Hunting High School

Chapter 250 Unraveling

A blue elf tilted the long-necked wine bottle slightly.

A stream of cyan liquid broke through the shackles of the bottle mouth, happily flowing down, hit the bottom of the empty cup, rolled happily, and a layer of fine foam rose.

Zheng Qing held a wine glass full of green bees, and handed it to Thomas respectfully.

"Thank you... I remember that when you drank it, you kept calling it spicy... Are you used to it now?" Thomas had a big smile on his face, and his green eyes sparkled.

"It's okay, it's okay." Zheng Qing stood restrained beside him, a little uneasy.

"Thank you." Thomas took a green pear from the little elf, thanked him, and turned to look at the payer: "How are the little elves you rescued on the special plane... I heard they are still alive?"

The little fox was originally standing on Zheng Qing's shoulder, begging for fruits from the elves. Hearing Thomas' question suddenly, he immediately ran back into Zheng Qing's arms, staring at his master with big black eyes, with an expression of "do you have other foxes outside?"

"Well, help me, friends... I mixed some potion with Sha Shi Wang Jelly, and it should last for a long time." Zheng Qing scratched the little fox's chin, and explained in a low voice: "Sha Shi Wang Jelly is the result of my visit to Zhonghu Lake a few days ago. The rewards won on that..."

The little fox squinted his eyes in satisfaction, and slightly raised the tip of his tail. The bow on the top has been removed by Zheng Qing, and not a single hair has been removed

"Hey, how proud." Thomas looked at him in surprise: "Although wizards like other unique lives...but few wizards will waste this precious resource to save those who are not of much value. The goal... you know, your marginal rate of return on this investment is very low."

"It's not an investment," Zheng Qing couldn't help but argue: "Besides, isn't life priceless... What's wrong with this school... It's become somewhat unrecognizable."

Thomas put down the pear in his left hand, switched the wine glass from his right to his left, raised a finger, and scratched his chin.

"It feels so good to be young," he praised sincerely, "You can still have all kinds of beautiful yearnings for this world... Are you having a headache because of the remarks made by the Propaganda Department?"

Zheng Qing gritted his teeth and nodded vigorously.

Thomas changed the wine glass again, frowned, and said slowly: "You have to get used to these are already adults, you have to learn to look at the world from the perspective of adults, and don't always act like children. "

Seeing Zheng Qing's eyes widen and mouth open, as if about to refute, he quickly raised his hand and stopped him: "Don't worry, listen to me first..."

Zheng Qing took a deep breath and closed his mouth.

"Wizards Union has been very passive throughout the summer."

"...The Bureau of Investigation investigated and dealt with several laboratories that conducted dimensional fluctuations in violation of regulations, there were some disturbances in the black prison, and the resurgence of silence was much earlier than in previous years. In addition, the school's transfer of power from the New World caused rumors to spread...not to mention Speaking of this juncture, there were two accidents between Sijifang and the school plane."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

When mentioning the school plane, Thomas' expression darkened.

"It's okay if you don't understand...but you should understand that there are enough bad things this year, and everyone needs some positive things to refresh themselves."

"The wizarding world needs a little positive energy, the Wizarding League needs a hero, and the school needs everyone's attention from some corners to other stages."

"What could be more in line with the needs of the three parties than a public-funded student who just entered school this year and become a hero?" Thomas handed an empty wine glass to an elf and spread his hands.

"So, adults can tell lies at will." Zheng Qing was silent for a while, and finally said in a sarcasm tone: "From childhood, you tell us what is right and what is wrong; and then when we grow up, tell us what is right and what is wrong." Use actions to tell us that there is no right or wrong, only interests... What a funny story."

"It's really funny, but this is the real world...the world outside of books." Speaking of this, Thomas suddenly smiled and joked: "Don't look like you are bitter and bitter... You know, except Ink at signature, you have nothing to lose in this deal."

"Yeah, I should be the one who benefits the most," Zheng Qing said a little sadly: "As long as you correct your own world view a little bit, you will find that the world is a better place when you wake up tomorrow."

Thomas froze for a moment, and finally stopped talking.

Zheng Qing raised his head and glanced at the noisy first hall again, looking at those fantastic scenes that he could only see in his dreams when he was a child, and at those real faces.

