Hunting High School

Chapter 76: The One-Eyed Crow

There are many crows near the proving ground.

For example, when Zheng Qing and others were thrown from the sky on the first day of the trial, they passed through a layer of "clouds" composed of crows. They were kept in the school as a "safety pad" for young wizards. The sky above the trial camp.

In just six days, Zheng Qing saw too many crows near the trial camp, live, dead, rotten, withered, two-headed, three-tailed, single-winged, cow-colored, and pure white Wait, there are different colors and shapes, which are breathtaking.

Because of this, when Jiang Yu picked up a one-eyed crow in the ogre camp and threw it to classmate Li Meng, including Xiao Xiao, everyone in the forgiveness hunting team thought it was no big deal.

It's not that I haven't seen crows, at best, one-eyed crows are relatively rare-on the other hand, Li Meng is not interested in leading them around for those that are not rare.

This slightly slack thought, after the one-eyed crow shouted the curse 'devolve' in a hoarse voice, and caught the two-headed ogre by surprise, it became extremely stupid.

Everyone knows that this is a trial field, and everyone knows that the trial field is full of dangers, and every unknown creature may pose an uncontrollable threat to them. But because they saw so many 'friendly' faces of crows on weekdays, these young wizards subconsciously relaxed their vigilance towards them.

This was a huge loss of points, and the captain of the forgiveness hunting team felt a little bit annoyed.

Of course, now is not a good time to reflect.

Seeing the two-headed ogre's aura plummet under the decaying curse of the one-eyed crow, and the red light on the five tumors under his jaw and on the back of his head suddenly dimmed, Zheng Qing immediately seized this fleeting opportunity, stretched out his hand With one finger, he yelled:


The little cyan snake that had just swallowed the thunder all over the sky turned around, drew an elegant circular arc in mid-air, turned into a streamer, pierced through the ogre's skull from top to bottom with lightning speed.


The ferocious smile on the face of the two-headed ogre has not yet disappeared, the cunning in his eyes and the thousands of plans in his heart disappeared under the swift blue light.

Kaka, boom!

Every stone on the earth elemental puppet that had lost its magical control crackled, and then disintegrated into a pile of lifeless mounds in a short period of time. Rocks the size of millstones fell with a crackling sound, making everyone's feet numb.


The palm-sized green-skinned frog jumped up from the ground. While still in the air, the green skin on its body suddenly swelled and stretched. When it landed, it turned into a young wizard in a red robe.

"It's witchcraft!"

The glasses on Xiao Xiao's face were a little crooked, and his tone was full of annoyance: "I should have prepared for it! One of the most famous dark curses of the ogre shaman, forcibly transforming the wizard into a frog... I knew it clearly !"

It's just that the other two young wizards present didn't have time to comfort the fortune teller's frustrated confidence.

Jiang Yu rushed to the side of the unconscious Li Meng, took out a jar of jade powder, grabbed the jade powder and drew a magic circle on the ground to prevent the little witch from losing control.

Zheng Qing stood beside the corpse of the two-headed ogre, watching the one-eyed crow vigilantly. The little cyan snake gracefully circled around the wizard, shaking its scales lightly, shaking off the red and white stains on its body.

The one-eyed crow stared at the little blue snake with only one eye, full of fear.

Outside the ogre camp, the bluish-white smoke hadn't dissipated completely, and the roar of the blue titan and the roar of Zhang Jixin's fists were still one after another.

"Do you know shamanism?"

Xiao Xiao stuffed the Dharma book he picked up into Zheng Qing's hand, walked up to the one-eyed crow, squatted down, and looked into its eyes carefully: "Don't pretend to be dumb, we all heard you just now... also Don't try to confuse me."

As he said that, the fortune teller of the Excuse Hunting Team knocked on own black-rimmed glasses, click, and then knocked on the small turtle shell hanging around his waist, click.

The one-eyed crow is still one

He didn't make a sound, like a stone sculpture standing quietly in place.

With Xiao Xiao standing in front of her, Zheng Qing finally had a chance to turn around, glanced at Jiang Yu, and asked in a low voice, "How is she? Do you want to apply to the school..."

"Not yet."

The witch grabbed Li Meng's wrist with one hand, squeezed the jade powder with the other, carefully adjusted the magic circle under Li Meng, and replied softly: "She is in a relatively stable state now, and there is no risk of losing control. She should be able to wake up soon... ...She has been working hard to prove herself in school this year, if she is eliminated in the trial because of this accident, it must be a big blow to her."

The young public fee student let out a sigh of relief.

Since Jiang Yu said there is no problem, then Li Meng should be safe - next time I should ask this little girl if she is a rat. It is said that America possums will pretend to be dead when they are in danger, just like her.

With this joking thought in mind, the wizard looked back at the one-eyed crow, which was the only uncontrollable accident that young wizards had to face now.

The little blue snake circling in mid-air caught Zheng Qing's thoughts, flicked its tail lightly, slid down from the mid-air lightly, and landed on Zheng Qing's shoulder. It's just that this time it didn't return to Zheng Qing's ear socket immediately, but rested on the boy's shoulder, with its neck erect, staring at the one-eyed crow menacingly.

Feeling the tension in the air, the down on the one-eyed crow's neck exploded.

It finally stopped installing the sculpture and tilted its head to look at Zheng Qing.

"You are not an ordinary wizard." Its voice was a little hoarse, but it was not unpleasant: "Ordinary wizards cannot control such terrible creatures."

Saying that, it carefully glanced at the little snake on Zheng Qing's shoulder.

The green snake squinted its eyes, the tip of its tail drooped on Zheng Qing's left shoulder, and its head stood on Zheng Qing's right shoulder.

But everyone knows this is an illusion.

The double-headed ogre lying on the ground, the horrific piercing wound on its forehead, and the red and white things scattered all over the ground are all falsifying that illusion.

"Who I am has nothing to do with you."

The young public finance student looked at the one-eyed crow, and replied bluntly: "Give us a reason to let you go...a crow that can use ogre shaman witchcraft appears on the trial ground, even if we put you The hair is plucked, wrapped in mud and roasted, and the people of Dan Hag will not trouble us."

With his back to Zheng Qing, Xiao Xiao gave a thumbs up quietly.

In contrast, the one-eyed crow's expression suddenly became a bit sad, and even the fluff on its neck that had been blown up by the stress was exhausted.

"I have no bad intentions..." It croaked twice, trying to justify itself.

"So you should feel lucky." Xiao Xiao immediately interrupted: "If you have any bad intentions, or if you have caused any risk to the hunting team, you will have no chance to talk to us now."

"We just want to know who you are," Zheng Qing interjected, "Why pretend to be a crow, who did you learn your shamanism from? And why did you sneak attack that two-headed ogre?"

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