Hunting High School

Chapter 254: End Of Trials

Time goes back three minutes.

Less than seven minutes before the end of the hunting match, the huge, Devil-like black shadow hadn't completely descended on the arena, but its terrifying figure had already been outlined.

Click, click, click.

A quick trot abruptly broke the tranquility of the lounge under the stands.

Holding a brass binoculars, Li Meng broke in panting, yelling, "Amazing, amazing...a big guy is coming outside! That guy Zheng Qing is going to die!"


Miss Su snorted lazily, put away the "Near Death Experience" in her hand, tilted her head and glanced at the little witch: "Don't worry, speak slowly."

Li Meng was immediately taken prisoner by this head tilter.

"Zheng, Zheng Qing, there is a big, huge monster..." The little witch blushed, stammered for a while, and then straightened her tongue again: "I mean, there is a huge monster outside , It can eat up half of the arena with one bite... Zheng Qing's little hunting team can't even squeeze it between its teeth!"

Before the words fell, Li Meng felt a blur in front of his eyes.

When she regained her senses again, she realized that she was being embraced by Mr. Su Shi, standing on the edge of the stands—if Miss Su appeared on such an occasion in normal times, she would have already caused a commotion, but now, the weird and huge statue under the stands His existence attracted everyone's attention, so that no one noticed the new figure that appeared in this corner for a while.

At the top of the stand, the puppet is gloating and broadcasting the real-time battle situation: "...we have good news and bad news... The good news is that there are still six minutes and thirty-four seconds before the end of the game. The team has only one last ghoul left to deal with... The bad news is, this one is a little bit bigger!"

"It's also a ghoul?!"

Li Meng immediately caught the key word yan'er in the commentary, opened his eyes wide, and looked at the tumbling darkness on the field in disbelief, completely unable to understand the relationship between this form and the ghoul.

Su Shijun squinted his eyes slightly, looked at the dark titan that gradually became clear in the field, and replied softly: "Mordiggian... the ancient existence that lives in the Zul Baha Thrall's coffin, the god of eerie bones, The king of is not wrong to call him the last ghoul."

It seems to be a footnote for the witch's explanation.

In the hunting ground.

The devil-like titan without limbs waved the tentacles of the shadows around him, wantonly swaying the darkness that belongs to the void, and the cold that belongs to Death, and roared a phrase that most of the students on the hunting ground could not understand:

"Zul Baha Thrall!"




Repeating that soft and hot name in his mind, Zheng Qing seemed to be next to the stove, the bone-chilling chill around him receded silently, and his frozen thoughts flowed again.

After regaining consciousness, the young public fee student subconsciously pressed the button on the pocket watch case.


The case is opened to reveal a clear glass case. On the dial, the slender second hand ticks unhurriedly, just like the long time since its birth.

There are still two minutes and fifty-five seconds left before the end of the hunt.

Zheng Qing clearly remembered that the last time he looked at the dial, it was exactly three minutes before zero time, and then they started running for their lives. In other words, it took less than five seconds from the time they started to flee to the final annihilation of the entire army? !

The boy let out a sigh of relief, with his arms outstretched, lying on his back in the thick dust of the hunting ground, looking at the rolling low clouds above his head and the blurred and flickering light spots on the surrounding stands, he didn't want to move at all.

But after only lying there for a second, he realized that something seemed wrong.

The darkness hadn't quite left the hunting grounds.

The puppet has not announced the end of the trials.

A gaudy curse light flickered above his head, like fireworks exploding one by one, or like a wave after the spell was released.

Faint Ambilight.

But no one around to cast spells?

Puzzled, the boy sat up and looked around, only to see thick black tentacles dancing vigorously around him, as if he was fighting some powerful opponent. From time to time, a few tentacles bent at a strange angle, and then a few 'fireworks' exploded near that angle.

The young wizard raised his eyebrows slowly, as if realizing something.

He carefully held up the Dharma book.

Before he could open his mouth, a spell rushed out of the page and hit those huge black tentacles—— Zheng Qing dared to swear by pointing at Mr. The last few auxiliary spells were left—but judging from the appearance of those black tentacles, it seemed as if they had been hit by a forbidden curse, and they instantly became tattered under the curse light, and one of the tentacles was even broken by the volley. It landed on the ground, twisted like a dying worm, and then sank silently into the ground.

The corner of the wizard's mouth twitched.

"It's too much."

He felt a little hot on his face—this is the last conscience of a decent person—he murmured: "There are only a few binding spells in my can't be so powerful..."

boom! boom! boom!

What answered him was the increasingly shining spell light in mid-air and the increasingly intense fluctuations in magic power around him. Zheng Qing had reason to believe that if he was in the stands, he would have no reason to suspect that under such a fierce 'battle situation', standing in a daze Confused young man.

The condemnation of "conscience" is embarrassing and long.

The battle seemed extremely short.


The moment the pointer hit zero, the sound of the bell reverberated over the arena, and the darkness over the hunting ground and the huge and terrifying figure froze instantly as if under a holding spell.

In the next second, as if erased by an eraser, the huge shadow dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What also disappeared was the barrier covering the sky above the hunting ground. The deafening noise from the stands was accompanied by fresh air crazily pouring into the hunting ground. Almost everyone was shouting, screaming and applauding.


The strange and sharp voice of the puppet reappeared in the ears of the young Gong Feisheng: "Unbelievable ending! The forgiveness hunting team managed to survive until the last second!...Although they only have the last hunter left... …but to any observer, this seems almost impossible!"

Immediately, its sound was overwhelmed by an even bigger sound wave.

Because after the hunting game was over and the dark shadows in the hunting ground receded, the young wizards in the stands finally found Su Shijun who was standing silently watching the battle in a corner of the stands.

"Su Shi-jun!"

"Su Shi-jun!"

"Su Shi-jun!"

In the blink of an eye, the audience who were still cheering for the victory of forgiveness one second, decisively changed their positions the next second, and shouted the name of Miss Su in a neat and rhythmic manner, which gave Zheng Qing an illusion in an instant, as if tonight What is held here is not a hunting competition, but Su Shijun's personal show.

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