Hunting High School

Chapter 235 Not So Much

Shi Yuan little monk is one of the founders of the Knights of Forgiveness. Not many people know about this matter, and there are many people who don't know about it, but it is by no means difficult to dig it out.

The reason why he was there at the beginning was because the establishment of the hunting team required the endorsement of a "university-wide" student organization, and the establishment of a "university-wide" student organization had to be jointly initiated by students from the four colleges.

Zheng Qing and the others had just arrived, and they didn't know many people across the school, especially Atlas, which has always been known for being xenophobic and closed. They searched for a long time, and finally hooked up with Shiyuan little monk by relying on the old things on the admission plane.

little monk is a safe person, he knows that he is a rubber stamp, and he rarely gets involved in the affairs of the forgiveness hunting team—compared with hunting, he would rather take a nap under the blue lamp and ancient Buddha.

But when he mentioned the word 'back the blame', another name, d&k, immediately popped up in Zheng Qing's mind.

At noon today, Hu Wu, who is in charge of the management of d&k, flew paper cranes to the young public servants, and mentioned that because the forgiveness hunting team invited the owner of Qingqiu Mansion to serve as the hunting team instructor, a large number of idle Eight Trigrams guests flooded into d&k k, bringing huge security pressure to the small store. The letter mentioned that the next time the forgiveness hunting team makes similar moves, please be sure to notify the store staff in advance whether it is temporarily closing the store or notifying the Beita Town Management Committee to dispatch Several sheriffs, or to take advantage of the increase in passenger flow to buy more goods, need to have a clear regulation-this is a tactful advice to the store not to temporarily close the store.

It's just that when Zheng Qing received the letter, he was still in a state of confusion after the trip to the school hospital last night. When he saw that the content of the letter was not very important, he quickly forgot it.

Thinking about it now, I can't help but feel a little sorry.

Of course, the sincerity of this apology is questionable - because in addition to setting aside a part of it for the few clerks in d&k, it also needs to share a little extra for the Shi Yuan little monk in front of him.

In a sense, the circumstances of Shi Yuan and Hu Wu are so similar that they made similar appeals to the same wizard on the same day.

"Hey! How did I forget about this!"

The young public finance student stomped his feet in surprise, interrupting Shi Yuan's chattering complaints—when he thought of Hu Wu's letter, he realized at the same time that d&k is an excellent place to transform.

The little monk was stunned for a few seconds, trying to convince himself that the guy in front of him realized his mistake, but judging by his expression, he was a bit unsure.

"are you talking about me?"

little monk pointed to his nose, and murmured, rather embarrassed: "I didn't mean to blame you or anything... The main reason is that after you invited Councilor Su, many of our classmates asked me to come here, wanting to ...Of course, I've evaded most of the rude requests...But a few signatures, it should be fine...Hey, slow down, slow down! I'm not done yet!"

Before he took out his autograph book from his arms, Zheng Qing grabbed his arm and dragged him outside.

While walking, the young wizard swore: "Don't worry, if it's just a few signatures, I'll get rid of my old face and help you get it done!"

In a word, the placating little monk smiled all over his face, and said repeatedly: "It's not, it's not... what is this?"

He took a piece of talisman paper from Zheng Qing.

"The invisibility talisman." The wizard explained briefly: "If you don't want to be put in a sack and beaten with a sack with me, it's best to have this kind of useful talisman on's useful when you go out."

"Not at all, not at all..."

Little Monk is another string of 'not to', but this time, his voice is less joyful and more restless and vigilant.

After a while.

Two vague figures stood in front of the d&k shop on the pedestrian street.

As the night approached, most of the shops on the street were closed, only this shop was still lit, and through the glass window, one could see the slightly messy scene inside the shop—remnants of drinks on the floor, spilled pieces of paper and paper Messy on the sheet

Footprints, crooked shelves, and messy goods on the shelves.

The two Ratman clerks were poking their buttocks and tails up, wiping the stains on the floor vigorously.

The accountant, Hank, was wearing glasses, sitting behind the counter, slowly rolling out the bills, with a cup of hot tea in front of him, and the pearl-colored water mist piled up on his forehead to form a first stage faint rain cloud.

The sound of the door opening woke up the old fox behind the counter.

"Sorry, the store is closed. Please come back tomorrow if you have anything to do." Hank handled it skillfully without raising his head, with a hoarse voice: "...Our store has only a limited cooperative relationship with the Forgiveness Hunting Team. There is no contact with the owner, I am just an ordinary Qingqiu fox who comes to work in the store by chance."

"Hank, what is a limited partnership?" Zheng Qing was a little baffled.

I haven't been here for a few days, and I feel that the store is no longer own.

The old fox behind the counter suddenly looked up, surprised at first, and then a little nervous. He ignored the two guests who came without warning, but ordered the two ratmen: "Ding dong ding dong, close the door and lock it first, don't let anyone Seeing them here..."

"Before we entered the door, we had been wearing an invisibility amulet." Zheng Qing guessed the accountant's worry, and immediately comforted him. This sentence immediately let the old fox breathe a sigh of relief.

After recovering, it didn't explain Zheng Qing's confusion, but began to complain endlessly: "Have you received our paper crane? After the news came out yesterday, all kinds of monsters and snakes came to the store to block you—" —Reporters, Miss fans, passers-by, and even a few dark wizards! I bet they must be dark wizards, no normal wizard will put his face on the window, show his black teeth and smile at you all day long !"

Hearing this, Zheng Qing subconsciously looked back out of the window.

Fortunately, there was no longer the scary face Hank described outside.

"...Don't worry, they've already left. The management committee of Beta Town sent a few sheriffs over and sent a lot of them away." At this point, the accountant of the Fox Clan raised his cup, took a sip of tea, Shaking his head: "It's just a nightmare. It's even bigger than the troubles that Brother Ear had when his identity was revealed some time ago... At the very least, those wizards who want to find Brother Ear will weigh the weight of a legendary wizard before getting into trouble."

Shi Yuan little monk was taken aback for a while, and suddenly felt that the trouble of own is not that big anymore.

"Don't worry, the paper crane has received it."

The captain of the forgiveness hunting team comforted his shop assistants: "This kind of thing is going to be hot for a while... After the hunting competition starts in a few days, no one will block the door... If you are worried, you can temporarily suspend business for a few days. The salary will be paid as usual, and the loss will be on us!"

He patted his chest and took care of the other partners of the hunting team.

Then he grabbed Shi Yuan little monk to the front, grabbed the autograph book in his hand, and stuffed it into Hank's hand: "Shi Yuan needs some autographs from Congressman Su, I'll write you a note, tonight or tomorrow Hand it over to the mansion... Don't worry, it will be absolutely fine!"

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