Hunting High School

Chapter 211 Seven Provinces Themselves

"Leviathan is a witch?" There was some surprise in the black cat's voice.

"I've never said that all the seven deadly sins are wizards." The sinner was displeased, as if he was quite dissatisfied with the black cat's misunderstanding: "If you go to see her with this kind of prejudice, be careful of being beaten... Miss 'Jealous' isn't always so gentle, even if you're a cat."

"No no, that's not what I meant."

The black cat flicked the tip of its tail to express its apology, but there was no apology in its voice: "I mean, I remember you said before that everyone in the Seven Deadly Sins doesn't know the identities of the other members of the society..."

"Although I don't know the specific identity, I can tell the difference between a man and a woman." The envoy sighed heavily, and made an analogy: "It's like I can tell that you are a cat, not a wizard. "

"Then how do you know she's 'cute' or 'not cute'?"

"A witch whose appearance you don't know, is there any better word to describe besides 'cute'?" After the masked wizard asked back, he concluded to himself: "similar to describe a witch with 'Handsome', 'kind' to describe an old wizard, and 'cute' to describe a witch can never go wrong."

"I doubt it."

The black cat muttered, after all, it did not continue to argue with the masked man on this topic, but looked up at the round moon in the sky, and tugged its ears in displeasure: "When will that Leviathan arrive? I have other things, I can't Too long a delay with you!"

"What can a cat do." The wizard complained in a low voice: "Can it still fall in love?"


The black cat sneered: "I just want to go on a date, so I don't have time to waste with you... Cats are also very busy, at least not like some single dogs who run around blah blah during the Mid-Autumn Festival, making it difficult for others to date."

These words were like a small knife, viciously piercing the sinner's heart.

"I'm also chased by a witch!" The masked wizard yelled loudly: "I'm not single!"

The black cat silently glanced at him: "...I didn't even say it was you."

The knife goes in, pulls out, goes in again, pulls out again.

The wizard looked up at the full moon in the night sky and remained silent for a while. Zheng Qing maliciously guessed that if it wasn't covered by that mask, he would probably be able to see a tearful face.

After a moment of silence.

The guilty envoy suddenly lowered his head and looked at the black cat: "Is the mask on?"

He was referring to the small white mask that Zheng Qing wore when he participated in the assessment last time.

The black cat tried its best to roll its eyes - for a cat, this is very difficult - it took a lot of effort not to snort out the snot bubble: "I even forgot today's assessment, how could I remember to bring that thing !"

"As expected." The guilty envoy shrugged, took out a pure white mask without facial features from his sleeve, and threw it at the black cat. The mask swirled in the air, like a white butterfly, precisely landing on the black cat. cat face.

The black cat suddenly felt that its senses were much sharper.

It pricked up its ears and carefully monitored the subtle movements around it, but found nothing unusual. It was very surprised: "Why did you give me a mask... I thought that Miss 'Jealous' had already arrived."

"Whether she comes or not, you will have to wear a mask in the end." The sinner said, standing up from the branches of the tree, and leaping, the wide sleeves of the robe were hunting in the night, like a huge The bat, landed in front of the black cat.

"Follow me." He turned and walked deep into the woods.

The black cat hesitated for a few seconds, calculated the time in his heart, and jumped off the own throne.

"Don't follow." It ordered to stop the restless fruits on the cat fruit tree, and at the same time signaled the only dog ​​on the tree to follow him quietly with its eyes.

Maodou shook his tail happily, and disappeared between the corners of the branches in the blink of an eye.

"What are you going to do?" The black cat quietly clung to the side of the guilty envoy, with light footsteps and a light voice: "Aren't you going to wait for that 'jealous' lady?"

"Wander around." The masked wizard walked unhurriedly, with his hands in his sleeves, and said vaguely: "It's such a waste of time to wait dryly under the tree in such a clear night."

The black cat glanced at the wizard suspiciously, feeling that he was not telling the truth.

But it is also willing to stay away from the cat fruit tree, so that if the little white cat comes early, there will be no risk. Thinking of the little white cat, the black cat couldn't help but think of the disturbed date tonight, and its light steps suddenly became a little heavier.

"The sweet-scented osmanthus blooms really well tonight."

When passing by a laurel tree, the wizard wearing a mask suddenly sighed softly: "People praise love with flowers and the moon, as if smelling the rich fragrance can relieve pain...but the fragrance will double the pain instead. .Do you think there will be an exception if you become a cat?"

These words were clouded, and the black cat was a little confused.

"I'm just a cat, I can't understand what you're talking about." It interrupted the wizard's emotion a little impatiently.

Unaware, the wizard continued to babble like a fortune-teller in delirium: "...if you're lucky your love will be like a real cat, which begins by calling and disappears...Irresponsibility is a cat habit... and love ends before it even begins.”

"What exactly do you want to say?" The black cat stopped and looked at the wizard with unkind eyes.

The wizard raised his hand, helped the mask on his face, and said calmly, "For example, I have the responsibility to remind you that after you become an envoy, you need to be extra careful about the possible sins involved in love."

"for example?"

"Like jealousy, jealousy turns love from sweet to sour."

"No, no, I mean, whether I love or not, the seven deadly sins don't matter?" The black cat's tone was a bit unfriendly: "It's too lenient... If I have all the problems of arrogance, jealousy, overeating, etc. Committed, what are you going to do with the seven deadly crimes? Expell me from the society? Or curse me with the Black Devil law? Or fine me a large sum of money... Well, fines are indeed quite deterrent... But how are you going to ask? A cat asking for money? You don't even know where I live!"

Although wearing a mask, the black cat clearly sensed that the wizard smiled.

"I won't fine you, and I won't curse you." The culprit denied the black cat's several guesses: "Of course, it doesn't have much to do with where you's because the seven deadly sins don't completely depend on you." Members are bound by contracts and interests... The reason to remind you is "self-denial and self-cultivation". The seven-day introspection is a process of self-cultivation, an opportunity to purify thoughts and souls... every introspection is strengthening our foundation... This will be very beneficial to your future magic path."

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