Hunting High School

Chapter 183: Invitation

On the other side, when the black cat came to the old oak tree where the two mice disappeared, the ear brothers had disappeared, and their breath was still there, but the black cat could only see a bowl-sized black spot on the tree trunk. hole.

Zheng Qing knew that it was a tree hole made by the Rat Tribe using Talent, through which they could go where they wanted to go.

Of course, the use of this kind of Talent will be subject to many restrictions, such as communication distance, specific tree species, old trees with enough magic power, or magic marks set in advance, and so on.

But it is undeniable that this is a very clever teleportation technique between high rank space magic and mid rank escapism, which is much more delicate than the armored horse talisman mastered by Zheng Qing.

The black cat squatted at the hole, staring at the bowl-sized tree hole, thoughtful.

"Want to go in?" A voice behind him asked curiously.

"A little bit." The black cat nodded subconsciously: "At this point, the two of them should be in the store with Hu Wu to set up accounts. I don't know why they came to the school secretly... Could it be that the mouse fairy is hiding in the school?"

As soon as the words came out, the black cat suddenly felt terrified, the fur on its neck exploded, bowed its body, hooked its tail, and quickly turned its head to look behind, uttering a threatening meow from its throat.

In contrast, the voice behind him was obviously frightened: "Damn's really a cat!"

It was a wizard wearing a strange white mask and black robes. The black cat noticed that the mask had no facial features such as eyes, nose and mouth, like an egg that had been peeled off its shell, shining white in the moonlight.

Of course, that's not the point.

The point is, obviously I was the one who was frightened, why the guy in the mask seemed to be frightened even more!

Thinking indignantly, the black cat suddenly swelled up a few times, becoming the size of a panther, and opened its mouth at the same time, revealing a mouth full of white and sharp teeth.

"You are definitely not a cat... There is no normal cat that can change in size and talk."

The wizard wearing a white mask cautiously took a step towards the retreat, his breath a little tense, then scratched his head, his voice revealed a trace of distress: "Did you take a cat with you? They will laugh at you to death! According to Mundell's law, use A Transfiguration wizard shouldn't be able to talk... unless it's a mad wizard, or forever a cat?"

Mundell's law means that when a wizard uses transfiguration, it is impossible to realize the three conditions of free transformation of species, maintaining independent will, and stable magic power at the same time.

Take the black cat as an example, if it is a wizard who uses the transformation technique, then first of all, it becomes bigger and smaller and can talk, which means that it has stable magic power. So you can only choose one of the remaining two conditions. If you choose the free conversion of species, it means that the black cat will not be able to preserve its independent will, and there will be two split consciousnesses before and after the transfiguration; if you choose independent will, the black cat will always be a a cat.

After realizing this, the aura of the wizard wearing the white mask became more and more distressed.

The black cat paid no attention to the wizard's reaction.

It pricked up its ears and vigilantly captured the movement around it. After confirming that there were no other movements, it asked hoarsely, "Did you use magic on me?"

"Bluntness, a well-intentioned communication skill." The slightly oily tone came from under the white mask, which sounded very unbeatable: " can help us open up the conversation when we are cold. After all, anyone can take the initiative to shut up, but Very few people actively turn off the desire to talk in their heads."

While speaking, it took two steps towards Retreat, and opened its hands at the same time, indicating that it has no Dharma books or talismans in its hands-no malice.

This move is not very convincing.

The black cat stared at him for a moment, then asked in a low voice, "Who are you?"

"A good man."

"There are no good people who hide their heads and show their tails." The black cat was very determined, and at the same time shook its ears, planning to release the little green snake in its ears immediately if there was any discrepancy.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the little snake coiled around the tree of order lazily flicked the tip of its tail to show that it knew. This reassured the black cat a lot.

"Oh, calm down

,take it easy. "The wizard wearing a white mask was keenly aware of the dangerous atmosphere in the air, and took another step toward Retreat, raising his hands higher: "I'm just here to find someone... Wearing a mask is required for work, and hiding your head and showing your tail is not necessarily a bad person , may also be too handsome, afraid of causing riots, is a very civic-minded person. "

The black cat gave him a deep look.

Being able to say such a not wanting face doesn't look like an ordinary villain. Moreover, this is the deepest part of the school, which belongs to the most closely monitored area of ​​the school's guardian circle.

So it exhaled lightly, and its figure shrank back to the size of a normal cat.

"Aha, can you freely become bigger and smaller?" The wizard wearing a white mask sat cross-legged on the ground, making his eyes level with the black cat, and nodded at the same time: "What other abilities?"

The black cat didn't pay attention to him, but turned around, and yelled softly at the canopy not far away: "Oh!"

After a moment of dead silence, several lush tree canopies in the distance suddenly shook, and in a short while, dozens of cats, large and small, jumped out of the canopy and ran towards the direction of the cat fruit tree.

This is the cat who rushed over just after realizing that the leader was protesting.

The wizard wearing a white mask was a little surprised, but also a little clear, nodded: "...Well, the second ability is to control cats?"

The black cat squatted in front of him with a straight face, looked up and down for a moment, pondered over what he said before, and asked abruptly, "Why do you want to take me?"

"Join a learning interest group." The wizard wearing a white mask replied politely, throwing out a vocabulary that Jiuyou students were most interested in.

"Interest group?" The black cat ignored the word "study" in front of it, and frowned: "Is it a club? On-campus or off-campus? Is it illegal? Sorry, I'm not interested."

In his opinion, for such a sneaky guy, the place he took it to must not be a good place.

The wizard wearing a white mask spread his hands and said in a helpless tone, "Aren't you prejudiced against masks...We wear masks because the society needs them. By the way, the school allows free association. So there is no distinction between legal and illegal."

The black cat squatted on the spot, unmoved, swept its tail behind it, and showed a slightly impatient expression: "I've said I'm not interested, I have my own club... stay away from me... and this tree hole!"

He couldn't risk giving up the hole to this unknown guy before the two mice came back.

"The school allows students to join different types of clubs at the same time." The wizard wearing a white mask did not move, and sat on the spot and persuaded him patiently: "...Maybe you can go and have a look with me, maybe you will be interested."

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