Hunting High School

Chapter 113 The First Week Ends

"Right now, the specific news about the Battle of Hell is only vaguely spread in a small area. I guess maybe some bigwigs in the school or in the league took action to suppress us, so that the three or two big cats and kittens would not be killed. The hyenas outside have been wiped out... Otherwise, based on what our hunting team has seen and heard in the Black Prison Battlefield, as well as our experience in participating in large-scale battles and exploring the Otherworld, it is enough to make forgiveness the most dazzling in this year's freshman season Star Hunting Team."

"Even so, as long as someone with a heart - such as student Lin Yan - has the heart to inquire, the information is not kept very tightly. Like a dragon floating in the sea of ​​clouds, there will always be a scale and a half of its claws exposed."

"So it's definitely not a trivial matter for you to sell your forgiveness."

Listening to Xiao Xiao's analysis, Zheng Qing subconsciously imagined the bloody scene of a group of hyenas swarming up on the African grasslands, dragging a buffalo down and dragging out its intestines.

"It's not that exaggerated, it's not that exaggerated."

While comforting himself, the young public finance student knew in his heart that what the doctor said was not an exaggeration. His eyes fell on the paper cranes circling around him, and he suddenly became more melancholy: "You are the fortune teller of forgiveness, and you are also responsible for a lot of administrative work of forgiveness. ... You also have a share in the job of answering letters!"

Xiao Xiao did not refuse, but grabbed a pink paper crane from Zheng Qing's shoulder with great interest—it had just been squeezed by several bigger paper cranes and fell from midair—but still Before he could take it apart, the pink paper crane began to struggle desperately, and it seemed to be smoking and spontaneously combusting, forcing Dr. Xiao Da to let go immediately.

"What letters do you need to answer?" He turned to Zheng Qing.

Zheng Qing took the pink paper crane from him. Sensing Zheng Qing's aura, the pink paper crane immediately regained its composure, raised its wings reservedly, and signaled the wizard to dismantle it.

While opening the letter, Zheng Qing briefly concluded: "Many... such as the letter from the Federation of Associations reminded us that if we want to sell forgiveness, we need to meet a series of preconditions - such as issuing an announcement and providing a full vote of the forgiveness knights. As a result, revising the association’s charter, confirming members of the hunting team, etc.—so we have to write back and tell the Federation that apologies will not be sold.”

"Another example is that the Judgment Hunting Team also sent a letter, hoping to buy Apologia with a slightly lower premium than Lin Yan. Of course, they also proposed to accept the transfer of no less than three main Apologize Hunters to enter the Judgment... This depends on the conditions. I want to sell my forgiveness. I can make money and enter a higher-level hunting team."

"And a few guys I don't know wrote in—from our academy—threatening that if I sell my apology to the Alpha people, they will curse me with the most vicious curses. Is this considered a personal threat? But I feel It seems a bit cowardly to go to the school to complain just because of a few words... We need to think about it carefully, how can we teach them with words in a serious and graceful manner."

While talking, the young public finance student finally unfolded the little pink paper crane and began to read it. Then only a few seconds later, his face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What did you say in this letter?" Dr. Xiao Da stood on tiptoe and approached very curiously.

The young public finance student crumpled up the pink letter paper with lightning speed, held it up high, and shouted angrily, "How can you read other people's letters casually?"

Xiao Xiao didn't expect to change his face so quickly, he was stunned for a moment, and then replied angrily: "You asked me to help you reply the letter!"

"Then you can't read all the letters!" Zheng Qing swiftly rubbed the crumpled paper ball into a pile of fine dust, and gave the doctor a look without confidence.

Xiao Xiao glanced at him thoughtfully.


He adjusted his glasses, looking defeated by reality: "New semester, new classmates, new stories...and you can always go back to the old road. I hope you can hide in front of Squad Leader Jiang so easily."



The paper crane that consulted about the sale of the Excuse Hunting Team continued to emerge from the void from time to time until Sunday night's class meeting and landed on Zheng Qing's shoulder.

And Zheng Qing has already been able to familiarize himself with guessing the origin of those paper cranes.

For example, the origami cranes folded out of monochrome mulberry paper basically bear the concern of friends; while the origami cranes made of gorgeous gold and silver paper belong to those large associations or chambers of commerce that are not short of money; there are also those from the school and the student union. The paper cranes were all folded into squares and squares, and even the eyes of the paper cranes were not crooked.

As for the pink confession letter, Zheng Qing swore he only received one. But every time he emphasized that, Xiao Xiao would always look at him suspiciously, with a contemptuous smile on his face.

"Do you know that you deserve a beating for laughing like that?"

While counting the number of words on his trial report, Zheng Qing shook his sore wrist angrily—because he answered too many letters over the weekend, so that the trial report that should be handed in before the regular meeting started just finished ——Following the flick, the nib of the quill in his hand immediately flew out a string of beautiful little ink droplets, hitting the edge of the parchment report in front of him.

This annoyed the boys even more.

"Perhaps." Xiao Xiao supported his chin with one hand, flipping through the notebook in front of him lazily, seeming to hum the answer with his nose.

"Make up your homework! Be distracted! Take a nap!"

"Everyone pay a little attention!"

On the podium, Professor Yao grabbed the pipe and tapped it twice heavily on the podium, making a bang, which immediately attracted the attention of all the students in the hall.

Zheng Qing clearly felt the professor's eyes pointing at him, and he sat up straight with awe in his heart, and at the same time moved the parchment report under his elbow quietly.

This was the third regular meeting he had held in more than half a month—the one before the start of the trial, the second before the official start of school after the end of the trial, and this time, the third after the first week of school ended.

Lao Yao has said the words about "study hard and make progress every day" countless times, so he seemed a little tired in today's meeting. After briefly commenting on the feedback from professors of various subjects this week, I would like to remind everyone to pay attention to "close Heart''The summer vacation is over''The junior year is just around the corner' and so on, all the students in the hall who listened directly were drowsy.

At this moment, after being awakened by the sound of knocking on the table, everyone cheered up and opened their eyes wide, thinking that Lao Yao was going to say something important.

Unexpectedly, when he opened his mouth, it was still an old-fashioned safety issue—safety in the laboratory, safety when practicing spells, safety when walking by the Bell Lake, safety when dealing with murlocs or other magical creatures, and so on.

But soon, Lao Yao changed the subject and mentioned some complaints received by the school recently.

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