Hunting High School

Chapter 240 Undercurrent

"You are much braver than I thought!"

This was the first sentence that Zheng Qing heard Xiao Xiao say after taking his seat: "I thought you would hide under the invisibility talisman for a while... I didn't expect you to show up now."

"True warriors dare to face up to the bleak life, dare to face up to the dripping blood." Zheng Qing recited the own middle school text solemnly.

The fat wizard's ears immediately perked up, and he took out the own quill with great interest, and looked up at Zheng Qing: "This sounds really beautiful, did you say it? Can you give me an authorization?"

"No, no, it's not me. It was written by a Mr. Zhou Shuren from Shaoxing." Zheng Qing waved his hands again and again, he didn't dare to wear this big hat casually.

Fatty put away the quill in disappointment and reopened the newspaper in his hand.

"Shao Xingzhou? It's also a very old wizard family." Dr. Xiao took out his own notebook with great interest, and quickly flipped through it: "Maybe I know this name..."

For this, Zheng Qing can't guarantee.

"Anything new?" He noticed the Beta Town Post that the fat wizard was holding in his hand.

"What's new?" The fat wizard glanced at him: "The biggest new thing today is the appearance of 'Mr. No. 1', 'Jiuyou Gongzi' and 'Qingqiu Young Master' in front of the public, and delivered a meaningful message... "


Zheng Qing rubbed his head, feeling that something was wrong—appearing in front of the public today was a temporary decision he made after waking up from a nightmare early in the morning, so there was no meaning in it, and when did he deliver the news to the public?

He snatched the newspaper from Fatty's hand and read the article soon after.

The article analyzes the mysterious meaning of Zheng Qing's breakfast today:

"...It was stated that steamed stuffed buns and millet porridge were required, but the grilled meat steak and magic juice were taken away. This represents low-key luxury, and expresses the mentality of this newly promoted 'Mr. No. 1' who does not want to attract public attention; Caviar, heralds the early birth of a precious son, which means that he acquiesced to Poseidon's real identity, we have reason to believe..."

Zheng Qing never knew that an accident that was completely caused by a mistake could explain so many well-reasoned but not completely nonsense analyses.

Flip to the end of the article and the author is a critic whose name he has never seen.

He couldn't help twisting his buttocks, as if there was a stone on the stool.

"This kind of nonsense, reading one more word is a waste of my precious life." The young public finance student angrily threw the article aside: "Today's breakfast was just a mistake!"

Zhang Jixin picked it up curiously and looked through it.

"That is to say, today you really ate charcoal-grilled spirit steak and drank magic juice?" Xin Fatty ignored the newspaper, his focus was completely different, and he was even more aggrieved than Zheng Qing: "I I bought you breakfast so many times, and I kept bringing you food during this time, and when you encountered something delicious, you actually ate it yourself!"

"I ate a golden bean for a are really rich now." Dr. Xiao Da said with a somewhat sad tone, turned his head to look out of the window, thoughtful: "Is soft rice really so delicious?" ?”

Faced with two completely different answers, Zheng Qing was speechless for a moment, not knowing whether to explain the accident this morning to Fatty, or to sternly declare to the doctor that he did not take soft food.

Before he could think properly, Zhang Jixin who was opening the newspaper next to him suddenly spoke.

"Is this 'Mr. First' referring to you?" He shook the article in the newspaper, his face full of confusion: "I just heard Fatty say something strange like 'Mr. ... When did you have these names? Why haven't I heard of them?"

"Sorry, I'm as ignorant as you on this issue." Zheng Qing rolled his eyes angrily.

It was a rare opportunity to despise the red-faced wizard, the fat wizard finally recovered from the gorgeous breakfast, poked the text on the report with his stubby fingers, and laughed: "It's 'Qingqiu Young Master'" Jiuyou Gongzi ', not 'Young Master Qingqiu'... haven't you been following your brother, the news of 'Will'

what lag? These titles were mentioned by Ms. Pulitzer in her latest article "Tolerance at the middle stage", as the name suggests, 'Mr.

"That shouldn't be 'Qingqiu Young Master', it would be much more reasonable to replace it with 'Qingqiu Zuoshu'." The red-faced wizard retorted, completely ignoring the darkening complexion of the person next to him.

"As for me, I haven't heard of it, it's quite normal, because there are more important things in school besides Eight Trigrams." He changed the subject, changed the topic to another matter, and his expression became serious: "Nine Trigrams The Academy and the Alpha Academy may be fighting again."

With a single sentence, the other three present all looked at him.

"Is it because of the school hunting competition?" Zheng Qing frowned. He was exhausted by the reports of the Bugle newspaper recently, and he hadn't paid attention to things other than his own safety for a long time.

"It's a little bit related, but it's mostly because of the admission qualifications." Zhang Jixin shook his head, carefully glanced at Nicholas in another corner, and lowered his voice slightly: "The Ratmen will most likely enter the next month's council. Enrollment qualifications... Jiuyou Academy disagrees, thinking that to be fair, if the Ratman can get the qualification, then the wizards of the North District and the murlocs of Linzhong Lake should also be qualified... If Alpha wants to accept the Ratman, it should also accept the North District wizards and murlocs."

"It's better to kill those white robes than let the wizards of the North District enter Alpha Fort." Xin Fatty curled his lips, as if he hadn't considered the possibility of accepting the above three into Jiuyou Academy.

"The above is the background."

Zhang Jixin nodded in agreement, and continued: "Is the conflict at the top passed to the signature campaign?"

"Give me a frog, please?" Even Zheng Qing responded immediately.

"Yes," the red-faced wizard gave him a surprised look: "My brother said that the Alpha Academy's 'Spell Book Liberation Association' seems to be quietly supporting the 'Please give me a frog' movement, trying to create a bottom-up The atmosphere of public opinion forced Jiuyou College to accept wizards from the North District... Correspondingly, Alpha College will also accept ratmen into Alpha Fort."

"They think so beautifully!"

Xin Fatty rolled his eyes, and criticized unceremoniously: "In the entire Phuket Island, no, in the entire Wizarding Union, there are only two known ratmen, and they are still in our shop. Where are the wizards in the North District? Only the Cherry Blossom Tavern is resident. Yes, I'm afraid it's not less than two or three could they have the face to make such a shameless suggestion!"

"Where are the murlocs in Linzhong Lake?" Zheng Qing asked.

Zhang Jixin shrugged: "They are neither human beings, nor are there legendary wizards standing behind them, who cares."

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