesn't have time to dissect the differences right now.

"I need to maintain the binding spell," he tried to adjust the rhythm of his breathing, making his voice less gnashing of teeth: "Hurry up and inform..."

"Yes!" Lin Guo understood the situation in the field within a few seconds, and while agreeing loudly, flipped through the Dharma book.

The black goat seemed to realize that he had completed the task, so he took small steps and walked towards the edge of the corridor.

There is a cluster of lush bean sprouts, nodding happily in the evening wind.

Da da da.

"Birds chirping, begging for a friend..." The whispered incantation sounded in the corridor following the small footsteps of the big goat.

An invisible wave centered on Lin Guo and swept in all directions.


But it caused many places on this campus to fall into chaos in the blink of an eye.



The wooden door of the lakeside dock hut shattered with a slam.

The tall old wizard rushed towards the promenade around the lake on the east side of the lake with strides like flying, dragged behind by the cane he used to lean on on weekdays, drawing orange sparks in the wet grass.

His face was still flushed, but his eyes were no longer cloudy as before, but exuded a terrified chill.

The tip of the old hound's tail rubbed against the ground, like a shadow, following closely behind the old man.



On the top floor of the office building of the school working committee, there was the sound of tables and chairs overturning in an office that had been closed all year round.


The door of the office was pulled open forcefully, and a sophomore in a red robe ran out of the room in a panic, shouting hoarsely: "Alert! Alert! Red alert! Someone issued a red alert!"

The corridor was quiet for a few seconds.

Then the doors of several surrounding offices opened almost at the same time.


"Are you sure you didn't misread the instructions of the magic circle? I feel like I just closed my eyes..."

"Why did you run out and yell? Have you notified the corresponding department according to the procedure manual? The joint meeting of professors? The dean's office? Have you raised the alert level of the guardian circle?"

Several gray-robed janitors and black-robed teaching assistants were wearing belts, and they were full of questions.

The sophomore was obviously confused by these questions.

"I didn't..." He muttered, looking a little at a loss: "I just saw it, so I came out to inform you..."

"You are the on-duty officer!" An assistant next to him was obviously a little mad: "Haven't these countermeasures been practiced before?"

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"My first day on duty..." The old man blushed, but he didn't make any further excuses.

While speaking, a group of people had already poured into the office.

A dazzling red halo enveloped the entire room, a huge pale red light ball floated in the center of the room, and the multiple magic circles inscribed on the walls in all directions also emerged with similar colors.

The mechanical alarm sound repeated the same sentence over and over again:

"Received the alarm, received the alarm... It has been confirmed that the abnormal life form is not on the register, the location is x1325y2791z341, the threat factor is 95, and the danger level is low..."

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just a wild monster..." A black-robed assistant teacher wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, obviously heaving a sigh of relief.

"What a fart!" The headed gray-robed school worker looked very ugly: "The place where this wild monster appeared is on the east side of Linzhong Lake, which belongs to the core area of ​​the school."

There was a dead silence in the duty room.

Almost everyone was shocked by the news.


In the promenade to the east of the lake, two ignorant first-year freshmen didn't understand the storm caused by the help-seeking spell just now.

There are not many clouds in the sky tonight, and the moon hangs brightly in the sky, which is very eye-catching.

The lake is also very calm, with occasional night breezes, sparkling.

The kappa demon was bound together by a binding spell, except for its eyelids, and even its ear holes were tightly blocked—if it wasn't for worrying that the blood of the kappa would pollute too much grass, Zheng Qing would definitely not hesitate to expose its creepy tricks.

"Scared to death... Why did a wild monster suddenly come out?" Lin Guo seemed to have recovered from the shock a few minutes ago, and had a little vitality, but he could still feel the panic in his tone: " You didn't see, it was standing by that bush before, like a log..."

"Maybe a monster ran into the lake." Zheng Qing still stared at the wild monster, not daring to blink his eyelids.

Under the stimulation of the evening wind, he felt that his eyelids could hardly contain the hot tears.

"That's right, that's right!" Lin Guo suddenly raised his voice: "I just thought, the sound of beating here is so loud, why didn't there be murlocs in the lake to come out to take a look? Could it be they..."

"It's not the murloc's fault." An abrupt voice interrupted Lin Guo's guess, startling the two young wizards in the corridor.

Even Zheng Qing couldn't help it, subconsciously looked back.

It was a wizard with gray hair and black robes who spoke.

Zheng Qing knew this figure. On the special plane entering the school, this teaching assistant once appeared by his side as a member of the escort.

Behind the teaching assistant, a series of black and gray figures flashed silently on both sides of the corridor, and not far away were a few yellow wind lamps approaching quickly.

"If I were you, I would turn back on the premise of maintaining a good spell." The gray-haired teaching assistant reminded me politely in a gentle tone.

There was a hoarse and piercing roar, and the sound of vines beeping and breaking.

Zheng Qing's heart skipped a beat, something bad happened.

He seemed to see the kappa demon jumping towards him.

"I don't know how to live or die!" A familiar loud voice broke the tranquility of the lakeside.

Zheng Qing turned around in surprise.

Old Man Verne appeared between the lawns on the slope at some point.

He stretched out his broad palm, like pinching a rabbit, picked up the kappa demon's neck, and shook it.

The wild monster that had just broken free from its cage collapsed into a pile of mud with a crisp bone cracking sound before it had time to announce the arrival of freedom.

At the old man's feet, Lord Wuyue squatted on the ground, sticking out his tongue, and clicking his mouth, as if he was tasting the sadness of the Kappa demon in the air.

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