Hunting High School

Chapter 249 Limit

The number of ghouls in the tenth round was five hundred and twelve.

This means that there are 1,024 heads in the eleventh round, 2,048 in the twelfth round, and 4,096 in the thirteenth round.

If, as Xiao Xiao guessed, there are still four rounds, it means that before tonight's hunting match is really over, the forgiveness hunting team may face 8,192 ghouls at once.

This is a number that sounds hopeless.

Zheng Qing has no doubts that in the entire No. 1 University, except for the top-ranked school teams and college teams, there is a high probability that the other hunting teams participating in the trials will not make it to the end.

More than 8,100 ghouls, rounded up, close to 10,000!

One hundred and ten thousand are completely different concepts.

The forgiveness hunting team may be able to chop vegetables and cut melons with ease in the face of a hundred ghouls, but 10,000 ghouls—not to mention ghouls, even 10,000 pigs, even if they stay in place obediently If only the five members of the Forgiveness Hunting Team want to catch them all, the time left is not enough.

Not to mention that those 'pigs' can run, bark, shove, and bite people!

"Should have put Fatty on."

Dylan took out a red handkerchief from his breast pocket, wiped the dust off his face, and tried his best to maintain his image as a nobleman under the moon: "Whether it's the blue titan or 'that' battle formation, when dealing with this large-scale mess When he was in the army, his efficiency was very high.”

"Ghouls are not miscellaneous soldiers, and this is the first trial."

Zhang Jixin immediately rejected Mr. Vampire Werewolf's suggestion, with a serious face: "If we expose our own secret weapon to everyone in the first trial..."

"If we can't even make it to the end of the first trial, what's the use of a secret weapon?" Dylan had a very rare argument with the red-faced wizard.

This rhetorical question immediately made Zhang Jixin speechless, and turned to look at Zheng Qing.

The captain of the forgiveness hunting team did not participate in the dispute between the hunters. He took the magic potion that the fortune-teller had temporarily matched, and poured it into his stomach in one gulp. Because it has not been softened by time, the potion is very irritating, and the fiery liquid rushed down his throat and into his stomach, like small bombs, exploding in his stomach.

The turbulent magic power poured into the limbs and bones—like a noisy wave resurfacing in a dry waterway—the young wizard suddenly felt as if he had been thrown into a sauna room and was ripe.

"Hurry up and recover your magic power."

He gestured to his companions with the empty bottle in his hand, and reminded: "There is not much time...those guys won't give us enough rest time."

This reminder is very timely.

Not long after the other hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team poured the magic potion, the quiet hunting ground boiled again.

It's really 'boiling'.

The ground under my feet trembled in an incomprehensible pattern—as if a well-formed army was marching across a bridge—the loess rolled like boiling water, and burst into the air like prominences. Dirt waves.

This time, there was no need for the wizards to cast the Great Wind Curse, and the entire hunting ground was already plunged into a dim yellow color.

Zheng Qing flipped the magazine, pressed a bullet with a 'Monitoring Curse' painted on it, and raised his hand to shoot it into the darkness above his head. The magic power of China in the void was slightly rippling, and a small eyeball appeared in front of the wizard, looking towards the wizard. He showed the picture of the entire hunting ground.

"What are those dark things?"

Mr. Vampire Werewolf was the first to spot the black shadow in the yellow dust, and he said with some hesitation in his tone, "...doesn't look like a we have other guests tonight?"

Zheng Qing had a serious expression, moving that eyeball.

Soon, the 'dark' thing in Dylan's mouth revealed its true colors. It was a piece of incomplete tombstone, erected messily in the depths of the hunting ground, and as the earth trembled, more and more tombstones were slowly rising from the dust. Roughly counting, there are always as many as forty or fifty statues.

Scattered around the tombstones are pale

Broken bones, the bone fragments are covered with potholes and teeth marks; deep holes are sunken under the tombstones, like the burrows of groundhogs.

"I think it's because more than 1,000 ghouls are a little too many, so the school changed their admission method." Zhang Jixin gave a reasonable guess.

When the number was small before, ghouls could enter along the door openings on the edge of the hunting ground, but when the number of ghouls that need to enter exceeds a thousand, with only those two small door openings, I am afraid that they will not be able to survive until the end of the hunting game. , the prey have not yet fully entered the field.

After confirming that the shadows were tombstones, Dylan immediately raised his hand and resumed his 'play'.

"Do you want to try to break through your own limit?"

Zheng Qing caught a glimpse of the corpses of ghouls piled up on the edge of the hunting team, glanced at Dylan, and said with regret in his tone, "If you can control a thousand corpses..."

Mr. Vampire Werewolf tried his best to roll his eyes while beating the 'beat' carefully, and interrupted his captain's raving in anger: "That's not possible! Five hundred is my limit, and one more head counts as a mutation in me!"

"You controlled a dozen more tools before, I can see clearly." The captain of the forgiveness hunting team was a little unwilling to give up, and reminded in a low voice.

Dylan snorted very forcefully - hearing that sound, Zheng Qing was very suspicious that he had snorted out the booger - slightly emphatic: " I almost lost my strength just now! You have to choose between a long-term burst and a short-term burst ...If you have the confidence to kill the other five hundred ghouls before I lose my strength, then I can try to control ten more corpses."

"It's diminishing marginal efficiency."

Xiao Xiao moved his eyes away from the group of tombstones, returned to the crystal ball in front of him, and explained casually: "This concept is most obvious in domination magic...Under the condition of a certain level and magic power, wizard domination The more individuals there are, the weaker the control over the individual... After a certain limit, their activities cannot be finely controlled, but it will lead to a sharp increase in unnecessary internal friction and reduce the effect of the entire corpse group."

Zheng Qing felt a little headache when he heard this.

"I'm just making a suggestion, just a suggestion." The young public finance student immediately raised his hands, surrendered briefly for a second, then opened the book and looked around: "Or the tactics of the previous stage?"

The other main hunter who apologized hesitated for a few seconds.

"Let me go out with the swordsman to clean up the perimeter this time."

Zhang Jixin tugged at the gloves on his hand, with an eager expression on his face, but his tone seemed extraordinarily sincere: "During the previous confrontations, I found that it would be a waste for three people to stand behind... the auxiliary magic of you and the doctor enough."

Zheng Qing pouted and agreed to his request.

He had reasons to believe that the red-faced wizard was just coveting the live sandbags in front of him, and wanted to savor the pleasure of punching to the flesh before the end of the hunting match.

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