Hunting High School

Chapter 231 Meeting

Similar to most public images, Su Shijun is still wearing her wide red glasses tonight, covering her own features and not showing her dazzling beauty.

But this does not affect the enthusiasm of the young wizards who have forgiven their sins.

Hearing Xin Fatty's self-introduction, Su Shijun accidentally took an extra look at him.

"Ah, I remember you."

The witch hugged her chest with one hand, stretched out her white fingers with the other hand, tapped her cheek, and said thoughtfully: "Last year, Lao Yao held a meeting in your class, and you were also the first to ask questions... I remember when you It’s still a trainee it possible to publish the front page now? It’s amazing.”

A simple compliment made Xin Fatty's snot bubbles overflow.

The others couldn't bear his ugly appearance, and dragged him behind in a hurry.

"Hi Senator, I'm Dylan O'Brien Tower Potter. I'm studying at the Star Academy. I'm serving as a safari hunter for the Excuse Squad, and occasionally a hunter. Nice to meet you."

Mr. Vampire Werewolf followed closely behind Fatty, and politely showed Mr. Su Shi the common etiquette of the next month's clan, with a shy look on his face.

Zheng Qing noticed that his bow tie was neatly tied, which showed that he could wear a bow tie without a full-length mirror.

"O'Brien and Tower Potter," the heir of the Qingqiu Su Clan looked at the half-breed boy in front of him curiously, and praised, "You are an enviable Talent."

Dylan bowed slightly reservedly, and stepped aside.

"Hello teacher!"

Zhang Jixin's hands are behind his hands, his feet are uneven, his voice is sonorous and powerful: "I am Zhang Jixin, the chief hunter of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, and all members of the Forgiveness Hunting Team will resolutely obey your instructions! Execute your orders! Done!" Every task you gave me! Above!"

He yelled out the last two words almost with all his strength, almost deafening Zheng Qing's ears.

Su Shijun was obviously not used to this kind of greeting, so he praised in a perfunctory way: "It's hard work... the children of the Zhang family of Tianmen are all very good."

The red-faced wizard gave up his position with a satisfied face.

"Hi, senior! I'm Xiao Xiao, assistant hunter and fortune teller of the Forgiveness Hunting Team."

Compared with his vulgar and reckless companions, Dr. Xiao obviously got closer, chose a name that would never go wrong, and then found a bunch of bright red carnations from nowhere, with a few tulips mixed in , dotted with inconspicuous stars all over the sky, and then complimented with a disgusting attitude:

"All members of the Forgiveness Hunting Team sincerely wish the senior sister forever beautiful, forever young, and always have boundless Magic power... Our captain said that the simplest wishes are the most sincere wishes!"

Hearing this, Zheng Qing almost cursed out loud - when did he ever say such a not wanting face?

Among all the teammates, perhaps only Blue Bird still maintained his usual composure.

"I'm a blue tit."

These are the only four words he uttered.

It's just that after saying these four words, the swordsman from the Star Academy showed a look of helplessness, and raised his arm stiffly, as if he wanted to say hello, but realized that this move was not appropriate, so he raised it to Half of the arm turned and turned to touch the sable lying on his shoulder.

Zheng Qing looked numbly at these guys passing by him one by one, clustering around Miss Su, just wanting to lift their feet and kick their butts hard.

"Pretty little mink."

Su Shijun accepted Xiao Xiao's flower bouquet, stretched out his fingers with a smile, and scratched the base of Sable's ear. The blue bird, who is usually used to showing people calmness, showed a look as if he had been scratched, his whole body gave off a anxious breath, and his ears almost looked like Zhang Jixin's.

And the bad-tempered sable, whether it was captured by the majesty of the great wizard, the coercion of the Qingqiu fox, or the beauty of the witch, showed an unusual cooperation, like a clingy cat, bowing its head and ears, looking cute appearance.

Zheng Qing twitched the corner of his mouth.

Heh, male mink.

He still clearly remembers the first time he saw this sable on the special plane, its vicious and aggressive appearance, especially its sharp teeth, was very impressive.

"Didn't Poseidon come with you?"

The young public servant followed a few steps forward and greeted the witch casually. Immediately afterwards, several other hunters turned their heads in unison, with a somewhat dangerous look in their eyes, which made the wizard's heart skip a beat. Stuttering: "You, I mean, I didn't see Su Ya just now... She is usually with Poseidon... I am Zheng Qing, the captain of the forgiveness hunting team, I can be regarded as the main hunter... and the range hunter... very's an honor to meet you!"

Zheng Qing felt alive again and could breathe again after he barely finished speaking.

Su Shijun's eyes fluttered, and he glanced at him: "Ah, that little guy... Maybe he's still playing with Su Ya... It's not that I don't know you, why do I have to introduce myself again?"

The other wizards all showed envious expressions.

Zheng Qing suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

Fortunately, the witch didn't get too entangled in this detail. She first looked at Jiang Yu, who was behind the wizard, smiled slightly, and then looked at Li Meng, who was being pressed by Jiang Yu on the shoulder, and Ling Guo, who was beside Li Meng.

"Does your hunting team still have such a young wizard?" She finally showed a hint of surprise.

Jiang Yu hesitated for a moment and let go.

Like a rabbit out of its cage, Li Meng jumped up to Su Shijun in a swish, with a frenzied face and longing eyes pacing behind her, as if looking for a big fluffy tail:

"Idol! I'm Li Meng! Li from plums, sprouting Meng! Su Ya and I are good friends! I often go to Qingqiu Mansion! Last year you were in our class meeting, and I also asked questions!"

"Oh, it's you." Su Shijun showed a hint of surprise, reached out his hand habitually, and rubbed Li Meng's head like he was touching Su Ya: "Sorry... Su Ya is a little busy tonight, so I can't play with you..."

"It's okay!" Li Meng narrowed her eyes, enjoying the touch of beautiful woman Su, and at the same time waved her hand boldly: "You can assign tasks to her, I'm not afraid that she will be busy!"

Zheng Qing felt that after Su Ya heard this, the two should break up.

"Are you also in the forgiveness hunting team?" Su Shijun glanced at Zheng Qing.

Before the boy opened his mouth, Li Meng explained very positively: "Don't look at my young age, I'm also a college student. I'm in the second grade. I'm the hunting team manager who forgives me..."

Lingo next to him had a hesitant expression.

"Well, to be precise, it's a deputy. That silly little boy next to him is a full-time job." Li Meng corrected a bit reluctantly, but immediately added: "He just came a little earlier than me...he It’s Alpha’s, and I’m responsible for a lot of things that you usually do in Jiu… Well, of course, my cousin also helped me a lot…”

She pointed at Jiang Yu again.

A thought suddenly exploded in Zheng Qing's mind, and he finally realized where the vague uneasiness came from before—he hadn't had time to communicate with Su Shijun about Jiang Yu's fake invitation!

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