Hunting High School

Chapter 201 Switch

Familiarize yourself with the rules in advance when no one knows them.

In a sense, this is not really cheating, but more like using the information gap to gain an advantage—just like a child of a university teacher can use his parents' laboratory at a very young age to make a few papers that can be published in Cutting-edge scientific and technological papers in "Nature" and "Science"; as for the problem-seekers from the countryside, they may still be struggling with which subjects to take this semester to get high marks.

Their plans for future life are like the dwarf at the bottom of the well and the dwarf standing on the top of the mountain, naturally there is a huge parallax. This gap will increase exponentially as they leave school.

Of course, people with high emotional intelligence may say that this is all personal freedom of choice, and it is not cheating. People with low emotional intelligence will throw the table angrily and scold the injustice of this world.

But that's the way the world is.

Some people know some things, and some people know other things. The power generated by mutual communication under the information gap drives the society to develop in a more profound direction.

Zhu Si didn't think so deeply.

As a witch who was lost in the mirror when she was a child and grew up in the strange world of Lu Li in the dreamland, her way of thinking still has a bit of innocence and purity when she was a child, and she has a very strong sense of good and bad in the world. clear division.

So, when she realized that Korma seemed to be trying to cheat through her, her complexion suddenly became a little bit worse.

"Feel sorry,"

The lecturer of the dream analysis class at First University raised his chin slightly, and said with a bit of pride in his tone, "Whether it's within the rules or not, I won't help you cheat."

"I said it's not cheating." The great sage of the North District tried his best not to roll his eyes, and made a helpless expression: "...This is what I plan to do these days, so since you can't help What's busy..."

She shrugged, touched the empty wine glass in front of her again, and reminded the guests very subtly that her tavern was closed.

Zhu Si retracted his chin just now, and asked a little unwillingly: "Is there really nothing else?... There must be a reason for me to come here."

The guests are even more mad than the owner about coming to this tavern for no reason, so if she just drinks a glass of juice, listens to a short story, and then leaves hastily, she feels sorry for her transcendent inspiration.

Kerma shook her head firmly.

But halfway through the shaking, she once again caught sight of the bright red grain on Zhu Si's forehead out of the corner of her eye.

"Well, there is a little thing."

The great sage of the North District took out a small wooden box from under the bar, pushed it in front of the guests, opened the box, and it was filled with regular polyhedrons the size of soybeans, like rubies full of magic power, but emitting a strong Magic Treasures Stone stronger magic wave.

Right now, of course, this power is bound in a box by more powerful magic.

"As you can see," Kerma stretched out a finger, picked up a red crystal, and handed it to the guests: "These are imitations developed by the North District with the assistance of Dr. Duzem...the Philosopher's Stone The imitation of the ...... and the one you are using can be regarded as the real one."

Zhu Si reached out to take the imitation, and at the same time raised his hand subconsciously, touching the mark like a red mole on his forehead. For a moment, she seemed to feel some kind of weak but clear resonance between the two fingertips.

When he came back to his senses, the tavern owner's explanation was not over: "... If you have time, you can help taste this imitation product, write about the feeling when using it and the difference between the two... or what do you think about the imitation product? Any suggestions for improvement... the Wizards of the North would be very grateful."


Compared with the previous one, which may involve cheating, this one is much easier to handle.

Zhu Si nodded happily, and was about to say yes, when suddenly his face changed, and a magical power surged out from the inside out, and the witch's figure suddenly blurred. Kerma looked at this scene in surprise, and the tower in his hand Luo cards switch quickly.

In the next second, the blur dissipated, and Da Zhu Si also disappeared.

A ten-year-old little witch appeared on the spot, rubbing her eyes and looking around in a daze. In the palm of her hand, the imitation Philosopher's Stone, the color has dimmed a lot.

At the same time, the bright red on her forehead became more and more vivid.

"Could it be possible to absorb magic power of a similar nature through the difference in magic power during the form transformation to obtain additional supplements?" The great wizard of the North District was thinking silently, looking at the little witch in front of him.

"Hey? Why did I come out so soon?"

Little Zhusi murmured, her eyes gliding over the night, the candle, and Korma's body one by one, and finally fell on the unfinished bottle of Amber not far away and another empty glass.

Standing on tiptoe, she gestured the distance between herself and the cup, then curled her lips in disgust.

"Ah, that guy is drinking again?" She didn't seem to see the silver-haired wizard behind the bar, and complained to herself: "...I know nonsense all day long, and I have the nerve to call myself an adult!"

"Will drinking make you passively transform?" Kerma propped her elbows on the bar, leaning forward slightly, and the tall figure cast forward, leaving a thick shadow, which just happened to overwhelm the short person.

This sense of pressure from top to bottom made little Zhu Si feel a little uncomfortable.

But she still pretended not to see the silver-haired witch in front of her. She opened her hand, looked at the dark red crystal in her palm, poked it carefully, and felt its hardness: " this thing edible?"

"You can try it, it doesn't cost money anyway." Kerma smiled and asked curiously at the same time: "Do you know who I am? Will the two of you share memories or feelings?"

The little witch finally had no way to continue ignoring the oppression from above.

She tilted her head and replied in a muffled voice: "What one or two... There is no 'we'... It's all 'I'... Only 'I'! But sometimes, for the sake of safety, I will take the initiative to forget some Things...Of course, if you try hard to remember, you should be able to like..."

She frowned, showing an expression of effort, as if she was sitting in the examination room and was silently writing a mantra.

Magic power surged silently.

After a moment of blurred figure, Big Zhusi appeared in front of Kerma again.

"Sorry, a little mistake."

She apologized in a slightly embarrassed way, stuffed the imitation product deep into her pocket, and at the same time walked quickly to the outside of the tavern, saying as she walked: "She is still a child, don't bother her with our troubles... I will complete the evaluation report on the imitation product and hand it over to you as soon as possible... Excuse me tonight."

Before she finished speaking, the witch's tall figure hastily disappeared into the deep night.

Korma, who was stunned, stood there blankly.

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