Hunting High School

Chapter 187: The Cat Wearing A Mask


In the depths of Jiuyou Academy, under the cat fruit tree.

The 'fruits' hanging on the tree earlier had left the branches, and each went off to have fun. Apart from the chirping insects and resting birds, there were two wizards and a black cat under the tree at the moment.

The black cat is naturally Zheng Qing.

Two wizards, one wearing a bat mask and the other wearing a white mask, stood facing each other. The black cat squatted beside the wizard wearing the white mask. The cat also wore a small white mask on its face.

"What you have to inherit is not only the name 'Convicting Envoy', but also this mask." When the wizard wearing the white mask communicated with the black cat in advance, he once warned earnestly: "Without facial features and pure white color, It represents absolute neutrality, which is very important to the other seven members of the Seven Deadly is also very important to other organizations you may deal with in the future."

The black cat stared at the small mask, hesitated for a moment, and finally put it on the own cat's face.

It didn't care about the feelings of the other seven wizards, or the attitude of other organizations. It just felt that it would be safer to wear more First Stage masks on its face.

Besides, everyone else wears it, if it doesn't wear it, it seems a bit of a disadvantage.

Different from the thick appearance, the white mask looks very light and breathable on the face, and the lack of facial features does not affect the black cat's breathing and seeing the surrounding scenery clearly. I don't know if it is an illusion. After wearing the mask, it feels own The five senses are even a little sharper.

It was a good magic item, and the black cat ticked the tip of its tail in satisfaction.

Unlike the leisurely black cat, when Sir Friedman saw the sinner and the cat next to him for the first time, he was in a bad mood.

"I thought you would bring the heir of the Convicted Envoy to accept my assessment today." Jazz whispered in his hoarse voice with the last hope.

Especially when he mentioned the word 'heir', he put more emphasis on his tone.

"That's right." The Convicted Envoy spread out his hands and replied briskly, "I did bring it... 呶... This is my successor."

He pointed to the black cat.

Friedman notes that he uses 'successor' instead of 'heir'.

He silently glanced at the black cat squatting at his feet, then raised his head and looked at the sinner: "You never said that your successor is a cat..."

"No one has ever said that the criminal can't be a cat." The current criminal replied smoothly, and the voice under the white mask became more and more cheerful: "More importantly, before I saw this cat, I I don't know that my successor is a cat... Your reaction is much bigger than mine!"

This damn bad taste.

The black cat glanced at the guilty person speechlessly, then at the guy wearing the bat mask, cleared his throat, and asked in a rough voice: "Hey, are you still doing that kind of assessment... no I'm going to go to the tree to bask in the moon!"

Although it is still a new moon, the moonlight is really good today, and it gives people a particularly refreshing feeling when it falls on the body, as if eating a big bowl of smoothie in summer, I wonder if it is a side effect of the growing autumn.

"It can talk?" Friedman looked at the black cat in surprise.

"If it were an ordinary cat, it wouldn't be my successor." The current guilty envoy adjusted his mask, looked up at the moonlight, and added: " I suggest you take the assessment quickly , so that we can catch up and go back to sleep."

The wizard wearing a bat mask finally calmed down. He looked down at the black cat and cleared his throat: "In this case...well, do you know what Mundell's Paradox is?"

Zheng Qing has listened to this magic theorem countless times, and he has long been familiar with it. Hearing this, he immediately replied: "It's very simple. When wizards use transfiguration, they cannot simultaneously achieve magic power stability, spiritual will independence, and Free transformation between species, but at most two conditions can only be realized at the same time..."

The wizard wearing a bat mask kept nodding his head: "Well, um...that's right, that's right, that's it. It won't be listed in the Encyclopedia of Wizards either.

Explained in more detail. Very well, you have passed my test. "

The black cat was taken aback when he heard this.

Then he turned to look at the sinner wearing a white mask.

"That's it?"

If it wasn't for the proof of the two pieces of parchment covered with seals in its arms, it would have thought that someone was joking with itself: "Just take a magic theory that everyone knows? The assessment is completed?"

"One-seventh of the assessment." The condemnation envoy corrected, shrugging his shoulders at the same time: "This kind of thing is up to him to decide... Anyway, the decision is in his hands, and it is his freedom to choose what kind of leader."

"Hmph, you are not the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins, you are just a convener." The wizard wearing a bat mask snorted coldly: " the more stupid the convener, the better."

The black cat looked at the two people who were a little bit at a loss.

Before he could think of anything to say, the bat spirit turned his head to look at it, with a bit of sarcasm in his tone: "Why, do you feel uncomfortable relying on your magic theory? It's okay to be unhappy, don't you think I'll let you Are you going to slay a fire dragon to satisfy your cheap and childish pride?"

"Shut up." There was a calm voice from the conciliator next to him.

The bat spirit's mouth suddenly seemed to be stuck, and he couldn't utter a word. The black cat was in a good mood - even if it was just for the ability to close that stinky mouth at any time, he didn't mind spending too much time. Take this simple assessment a few times.

"As you can see."

The white mask looked down at the black cat, with a slightly serious tone: "...the seven members of the seven deadly sins represent seven different sins, and arrogance is the first and greatest sin. Weakness and ignorance are not the key to survival." Obstacles, arrogance is. Similarly, weakness and ignorance are not reasons to be disgusted, arrogance is..."

The black cat nodded in agreement.

He subconsciously remembered the Arthur Ness he met on the pedestrian street the day before school started last year. The most important reason why he stood up and stood in front of Lingo was the disgusting arrogance of that alpha wizard, which aroused everyone's anger.

Similarly, there are also the Shushan school sword fairies in the Shushan swordsman biography.

Theoretically, Shushan Sword Immortals, who are righteous, should be very popular with readers, but things are always reversed. Whenever sword immortals stand proudly in front of "demons and heretics", people can't help but grit their teeth, wishing for evil and heretics Beat that group of second-generation sword immortals who are good at double standards to pieces.

It's just a pity that the arrogant sword fairies always win.

The voice of the guilty envoy continued to ring in the ears of the black cat: "...the person who is assessing you today is code-named 'Lucifer' among the seven deadly sins, and the original sin on his body is 'arrogance', I think you have more or less experienced it As for the follow-up assessment, it is tentatively scheduled for the same time and place next week, if time permits, there may be a few more items, and I will try to take off this heavy robe when the moon hunting is over."

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