Hunting High School

Chapter 189 Morning Exercise Trifles

Until the morning practice, Xiao Xiao was still trying to explain to Zheng Qing that he used the word 'eat' precisely because he had discussed too much magic history in the Middle Ages with Sima last night, and he was used to the words used by wizards in that period.

While Zheng Qing was perfunctory, he absent-mindedly punched himself.

Compared with Dr. Xiao's trivial matters, he has too many troubles to worry about - the upcoming moon hunting, the training and competition of the forgiveness hunting team are a waste of time; In addition, there are two ratmen in the small shop outside the school, the growing Poseidon, Jiang Yu, Su Shijun, the shadow, the slowly recovering Dharma book, consciousness The little sapling in the sea and the little green snake entrenched on the sapling.

What's worse, Zheng Qing had a faint feeling that he seemed to have caused a big trouble recently, but he couldn't remember it for a while, as if a sneeze was stuck in his mouth and couldn't get out, which made people feel more upset and irritable.

"Maybe you need a mirror." After listening to Zheng Qing's worries, Xiao Xiao gave such a suggestion.

This advice comes from an ancient witchcraft that they learned in the 'extension' part of their Tuesday divination class - take a small round mirror, put a bay leaf at the foot of each bed before going to bed, say the spell to sleep, and sleep In the mirror, you will see the mirror, and the mirror will show what is about to happen.

Of course, this kind of magic also has sequelae. It will cause the sober wizard to frequently have a "sense of déjà vu" for a period of time, that is, he will always feel that the scene in front of him has been seen before.

But this sequelae is not the most important reason for Zheng Qing's rejection of this kind of magic.

"I don't worry about using this kind of witchcraft in the dormitory." The young public fee student muttered, "According to Tuantuan's bad personality, he will definitely break my mirror secretly... If I remember correctly, this kind of magic is against us." Luck is connected, if the mirror is broken, it will be very unlucky."

"We will never be able to do what we want and what we want." The short wizard was slightly melancholy.

Zheng Qing glanced at him, guessing whether Dr. Xiao encountered the problem of "necessary and necessary" during the "History of Magic Study" last night, and habitually retorted: "...But in reality, we really need both Deal with a lot of issues."

As soon as these words came out, he himself was stunned for a while, thinking of his own troubles, his mood immediately sank down again, and he forgot what he wanted to make fun of the short wizard.

In the distance, on the edge of the morning practice field, Xin Fatty appeared. He was waving his arms and calling his two companions to have breakfast.

Today's breakfast is extraordinarily rich. It is fried eggs and bacon sandwiched between toasts. The drink is orange juice, which is very suitable for a quick energy boost after exercise.

When Zheng Qing picked out the fried eggs in the bread and ate them alone, Xiao Xiao who was next to him finally continued the previous topic: "... In this regard, you should learn from the magicians in the North District. Knife thrown in the air, two knives in hand...neither one will hit the's not easy to juggle a lot of things at the same time, and they can not only handle it well, but also empty-handed Flying Daggers at the same time dangerous things."

"It doesn't have to be knives, sometimes they throw fireballs too."

Xin Fatty didn't know what the doctor meant by 'this point', but it didn't prevent him from interjecting: "And there are no magicians anymore...they all call themselves 'Wizards of the North Zone.'"

"That's not the point." Zheng Qing glanced at the fat wizard dissatisfied, quickly swallowed the fried egg in his mouth, looked at the doctor, and emphasized: "...The point is that every knife thrown by the wizards in the North District is Standalone, but a lot of our troubles are interconnected. Also, is knife juggling dangerous? A golden amulet, grab a knife if you want, grab a fireball if you want, even if you want to reach out It doesn't matter if you go into the mouth of Chiqiu in Changbai Mountain and pull out a few dragon teeth."

"The Juggler!"

"Well, well, magicians, magic shouldn't be involved...but Gary Baldi, the famous magician, once said, 'When you're terrified of throwing five fireballs, the wise magician focuses on One of the fireballs' . . . is the one you're about to catch."


Means to grasp the main contradiction of things? Zheng Qing nodded thoughtfully, and naturally connected with the philosophical theories he had studied in the past ten years.

"That's almost what it means." Xiao Xiao nodded reluctantly.

"Who is Gary Baldi?" Xin Fatty was very interested in the strange name the doctor just mentioned: "Are there any 'famous' magicians?"

"We should be in awe of any unknowns beyond Realm." The short wizard adjusted his glasses and glanced at his two companions: "As for Gary Baldi, it is a book I have read recently. The protagonist of the book, who was born in the North District, was allowed to wander outside Phuket Island for some special reasons... But I think his greatest achievement is not playing five fireballs at the same time and earning thousands of pounds of gold, but It was four wives and thirteen children at the same time, and each of them didn't know the existence of the others."

"Wow! This is much more dangerous than throwing a fireball!" the fat wizard yelled, his eyes glowing.

Zheng Qing felt his ears prick up in an instant.

"What's the name of that book?" The young public finance student pretended to be indifferent, and criticized casually: "I'm curious that such a terrible scumbag has someone to write his biography!"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he knew he would suffer.

Sure enough, Xin Fatty laughed immediately: "Sure enough, same-sex repulsion... If Gary Baldi is a 'bad scum', then what are you, a noble scumbag?"

Xiao Xiao spoke almost at the same time: "Are you surprised? I think you are much better than Gary Baldi... They should all know the existence of other people."

Zheng Qing drowned out the verbal criticisms of the two companions with a big full belch.

"Today is Sunday, right?" He changed the subject skillfully: "I don't know if Lao Yao will come to the class meeting in person today... By the way, you already know the news that the hunting committee notified you of registration, right? All teams participating in the hunting competition need to unify First Stage to register again, including the school hunting team and the four academy teams."

"What's the point of this!" Xin Fatty was indeed attracted by the new topic: "Isn't the school hunting team always able to directly participate in the final competition for the Academy Cup?"

"Probably for the sake of fairness." The young public finance student was very satisfied with Own's ability to control the topic, so he answered very patiently: "It is said that this time the student union and the hunting committee have prepared a new hunting team selection plan...the only requirement is fairness! "

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