Hunting High School

Chapter 415: Chaos Is A Ladder

During the Battle of Hell, Violet Jessop was once corrupted by the great demon Yoshiko Fukatsu.

Although Ryoko Fukatsu left Violet's body under the agreement between the school and the banshee after the war, it is obvious that the purple-haired witch has been distorted to some extent in terms of character and behavior - for example, compared with the previous indifference, She is more enthusiastic now, or it would be more appropriate to describe her as 'enchanting'; for another example, she used to work hard and be cautious in doing things, but now she looks a bit lazy.

At first, this matter was only quietly circulated among the teaching assistants, but at some point, Linda Barnes found out about it, which aroused her great interest. For wizards, any news related to monsters has great reporting value, let alone a big monster.

Therefore, at the beginning of the junior year, Linda, who had just been promoted to the deputy editor-in-chief of the school newspaper, sent a warm invitation letter to teaching assistant Violet, trying to conduct an exclusive interview with her.

Then it was flatly rejected.

Violet is extremely reluctant to recall the accident that happened on the black prison battlefield, but the newly appointed deputy editor-in-chief of the school newspaper played the style of dog-skin plaster, unable to fight back, not to retaliate, kissing a "sister" ', from time to time, he took the time to circle around her a few times, much to the annoyance of the purple-haired witch.

Until a few days ago, with the end of the school hunting competition, after Su Shijun revealed the true identity of the child's father, the eyes of the entire wizarding world were attracted by an unknown little wizard, and most of the school newspaper's editorial department was extremely busy. Opening the hand, this gave Violet some respite.

As a result, now, at the winter hunting ground, she encountered this dog skin plaster again.


'Dogskin Plaster' raised his hand, snapped his fingers, and summoned a transparent bubble to envelop her and the purple-haired witch. He said concisely, "I recently got a piece of exclusive secret information from Congressman Su. I exchanged it for your exclusive interview!"

"Member Su Shijun?" The purple-haired witch's eyes lit up slightly, and the peach blossom that had just ignited under her feet suddenly extinguished, expressing her heartbeat cautiously.

"Is there a second Congressman Su in the First University?" The blond witch had a smile on her face, "I want to remind you that this news is only known to a few people..."

"Don't tell me it's the Christmas ball under the moon, I have the tickets for that ball too." Violet looked at the lady reporter in front of her vigilantly.

"There is a ball under the moon every year. Even if Congressman Su participates this year, it is not a secret." The deputy editor of the school newspaper glanced around vigilantly, and his voice became lower and lower: "That information came from a very reliable person. The informant, there is evidence that the father of Mr. Su's child has a high probability of cheating..."

The father of Senator Su's child.


Violet turned these two words in her mind four or five times before she came back to her senses, and suddenly opened her eyes wide: "That Zheng Qing from Jiuyou College? He beeped..."

Linda Barnes had quick eyes and quick hands, and she took out a puff out of nowhere, stuffed it into the mouth of the purple-haired witch, and blocked the last few words she wanted to say.

The purple-haired witch chewed the puff viciously.

As if chewing the flesh of some wizard.

"make a deal!"

She grabbed the parchment contract that the deputy editor-in-chief of the school newspaper had prepared earlier, and signed on it indiscriminately, gnashing her teeth a little: "Really... just burning a few straw figures is too cheap for him!"

Linda nodded happily, and cursed at the same time: "Man, there is no good thing!"


Victor coughed loudly from outside the bubble, and the two witches turned their heads to look at each other, only to see the burly wizard spread his hands helplessly: "I said, two, we are still on a mission... ..."



"...The general task arrangement is like this, do you have any questions?"

Deep in the silent forest.

Farther away from the outside of the First University's winter hunting grounds, behind a sheltered hill, more than a dozen tall and strong two-headed ogres formed a circle, holding maces,

Iron maces, steel whips and other heavy weapons of various colors.

These ogres did not wear thick cloaks and warm charms like the young wizards who participated in the winter hunting. Most of them only wore a simple leather armor on their bodies, and their thick arms were naked in the whistling wind and snow. , showing a bluish-gray as hard as a rock.

The one who spoke was a hoop-headed ogre with a thick and short stature and a pitch-black staff. The new tumors under its jaw, eyebrows and eyes were already visible, and there were as many as seven discarded heads piled up behind its head. Among the head ogres, it is also a very powerful existence.

"Do you have any other questions?"

The hoop-headed ogre repeated the question of own, and glanced at each of the 'companions', with a light of wisdom that was completely different from that of the ogre race.

No one said anything.

All the ogres remained cautiously quiet.

"Since there is no problem, let's follow the plan... let's go to the positions you are in charge of." The hoop-headed ogre lowered its eyelids, paused, and added:

"Last reminder, I know that you all have a long history. The Dark Council, the withered and yellow land, the abyss, the castle under the moon, and some people may even come from this university campus in front of us..."

There was a faint disturbing commotion among the ogres, and many ogres began to look at their "companions" with dark eyes, guessing which one of the ogres had the idea of ​​coming from the First University.

The hoop-headed ogre remained calm, and his tone did not change at all: "...Many people adhere to the concept of 'chaos is the ladder', and think that chaos will make everything possible, such as rebellion, vendetta, black eating black, Wait. On weekdays, I would never care about these details. After all, few people who come to be 'wandering hunters' will regard the "Wizard Code" as their own code of conduct."

"But this time it's different."

"Even though the batch of ogre demons we use have been purified by the great fortune-teller and transformed by magic, this is Phuket Island after all. Standing here, we can feel the huge magic power hovering over the school without looking up... I think no one wants to feel the anger of the school... So, put away your little thoughts, don't touch things you shouldn't touch, don't take things you shouldn't take, don't mess with things you shouldn't mess with."

"As long as you drive those wild dragons at the right time according to the plan, appear at the right place, and lure the patrol team away, your respective tasks will be completed. Don't ruin everything in the future for temporary greed. .”

After all, it paused heavily for the staff in its hand.

The pure white snowflakes spiraled up, turning into a thick and short tornado in an instant, submerging the figure of the hoop-headed ogre. After a while, the tornado dissipated, snowflakes fell, and no one could be seen behind the sheltered hills.

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