He felt a small figure in the depths of his heart slowly sinking to the bottom of the water.

Like Thomas said, it's a deal, and he's just a piece of gold-plated weight.

"Deal..." The young public fee student murmured, then suddenly raised his head, looked at the former interviewer, and asked, "What about you? Don't you feel angry?"

"Angry?" Thomas raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"I mean, they put the reputation of that thunder curse on my head..." Looking into his green eyes, Zheng Qing suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and his face couldn't help but a little embarrassment: "I always feel It's like stealing something."

"This..." Thomas smiled, raised his head, and was a little dazed: "The school agreed to my wayward request... I am really grateful. As for the Wizarding Council, they promised to help me conduct an experiment... After completing this experiment, I am a little closer to the great wizard. For a real wizard, is there anything more important than going further on this road?"

Zheng Qing followed Thomas' gaze and looked overhead.

In addition to the deep void and the darkness, there are only a few swaying big light clusters left, moving unsteadily on the pre-planned road, leaving a few shallow light traces.

"Thank you." The young public finance student said sincerely, "Thank you from all angles."

"It's okay!" Thomas patted him on the shoulder and laughed loudly: "Everyone...everyone is young."

"What is so happy!" Xin Fatty ran over from a short distance, his face flushed and panting: "Excuse me, sir, why doesn't my badge look as beautiful as Nicholas's? Is it the material used to make the school badge this year?" changed?"

The orange cat was lying on Fatty's head, its paws were tightly wrapped around the top of his head, and its tail stood straight behind his head like a flagpole, looking very funny.

The little fox grabbed Zheng Qing's skirt and laughed until he fell down.

Zheng Qing looked past Xin Fatty and landed on the repeater behind him.

Sure enough, unlike other freshmen, the two badges on Nicholas' chest looked as if they had been coated with a layer of glaze, shining a faint layer of five-color light under the pale light.

It looks much more advanced than those matte metal badges on the hands of freshmen.

"Nicholas?" Thomas glanced at the tall and thin wizard behind Fatty, with a trace of doubt on his face: "Don't you know?"

A look of embarrassment appeared on Nicholas' face.

"No... I haven't... I haven't paid much attention to... this kind of thing," he stammered and explained, "Usually, my studies are quite stressful... I still have to take care of Liz."

" is Liz now?" Thomas smiled gently.

"She's fine, thank you." Nicholas breathed a sigh of relief, and his expression finally became fluent: "The potion prepared by the Institute of Pharmacy is very effective, and she has been very fine throughout the summer."

Zheng Qing heard that Nicholas had a little sister named Liz.

But from the tone of their voices, Liz seemed to be suffering from some kind of serious illness?

What a tough life.

The young public fee student looked at Nicholas and couldn't help sighing.

"That's good." Thomas said, turning his head to look at the freshmen, and explained: "The material of the badge has not changed...they are all made of a mixture of meteoric iron, mithril, and purple gold, and they are unified in the Alchemy Research Institute. Production. It’s just that the school added some protective spells to the badges, and if they are worn for a long time, the spells on the badges will continue to be strengthened under the influence of the wizard’s magic power... The external manifestation of this change is that their colors will become more brilliant.”

"Let me just say, I, Dage, have been graduating for a long time, and I still wear these two badges." Zhang Jixin also came over at some point, with a dazed expression on his face: "No wonder...his badge has become translucent and brilliant like a diamond." gone."

"Really?!" Xin Fatty revealed a look of surprise: "Why didn't anyone tell us this..."

"You are already an adult, don't think about others telling you everything." Zheng Qing suddenly remembered a sentence someone said not long ago, and couldn't help laughing: "Be proactive in everything and learn to be self-reliant."

Xin Fatty squinted at Zheng Qing, with the expression that you have the face to say so.

"Of course, the Merlin Medal also has this effect." Thomas looked at the young public fee student and smacked his lips: "I heard that wearing the Merlin Medal for a long time can also strengthen the wearer's physical fitness..."

"Wow." The others looked at Zheng Qing enviously.

Zheng Qing pinched the three pieces of hard metal in his pocket, and immediately began to think about how to wear these 'talismans' for a long time without attracting attention.

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