Hunting High School

Chapter 159: Friday Night

Although the night training in the third week of the plan is for restorative training, hunting is not the goal. But after a brief run-in and regaining the 'feel', the night training of the Forgiveness Hunting Team unknowingly exceeded the plan.

Just like a tiger walking out of its cave to walk in the forest, you can't expect it to really only walk in the forest and ignore the little wild boar slipping by.

First bootcamp on Monday night and it worked out really well and it was all on schedule.

Tuantuan and Maodou strolled around the periphery of the hunting team, chasing Gai Traxi who occasionally approached. The five hunters participating in the training camp formed a simple battle formation, and reviewed formation changes, positioning and some tactics learned last year on the hunting ground. Although it was the first time for Jiang Yu to participate in the forgiveness training, he was not a novice in the hunting field. Instead, he naturally integrated into Xiao Xiao's tactical guidance and was praised by everyone.

In the second training camp on Wednesday night, the Blue Jays returned to the team, which slightly disrupted the rhythm of the last time.

Because he participated in the unrestricted fighting match of Star Academy on Monday, he accidentally entered the school hospital and lay on the hospital bed all day. After returning to the team on Wednesday, the hunter's seat had been taken by squad leader Jiang, so he could only stay on the edge of the hunting ground, silently acting as a spectator.

Of course, Zhang Jixin and Xiao Xiao would not let an excellent hunter sit on the bench all the time. Therefore, Wednesday's training camp implemented a rotation system, and everyone had to be familiar with the playing style and characteristics of different positions, which greatly improved the skills of everyone in the hunting team—including Zheng Qing. When he was the left assistant hunter, he was already able to manage battle formations and provide hunting guidance in a decent manner.

Even Xin Fatty complained that Zheng Qing's guidance is worthy of the name of "brother scum".

At the third training camp on Friday night, Dylan, the last main hunter of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, finally joined in. For this reason, Mr. Vampire Werewolf had to make up a class during the day on Saturday.

"Actually, you don't need to take a night off." Before the training started, Zheng Qing mentioned in a chat with Dylan: "Our training camp is only from 9:00 to 11:00, and the time is not mandatory. You can definitely advance a few minutes You can even make it to the second half of the first class of the night shift."

"I won't go to class with a stinky sweat on." Dylan rejected the proposal of the public finance student without hesitation: "That would damage the elegance of the nobles under the moon."

"Can vampires still sweat?" Zheng Qing turned his head and asked Xiao Xiao quietly.

"My hearing is very sensitive!" Before the doctor could speak, the noble under the moon shouted angrily: "Blood! Blood! I'm not a vampire and even if the blood doesn't sweat, the other half of my blood can still sweat! "

The other half of Dylan's blood is a werewolf.

Werewolves naturally sweat.

"My fault." The young public finance student would not conflict with his team members on such trivial matters, and immediately raised his hands to express his surrender.

In this regard, Dylan was magnanimous and did not care about it.

"I heard that you participated in Wednesday's training? How do you feel?" Dylan turned his head to look at another starry sky academy hunter in the forgiveness hunting team: "They didn't memorize the school hunting rule sheet in the hunting ground."

This is mocking the bookishness of Jiuyou Academy. Zheng Qing thinks deeply and feels that she can understand the voice-over, which is really a remarkable improvement.


Blue Bird was as silent as ever, holding a sword, walking in the middle of the line, paused, and added another word: "No back."

As the night wind blew, Zheng Qing couldn't help shivering, it was so cold.

While speaking, a group of people had already entered the hunting ground, and Tuantuan slowly jumped off Xin Fatty's shoulders, with their tails upright and buttocks twisted, and they walked unhurriedly into the depths of the hunting ground.

Suspicious cat meows could be heard faintly in the distance, just in the direction where Tuantuan disappeared.

"It's autumn now, isn't it?" Zheng Qing pinched his fingers uncertainly and calculated.

"You mean that voice?" Xiao Xiao saw what Zheng Qing was suspicious of at a glance, adjusted his glasses, and sneered: "If you hear me right, it should not be a cat meowing, but the cry of a mourning banshee."


Xin Fatty's face is bluish

Concerned, he stopped carefully with his ears pricked up, and his face became more and more ugly: "It seems that this is really a bad omen."

The old-school wizards believed that the cries of the Banshee heralds ominousness and death, so they have been expelled by the wizards, and even in modern times, they rarely show up in places where wizards gather.

"There is also a banshee in the school?" It was also the first time Zheng Qing heard of this legendary magical creature, and couldn't help but listen carefully. It was indeed somewhat different from meowing.

"That sounds fresh."

The fat wizard glanced at his captain, and said earnestly: "You should ask if there is nothing in the school. According to the report of the alliance, Phuket Island and First University have the most complete ecosystem in the entire wizarding world, and almost all magical creatures can live in this place." Found it on the island. Besides, it's just a not uncommon banshee."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

The captain of the forgiveness hunting team clapped his hands to stop Xin Fatty from continuing to complain, then put his thumbs in his belt and looked around with a straight face: "First of all, I must admit that I was lucky today. All here, then we will start the third training session of the year Well, the training progress report has been filled out, right? I remember to submit it to the hunting committee."

He looked at Xiao Xiao with some worry.

"That's not something you should care about." The fortune teller of the Excuse Hunting Team waved his hand, as if trying to drive away a mosquito.

"very good."

Zheng Qing originally didn't expect to hear any more positive comments from himself, so he nodded with feigned deepness: "Then today's training camp, we will continue the plan on Wednesday night and continue to rotate. It just so happens that the gentleman returns to the team today, the first round of training He will be the hunter, the squad leader will be the hunter, the swordsman will be the main hunter, Elder will be the assistant hunter on the left, Fatty will be the assistant hunter on the right, and the doctor and I will guide you off the field, what's the problem?"

Seeing that Mr. Vampire Werewolf raised his arms high, Zheng Qing had to stop the arrangement in his mouth.

"I'm not asking for a night off to play house."

Dylan was obviously not satisfied with the simple battle formation review and tactical drills, and his tone was even more displeased than Zheng Qing: "If we come out at night, if we just run around in the hunting ground foolishly, what will happen to those first-year reserve hunting teams?" What's the difference? It's better to sit in the warm study room and deduce tactics on paper, Blue Bird, you think so too, right?"

He didn't even call Blue Bird by its code name, but by its first name.

The swordsmen of the Forgiveness Hunting Team did not support Mister Gentleman's complaints, but they did not object either, and remained silent as always. It's just that Zheng Qing was keenly aware that there was a trace of hesitation in his silence.

This explains the problem very well.

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