Hunting High School

Chapter 142 A Little Thing About Homework

Zheng Qing's high-level remarks on the positive and negative aspects of the executive level did not attract Dr. Xiao's attention.

Gein's example was a bit far from the wizarding world, and he couldn't resonate with the doctor. On the contrary, the "sense of déjà vu" he mentioned in the example aroused Xiao Xiao's great interest. Holding Zheng Qing's arm was an explanation, from the understanding of divination concept to the dimensional time theory, Zheng Qing was dizzy when he spoke directly My head was swollen, and my heart was full of regret, wishing to crumpled up that school newspaper and stuffed it into the doctor's mouth.

"Does Bailu have any other effects besides 'quenching thirst, making people feel light and not hungry, and making fat meat happy'?" The young public finance student finally caught a glimpse of the gap in the chat, and quickly interjected, trying to change the content of the conversation: " That's the only line in Standard Potions... I don't feel like I've got enough 3,000 words for my potions class."

As he spoke, he patted the homework on the bottom of his hands lightly.

Xiao smiled and adjusted his glasses, and glanced at the parchment under Zheng Qing's elbow.

"Oh, what is the effect of Bailu? It's very simple. You can write a lot separately."

After all, a doctor is a doctor, and he easily found a solution to the problem for young public-funded students: "... For example, the eight characters of 'sweet and cool to moisten dryness, relieve heat and trouble', you can extend it to 'rice head dew', 'calamus dew' and 'chicken on top' Lu, 'chrysanthemum dew', 'lotus leaf dew', 'cypress leaf dew', 'Ling Xiaohua dew' and many other white dews of different qualities."

"'Rice Head Dew' nourishes the stomach and promotes fluid; 'Calamus Dew' clears the heart and improves eyesight; 'Leek on the Dew' cools the blood and relieves choking; 'Lotus Lew' refreshes the mind; 'Chrysanthemum Dew' nourishes the blood and relieves wind;' Ling Xiao The flower dew' enters the eyes and hurts the eyes... Well, wait, the last one can be omitted."

"In this way, you can easily expand a function that can be written in one line to hundreds of words. It's only three thousand words, which is very easy."

Zheng Qing was amazed when he heard the words.

But this is not over yet. Dr. Xiao Da seems to be having a chat, and the brush in his hand is spinning quickly, and he continues to point out: "The above are the uses of Bailu as the main medicine. In addition to the main medicine, Bailu can also write many effects when used as an auxiliary medicine. For example 'Decoction' means collecting white dew and decocting it in a sapphire or ceramic crucible until it is as concentrated as honey. The decoction can be used as a substitute for honey or other auxiliary materials and pills, or it can be directly mixed with water Take it hot, you will not be hungry, and you will prolong your life."

"Another example is to use white dew as a solvent for decocting medicine, and autumn dew to take the 'killing air', which is suitable for decoction to moisturize the lungs and kill evil spirits, and to adjust mange, itch, worms and other powders. I remember that witches used to like a kind of medicine called The magic potion of 'Lengxiang Wan' uses Twelve Qian Bailu in it, which is intended to use the autumn harvest air of autumn dew and its sweet and cool moisturizing properties to moisten and calm the lung qi...Of course, 'Lengxiang Wan' also You need to use 'Rain, Rain', 'Frost', 'Xiaoxuexue' and more than a dozen other petals and pistils, and use them together as medicine. I think you don't need to write these in your homework, and you will easily be scolded by Professor Li."

Zheng Qing sat upright, clapped his hands silently, and mourned for a few seconds for Professor Li who assigned the potion homework. According to Dr. Xiao Da's way of writing, he felt that he could write 10,000 words!

"What about the ogre?" He hurriedly asked while jotting down the scriptures taught by the doctor.

"Huh?" Xiao Xiao rarely showed a confused look, and after a moment of stunned he asked, "Do you mean to use the ogre and Bailu together as medicine, or to feed the ogre to drink Bailu? There are several theories in this." of……"

Zheng Qing waved her hands again and again.

"No, no, another assignment of mine."

The young public-funded student took out another piece of parchment from the pile of books next to it, and stuffed it under the short wizard's nose with a smile: "I am taking magic biology as an elective, and the homework assigned by Mr. Gan is to write an article about ogres. A summary of ... Summarize the understanding and understanding of ogres."

"Sorry, I'm taking Magic Universe as an elective." Xiao Xiao glanced at him silently: "As for ogres... I remember we talked about this topic during the trial."


Gu Zheng Qing smiled all over his face, flatteringly said: "I think what you said at the time was sufficient... But wasn't Jiang Yu also present at the time, she also took the elective course Biology of magic... So I think I should write something different

of. You must have other lore about ogres to share, right? "

This time, Dr. Xiao was silent for a long time.

He looked at the simple and honest smiling face on the opposite side of the desk, as if he was curious about why a person's face could grow a circle in a year, and then nodded after a long while: "There is a relatively remote knowledge point... You know that cannibalism Is there any difference between a demon and shit?"

Ogres and shit?

Zheng Qing suddenly became interested.

"One is a living thing and the other is a dead thing?" He guessed: "No, no, it shouldn't be that simple... I do know what they have in common, they all stink."

"Bingo!" The doctor snapped his fingers silently, looking like a child can teach: "That's the way of thinking, and the extension is the conclusion - dog shit will lose its smell eventually, but ogres can't."

After finishing speaking, he raised his head, pointed his chin at Zheng Qing, and slowly pushed the parchment back to the opposite side little by little, then put his hands together, put away the homework on the desktop, as if getting up and leaving.

"Why are you going?" Zheng Qing became impatient, fearing that the librarian would beat him up, so he could only whisper, "...I haven't finished my homework yet!"

"Your homework," Xiao Xiao stretched out his crumpled robe, pointed at Zheng Qing with his index finger: "You haven't finished your homework yet, mine..."

He pointed at himself with his thumb backhand: "I have finished my homework... You don't need to copy the potion homework, magic biology, unfortunately, I didn't take it as an elective."

Having said that, Zheng Qing didn't hear the slightest bit of regret from his tone.

"Don't go, don't go, help me!" The captain of the forgiveness hunting team had no morals, clasped his hands together, and begged in a low voice while rubbing.

The doctor lowered his head, looked over the top edge of the glasses frame - which made him look extra serious - and asked in the same tone of discussion: "I will help you with the homework, will you help me fill out the application form?"

"Application form? What application form." Zheng Qing looked bewildered.

Xiao Xiao snorted coldly: "The application form for exoneration hunting team to official hunting team, the application form for this semester's training venue, the school's subsidy application form for the official hunting team... and the alliance rewards us for our achievements on the black prison battlefield. The application form for the prize. Are you the captain who apologized?"

Zheng Qing nodded solemnly: "Indeed, your work is more important... Go ahead, I can look up the information by myself... It's more convenient whether it's in the library or not."

As he spoke, he looked down at his own magic biology homework, and began to consider whether to include the difference between ogres and shit.

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