Hunting High School

Chapter 252: Writing A Letter

This is a small room.

Clean, but very dull in tone.

The floor, walls, ceiling, as far as the eye can see, the only color in the room is gray, bare, without a trace of decoration.

The gray cypress wardrobe was quietly leaning against the corner, the door of the wardrobe was half open, and a red robe from Jiuyou College hung alone inside.

The gray stone desk squatted coldly in front of the bed. There were no lamps, books, ghost detectors, or even a decent clock on the bare table. There was really nothing.

Beside the desk is a small single bed.

The bed was covered with gray linen sheets and quilts.

The orange sunlight penetrated into the room from the window, casting mottled light and shadow on the small single bed.

This ray of light is the only distinctive color in this room.

Nicholas sat cross-legged on the bed, leaning against the cold wall.

His upper body was shrouded in the shadow of the room, while his legs and feet were exposed to the orange light.

This is his dormitory at First University.

Maybe it was the inability to match his grade accurately, maybe it was the awkward atmosphere that prevented him from living with other classmates, maybe it was just to let him have a better study environment.

Ever since he entered Jiuyou Academy, Master Ni Wu, the dormitory manager, had arranged such a single room for him.

The gray quill belches contentedly and starts bubbling in the inkwell, urging its master to use it quickly.

After Nicholas straightened the notepad on his lap, he picked up the quill and wrote skillfully:

"Dear mother..."

After writing these words, he re-stuffed the quill pen into the black ink bottle, dipped it, and sighed:

"It's been a long time since I wrote to you, I wish you all the best in heaven."

The quill in his hand paused, and Nicholas suddenly felt that relying on the piety of this blessing, maybe he should have chosen to enter Atlas Academy in the first place.

But he quickly dismissed the ridiculous idea, shook his head, and went on:

"I'm fine, and so is Liz."

"Praise the Institute of Pharmacy. Without the trouble of hemophilia, Liz has shown a very powerful talent...a talent that is even better than her big brother, me."

"Yesterday in Linzhong Lake, while chatting with the old man Verne who guards the pier—you must remember that he has a dog of unknown age—he still praised Liz's Talent in front of me."

"'Unprecedented genius,' he gestured exaggeratedly, seeming to include the entire Great Lakes, 'I bet, she will be a freelance student of Alpha Academy when she grows up'!"

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

After writing this, Nicholas suddenly remembered what happened to him at Alpha Academy, and immediately hesitated whether to cross out this sentence.

But he quickly gave up this deception and added the following sentence instead:

"Of course, which college Liz wants to enter when she grows up is her business, and I think you will respect her choice—in my opinion, that college doesn't welcome wizards like us very much, so I suggest She chose several other colleges."

"For example, Jiuyou Academy."

"You should know that the result of my retake at the Starry Sky Academy last year was not satisfactory. I should have been expelled from school."

"But thanks to the concern of the school, allow me to take another course and stay in this university of your dreams."

"It's just that you won't be able to guess which college I was admitted to this time...Jiuyou College, the college you said that nerds go to."

"You're right, this academy is full of nerds...and idiots."

When writing the last word, Nicholas had a gentle smile on his face. He raised his head, squinted his eyes, and looked out the window against the orange sunlight.

It seemed to be back to the afternoon when I first met her.

On the wet lakeside, the air was still filled with the stench left by the murloc's departure. Alpha's guide yelled at her aggressively: "...if you tell you to let go, let can you be so stupid!"

What did Feifei say at the time?

Nicholas threw his head back forcefully, hitting the dusty wall with a thud, and then he remembered.

She didn't refute the own guide, just kept repeating 'don't know'.

Then he helped her to speak a few words to that Alpha's guide.

The corner of Nicholas's mouth curled downward, admiring his original choice from the bottom of his heart.

He dipped the gray quill in the inkpot, and continued to write on the open letter paper:

"The teaching philosophy of Jiuyou College is completely different from that of Alpha."

"It seems that the only way this college evaluates students is test scores—it doesn't consider talent bonuses, recommendation letters, or club activities. Those guys from Alpha College with high grade points will come to Jiuyou College. It’s like a drag car. After all, in Jiuyou Academy, they have no way to win credits with the spells bestowed by their blood.”

"Only by mastering the fixed spells and knowledge points in the textbook can you get the corresponding credits."

"Very fortunately, I had the help of a public grant student."

"She is the first-year chief student of Jiuyou Academy. She is very smart and powerful. She can learn what the professor said in class in the blink of an eye. It's only been a month since the school started, and she has already started to prepare for the exam content in the second half of the semester. "

"She was also a very pretty, very gentle girl."

"Sometimes, I can't help but think that God's character is really bad. He gave some people superhuman wisdom and beautiful body, but gave others a crippled life. And then let them meet in the Together."

After writing this, Nicholas stopped writing and looked up out of the window again.

His eyes were a little blurred.


"Why are you so stupid!" A boy sighed helplessly to the girl next to him: "Don't touch the stone beasts in the corridor, you will be beaten by them..."

The girl puffed her mouth and tied the big snake in eighteen knots.


"You are more stupid than me!" The girl pointed at the boy with a thin vine rolling her fingertips, laughing loudly, "I can't even use such a simple spell..."

The boy looked at the limp mess under his feet, didn't know whether to laugh or cry.


"You're so stupid! I'll call you an idiot from now on." The girl spread out the straw in front of her and muttered, "Look, I'll do the calculation for you again."

The boy next to him nodded obediently.


"Did you not perform well? Why did you only take a second-level test for the talisman classification?" The boy babbled, blaming himself: "Did you help me make up lessons so that you have no time to review..."

"You are such an idiot!" The girl wrinkled her nose and lost her temper.


"Idiot, what's for lunch!"

"Boiled eggs and egg fried rice."


"Idiot, go to the library and take a seat with me!"




"What's up?"

"...I can't remember... I will call you again when I remember, idiot."



These sweet memories flowed in his mind, but Nicholas kept writing with the quill in his hand.

"...The purpose of Jiuyou Academy is to pursue ultimate justice and equality, which is in stark contrast to Alpha's freedom and justice."

"I have no way of judging which side is right and which is wrong."

"But for me, staying in Jiuyou Academy may give me a better sense of belonging."

"No matter what, I will continue to persevere."

"As you wish, Mom."

"It's getting colder, so go to bed with extra blankets at night. When the first snow falls, remember to pick two snowflakes for me and Liz. Liz's favorite star-shaped pine needle snowflakes now, she says, are the hexagonal ones where the snowflakes bloom. , It’s like the Christmas gift you drew for her when she was a child——she doesn’t even know that what you drew is a sleeping talisman.”

"It's late, I'm going to the library to review my homework."

"I hope I can bring you some better news when I write to you next time."

"May Merlin bless us."

Throwing down the quill, let it roll a few times on the ground, spitting out ink droplets along the way.

Nicholas tilted his head, staring blankly at the window of the dormitory.

It was an equally narrow window, about one meter high and less than half a meter wide.

The window sill is more than one meter high from the ground.

There are no curtains on the arched lintels, and the cross-shaped sills are inserted into the thick walls of the four sides, supporting the thin glass on that side.

Nicholas jumped out of bed, shook his numb legs, opened the wooden cabinet under the desk, and stuffed the folded letter paper into it.

Sunlight streamed through his fingers.

The wooden cabinet is full of letters.

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