Hunting High School

Chapter 134 Surprise

Zheng Qing vaguely remembers a saying that no matter how long you stay with a fragrant beauty, it will feel like a short moment; but if you are next to a foul-smelling, wart-covered, ugly guy, Even if it is only for a short moment, it will make people feel that the days seem like years.

For the latter case, Zheng Qing has no relevant experience.

But for the former statement, young public finance students have had similar experiences more than once.

Just like today, when Zheng Qing came to the two-dimensional evolution laboratory, he felt that he just chatted with Su Shijun a few times, signed a new contract, and listened to her impart a little life experience. Then when he went out, he was surprised to find that , the moonlight outside had already risen three poles, I pulled out my pocket watch to check the time, it was a quarter past nine in the evening.

He tied a horse talisman on his leg, and hurried on his way—just in case, the wizard made a detour to the first hall to make sure the opening ceremony was over—and then returned to the dormitory.

There are only two roommates in the dormitory, Xiao Xiao and Xin Fatty.

Dylan, who belongs to the family under the moon, has the opposite schedule from everyone else. This time is when he has "morning class", so he is not in the dormitory.

When Zheng Qing opened the door and entered, Xin Zheng was sitting by the bed combing Tuan Tuan's hair, while Xiao Xiao was busy drawing his line drawing at the desk.

The elves rejoiced at the wizard's return, holding warm towels, toiletries, and pajamas, and lined up in front of Zheng Qing. He only needed to stretch out his hand, and everything was ready.

"You didn't attend the opening ceremony, where did you go?"

Xiao Xiao pushed away the parchment in front of him, straightened up, adjusted his glasses, and carefully looked at the young public finance student who entered the door, with a bit of curiosity in his eyes.

Zheng Qing rolled his eyes, but before he could speak, Xin Fatty reminded: "You didn't go to the library."

"Not in Baicao Garden either." Xiao Xiao nodded.

"Did not go to the laboratory building."

"Not in the office building either."

"Didn't go to the store."

"Stop wandering."

"Senior Kerma said that she has never seen you."

"Squad leader Jiang also shook his head."

"The catfruit tree is empty today."

"There are only murlocs at the bottom of Linzhong Lake."

The fat wizard and the short wizard talked to each other, blocking all the excuses that Zheng Qing could think of, and finally, Dr. Xiao Da repeated the previous question: " don't want to participate in the opening of the school?" Ceremony, where did you go tonight?"

Zheng Qing is very skeptical, even if he says he went to a small hotel to fight a female goblin, Dr. Xiao Da, who is proficient in divination, will probably find a loophole.

After a simple but intense ideological struggle, the young public finance student finally chose to tell the truth.

"I'm going to cut the shadow."

Zheng Qing moved forward, exposing his body to the overhead light, revealing a very faint shadow behind him, and added: "The technology of cutting shadows in the two-dimensional evolution laboratory has I left it for me this time." a little."

The issue of Zheng Qing's shadow was known to several hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team. Zheng Qing was also very tactful when explaining the problem. He did not mention Su Shijun, but vaguely used the name of the two-dimensional evolution laboratory.

Fortunately, the two companions did not notice this detail.

They are more interested in Zheng Qing's shadow.

"That is to say, the moving part of your shadow has been cut off?" Xiao Xiao hugged his chest with one hand and pinched his chin with the other, admiring: "This is really a delicate job... the laboratories in the school It really is very predictable."

Hearing the word'material', Zheng Qing's mind subconsciously drifted past a slim figure behind the big desk in the laboratory, and couldn't help shaking his head vigorously, trying to get this impolite thought out of his mind.

"Why, is there something wrong?" The doctor asked in surprise when he caught a glimpse of the wizard shaking his head from the corner of his eye.

"No, no, it's not wrong." Zheng Qing hurriedly mumbled: "I just remembered something has nothing to do with what you said

. "

"What about the part of the shadow that was cut off? Has it become a cat again?" On the other side, Xin Fatty also expressed own concern. The fat cat lay firmly on top of the fat wizard's head, holding its paws, like a reclining Buddha.

Zheng Qing glanced at the squinting fat cat.


He hesitated, quickly ran through the things related to the shadow in his mind, and after confirming that there were no other sensitive points, he explained briefly: "The laboratory said that the source of the shadow is very consumed, and there is no way to maintain its original form... That's why it chose to be my shadow again, because I can maintain its lowest state of existence... After two months of rest, it has regained a little strength, and it can frighten people with its teeth and claws, but the original loss is not so easy to make up for of."

"So you sent it back to the two-dimensional world?" Xiao Xiao suddenly interrupted Zheng Qing's explanation.

Zheng Qing was stunned for a few seconds.


He punched the palm of his hand with a daze on his face: "No wonder that guy was so active when I said I sent it back to the two-dimensional trial mean, it can absorb the essence of the two-dimensional world." To make up for the loss of own?"

"Obviously." The doctor shrugged and asked again: "So, did you send it back?"


Zheng Qing gave a negative answer at first, but immediately added: "... At least, before I left, that guy was still sticking to the floor like a blob of stains. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that Su... Shaping Evolution Experiment What new agreement did the wizard make with that guy to stuff it back into the two-dimensional world."

In a word, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Zheng Qing's back.

He almost said Su Shijun's name.


The door of dormitory 403 was pushed open from the outside.

Mr. Vampire Werewolf rolled into the room from outside the door like a gust of wind, grabbed Zheng Qing's arm, and asked repeatedly: "Is it true? Is everything they said true?"

The young public finance student looked bewildered.

Not only was he stunned, but the other two in the dormitory were also amazed.

"It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! Hiss... Take it easy, Hudan!" Zheng Qing cursed several times in a row, and finally snatched Own's arm from Dylan's hand, and his first reaction was that this guy skipped class up!

"Shouldn't you be in class at this point?" Zheng Qing touched the shell in his arms, didn't waste time to check the specific time, but looked at the vampire werewolf in front of him in surprise: "Did you skip class? Also, what did you mean by 'real' and 'false'?"

Dylan's face turned blue. Looking around, seeing the calm appearance of the three red robes, he suddenly realized something.

"Don't you guys know yet?"

"what do you know?"

"Beta Town Post sent an emergency number, saying that Dean Yao of your Jiuyou College is a big monster! The whole evening class is in chaos, who is in the mood for class!"

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