Hunting High School

Chapter 172: The Empty Campus

There was no one in the corridor.

Empty and silent.

The building seemed to lose its vitality in a moment and become lifeless.

"These people are running too fast," Zheng Qing muttered softly, looking at the empty corridor in front of him.

His voice was very clear in the quiet corridor.

No one answered.

The ghosts lingering in the teaching building whimpered like weeping behind the wall, and occasionally came out through the wall, scraping off a few strands of their bodies by the wall skin, leaving traces of their passing in the air. It looks milky white and hazy, like a window covered with ice in winter, or like the mist rising from the surface of Linzhong Lake in the early morning.

From time to time, there were whispers among the tall portraits hanging on both sides of the corridor. Those idols that have long been decayed and only have a trace of spirit survive, relying on a trace of thought in people's hearts, lingering on their last days. Although he still retains some thinking ability, the truly wise soul has long since left.

Same with ghosts.

Due to the influence of obsession, the portraits in these wooden frames will always turn into old ladies with a broken mouth in the dead of night, whispering to the empty corridor about their past glory.

The sounds upset the young wizards.

"Suppressing crying!" Zhang Jixin finally couldn't help it, clenched his fists, and pounded heavily on the dusty wall, making a dull thumping sound.

The ghosts seemed to be taken aback, and hiccupped after their miserable whimpers; the idols in the photo frame also stopped whispering and looked at the irritable young wizard in surprise.

Then, they were provoked.

It looks like a dam that has just been washed away by a flood, or a hornet's nest stabbed on the ground by a bamboo pole.

The counterattack of these remaining thought bodies broke out in a more violent way.

Roaring, roaring, and howling screams, accompanied by creepy negative emotions, quickly spread in the quiet corridor.

For a moment, Zheng Qing seemed to be pulled into a ghost movie.

The chilly air came from unknown places, licking their necks, earlobes and ankles; ghost cries came from all directions one after another, making people even more uneasy.

From time to time, there would be a few ghosts drooping their tongues, rolling their eyes, hanging upside down from the ceiling abruptly, scaring the team of freshmen to death.

Zhang Jixin seemed to understand that he had caused trouble, so he put on his gloves and rushed to the front of the team without saying a word, opening the way for everyone.

Zheng Qing held a stack of talisman papers in his hand, and hung the shiny black donkey's hoof around his neck, carefully following behind the team, holding the line for everyone.

Even Xin Fatty, who has always been nervous and out-of-the-way, kept quiet obediently in this atmosphere.

After walking out of the main gate of the main building and coming into the bright sunlight, the howling of those missing bodies gradually faded away.

The slightly depressing atmosphere in the team finally eased.

"I just said that the school is too used to them." Zhang Jixin glanced back at the gloomy main building, and said angrily: "How can a group of dead souls stay in the place where we have classes?"

"Indeed, it's not good for Feng Shui." Fatty added with concern.

"You guys are standard racial discrimination...Ghosts are not the souls of the dead, they belong to a special form of life." Duan Xiaojian corrected dryly in the team: "As one of the five major races of the Parliament under the Moon, ghosts You also have a seat in the Senate... If the reporter of the "Beta Town Post" knows your statement, it's time to write an article criticizing the teaching philosophy of Jiuyou College."

"As if who cares." Zhang Jixin hummed, but finally closed his mouth and did not continue to speak insultingly.

"I think they're just trying to scare us," Zheng Qing finally came back to his senses, and reminded: "It took us almost five minutes to run from the deepest part of the second floor to the outside of the teaching building... If those ghosts really plan to do Something, maybe we're still circling the stairwell right now."

"You mean ghost hitting the wall?" Duan Xiaojian approached with great interest: "I know that old ghosts like this kind of trick to confuse people, but I have never encountered it... You are a public fee student, you must You've seen it, right?"

Zheng Qing froze for a moment, laughed dryly, and did not answer.

"Actually, I've been wanting to ask just now," Xin Fatty squeezed his chin, looked at Xiao Xiao with a heavy expression, "Dr. Xiao, why did you ask Mr. Sima in you have a husband?"

"Need to ask?" Zheng Qing's voice suddenly raised seven or eight degrees, and he exclaimed, "Of course it's 'My Fair Lady, a gentleman is so good'."

His voice was very loud in the small square, and even a faint echo could be heard.

Xiao Xiao was walking silently in the team with a notebook in his arms and a stern face, but at this moment, he suddenly stopped.

"Do you feel that there are fewer people around?" His eyebrows were raised high, and his expression was a little puzzled: "It's noon, where did everyone go?"

"get out of class is over, of course there is no one in the teaching building...don't change the subject!" Xin Fatty held Xiao Xiao's shoulders and asked forcefully: "Please make it clear first, what is the purpose of asking Miss Sima that question!"

Xiao Xiao glanced at him sideways, adjusted his glasses, but didn't answer.

"It seems that there are really a lot fewer people." Zheng Qing narrowed his eyes and shook his drowsy head.

Although it is already autumn, the autumn tiger's prestige is not bad at all, and the noon sun is still very vicious.

The dazzling light penetrated the thin clouds and fell on the ground without any cover. It was so bright that it made people dizzy when walking on the road.

"Maybe it's too hot?" Xin Fatty finally let go of Xiao Xiao's robe, turned his head, looked around suspiciously, and guessed: "It's hot, who wants to stay outside!"

"Why didn't anyone comment..." Duan Xiaojian stuck out his tongue, slumped his shoulders, and his already hunched back became even more bent: "The astronomical monitor has simulated the climate too much... It's almost enough. "

"Hmph, it's not winter yet." Zhang Jixin put away his gloves and wrinkled his nose disdainfully: "Listen to my brother, those who care about the climate like to have blizzards every now and then in winter. Then you will have to face the strong wind Xue goes to class, the taste, don't be too sour!"

While complaining about the school's various damn rules and regulations, a few people walked towards Linzhong Lake under the scorching sun.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Xiao Xiao walked in the team without speaking, but the expression on his face became more and more serious.

Zheng Qing knew the reason for his stern face.

The small square in front of the main building was really empty.

Even the benches under the tall, lush ferns at the edge of the square were not where they used to be, huddled with my young wizards and wizards.

This is quite abnormal.

Others soon noticed the strange message flowing in the air.

Zhang Jixin, who had always been the most courageous and didn't care about anything, also became a little anxious at this time.

"Did the school send out some special notice, we didn't notice it." Zheng Qing licked his dry lips.

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