Hunting High School

Chapter 109 The Task Of The Newcomer

After walking not far along the path in the field, the team turned into a slightly wider road of wooden piles and gravel.

The road is based on wooden piles and wooden fences are used as embankments. The gaps between the stakes are filled with finely crushed stones, which are pressed evenly. The piles are a few centimeters above the ground. Pedestrians need to pay extra attention when walking, as they may trip over these wooden piles if they are not careful.

Perhaps this is the purpose of laying this road in Baicaoyuan. Zheng Qing looked at the cautious classmates around him and admired the people who paved the road.

Wooden piles and gravel roads surround an independent medicine garden.

Compared with the ever-changing medicine fields before, this medicine garden does not have a unique climate under the influence of magic. Instead, it is like a small farmyard, surrounded by crooked wooden fences. There are many vines climbing on the fence, which are extremely lush, adding a touch of elegance to the garden.

The old man Stendhal led the students to the gate of the medicine garden after walking a short distance around the wooden pile and gravel road.

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The gate of the medicine garden is similar to the garden wall, both of which are relatively simple.

The gate is made of well-shaped wooden sticks, supplemented by wicker and jujube branches. Through the door panel made of branches, you can clearly see the lush scenery in the garden.

"Look at your hands!" Old man Stendhal suddenly yelled, scaring Zheng Qing into a shudder.

Turning around, he saw several students who were picking up the remaining buds of the willow branches on the door seemed to be taken aback, and they quickly let go of their hands and retreated into the crowd.

"Although there is no door god hanging on this door, it looks very shabby, but it has been cursed by the wizard in the garden." The old man stared at the young people in front of him, and reprimanded loudly: "I didn't warn you before." Don't you just drag around in the garden? Huh?"

All beings were speechless.

Students are reprimanded, and the professor's face is not good-looking.

Professor Li Qihuang pulled his face, echoed the old man Stendhal's words, and followed the lesson: "How many times have I said it all the way from entering the garden to now! Anyone who makes mistakes will go to the school working committee to receive a week's obligation Labor, let you feel your fill in the garden!"

The students were silent and silent like cicadas.

The old man Stendhal stared at everyone for a while, then slowly turned around, and pointed to a wooden board hanging on the fence.

Zheng Qing looked intently.

This board should be a map of the medicine garden, on which different divisions are depicted according to the functions of the plants, such as the plant area for nourishing yin and moistening dryness, the area for regulating blood, the area for nourishing qi, the area for removing plants, and so on.

The old man points to the soothing nerve autonomic zone.

"Your task is here." He leaned on a pickaxe, raised his head, and glanced across the faces of many students in front of him, as if waiting for their opinions.

No one disagrees.

The old man nodded in satisfaction, opened the door made of branches, and motioned for others to follow.

"I'll tell you!"

"Growing flowers with this kind of grass is all about learning."

"Speaking of this sun, there are many ways."

"Some medicinal herbs need to be exposed to the sun every twelve hours; some medicinal herbs need to be bathed in the feeble and soft light of the setting sun all the time; some medicinal herbs need to grow in the morning sun to absorb the vigorous vitality in the morning."

Speaking up, the old gardener leaned on his own hoe and shook his head very proudly, the vertical and horizontal wrinkles on his face appeared extremely deep.

"Some herbs must touch the existence of sunlight through clouds and mist; some herbs must stand at the bottom of the water to absorb yang energy; and some herbs must stand in the shadow of other plants to feel the shadow of the sun."

"The qi of herbs is different, and the yang qi required is not the same."

After saying that, the team stopped in front of an open medicine field.

"This is your task!" Uncle Stendhal held up a dark green grass in his hand and let everyone pass it around: "Your task is to pull weeds."


The students breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately fell into a chaotic discussion.

Zheng Qing squeezed the slender grass in his hand, feeling quite speechless.

Just like what Li Meng said just now, I thought that walking so deep in the garden would give them a higher task.

Even if it's not a battle against piranhas, you can show off to other classes by catching a few earth dragon cubs!

It's not like now, pull the weeds!

It just sounds like the style has dropped a lot.

"This kind of grass is called 'Taste Bramble'. It is dark green in color, with light green wavy patterns on it, and sawtooth-like protrusions on the inner leaves." Professor Li explained from the side: "This kind of grass is also a kind of Medicinal herbs. It has strong medicinal properties and can suppress some manic symptoms."

"There are two ways to distinguish this kind of grass: one is the method of distinguishing the shape that Mr. Stendhal just mentioned; the other is the smell. You crush the leaves of this grass, and the remaining juice will emit a very A strong pungent smell." Professor Li crushed the grass in his hand, and raised his hand as a signal to the students in front of him.

Several people immediately showed expressions of wanting to die or live.

This piqued the interest of many.

Zheng Qing held a bramble plant in his hand, looked at others, and tried to pinch a little tip of the leaf with his index finger and thumb to crush it. Then he brought the dark green dyed on the fingertips of the buckskin gloves to his face.

Immediately, a strong pungent smell rushed down his nasal cavity to his brain, as if he had eaten a big mouthful of mustard.

He raised his head and found that Professor Li was looking at everyone with teary eyes.

"This irritating smell lasts for a short time, about five seconds." Professor Li sniffed and said in a murmur, "What you need to pay attention to is, don't like this irritating feeling! For spiritually safe wizards, there is nothing more physically damaging than stimulating."

"Why do you have to pull this kind of grass!" Li Meng questioned loudly, sniffling, with tears hanging on her face.

"Because it's dishonest!" The pickaxe that Uncle Stendhal was leaning on turned into a pickaxe at some point. He casually turned up a piece of soil on the edge of the field, and smashed the soil with the back of the head.

A mollusk mixed in the soil turned into a mass of mud with the tap of the head.

After a pause, the old man looked up at the group of students, and added: "Small things like thorns grow too fast."

"Too fast!" He repeated emphatically: "Pollination in the first moment, flowering in the next moment, and seed jumping in the middle of the night when it is quiet. The grass seeds will take root and sprout in an hour and a half. Wait for you to come and see them the next day. Manyao Tianjing is such a small thing."

"It consumes a lot of land, but its medicinal use is very limited. Except for potions that have a small audience such as 'Longba Potion', which need a little as auxiliary materials, it is about the days when you students are taking the final exam, you will risk using a little bit."

"Of course, it is not recommended to use this kind of herbal medicine as a calming and refreshment." Professor Li who was standing aside hurriedly said, warning: "As I mentioned before, medicinal herbs that are too irritating are harmful to the spirit of wizards. If there is a similar need, the school hospital has better options for everyone.”

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