Hunting High School

Chapter 23 The Living Book

The Dharma book that Zheng Qing uses now is the free Dharma book provided by the school to public-funded students. The book is covered in ocher and soft mulberry paper.

If the incantation formula is concise and the font is neat, eight or nine incantations can be copied; if the handwriting is a little rough, it can only accommodate five or six incantations.

Originally, the Dharma book that Zheng Qing ordered in Xiayuan Shusi could easily accommodate more than ten spells. But now that dharma book has become the 'trigger' of the forbidden spell, and it cannot be used normally.

Fatty also noticed the appearance of Zheng Qing's slapped Dharma book, and raised his eyebrows: "Is your original book still usable?"

On the battlefield of Hell, the scene where Zheng Qing opened the book and summoned the slender red sky pillar has been discussed many times by the hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team. Everyone agrees with the spells recorded in the book. very interested.

Zheng Qing sighed, took out the Dharma book from the gray cloth bag, and shook Fatty in mid-air: "What do you think? Why don't you try it?"

"Isn't that book empty?"

Fatty got out of the balcony with extraordinary agility, and appeared in front of the public fee student in the blink of an eye. While wiping his hands on his robe, he smiled and said, "I've wanted to try it for a long time... the one recorded in you Can I use the spell too?"

Zheng Qing sneered twice without explaining.

Fatty did not doubt that he was there, took the dharma book, unbuttoned the leather button on the book, and opened the milky white cover. On the page that had been turned into a blank on the battlefield of the black prison, lines of extremely light-colored and handwritten words suddenly appeared. But the mantra is extremely clear.

As if noticing the gaze of the strange wizard, a thin layer of red light suddenly lit up between the mantras and runes, as if the whole book was lit, and the lingering flames turned into hideous faces, scrambling to get out of the book. rush away.

Fatty yelled, shook his hand, and threw the book out.

Zheng Qing seemed to have expected this scene a long time ago. He stretched out his hand to catch the flying Dharma book in the air, buckled it with his backhand, buckled the leather buckle on the Dharma book again, and then quickly stuffed it back into the gray cloth bag.

The whole process is like flowing clouds and flowing water, and it seems extremely skilled.

Fatty was panting heavily, the expression of fear and surprise on his face hadn't dissipated, and his voice was a little trembling: "What's going on! That book is alive?!"

Zheng Qing pouted.


The wizard shrugged lazily: "You are the second, um, no, the third wizard to see it... After I woke up some time ago, the school sent people to the hospital to investigate what happened in the black prison, thinking Taking this book away, I was also taken aback. It’s just that the wizard at the school was more courageous, put on a pair of dragon skin gloves, stuffed it into the box and took it away.”

At this time, Xin Fatty had already recovered from his nerves. Hearing this, he raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Since he was taken away, what did you take out?"

While talking, he took out the snack box from his watch and put it on the desk. After being frightened, he needed a little food to soothe his frightened mind.

There are various pastries and dry goods in the box.

Zheng Qing hesitated for a moment between fried broad beans and glutinous rice noodles with his fingertips, and finally chose sweets, picked up one and stuffed it into his mouth, sighing at the same time:

"So, it's very troublesome... On the night the school took it away, this book somehow returned to my gray cloth bag. It's as if it had never been taken away."

"And then?" Fatty's mouth was full of cake, and his voice became a little congested, so he expressed his confusion in as few words as possible.

"Then? Then the school sent someone to come again, seal it with a talisman, and take it away again."

Zheng Qing carefully picked up a broad bean, and chewed it: "Then it came back at night...and the third time. This book even gave itself a name, called 'Trigger'."

"It can still talk?"


"Then how do you know it named itself?" Fatty's logical thinking was always sharp when he was calm.

Zheng Qing sighed and patted the gray

Bu Dai: "I can take it out again for you to take a look... It was only when the school came to inspect it for the third time that I discovered that a new name box appeared next to my name on the title page of the book, and inside it was 'trigger 'Two words...I didn't write it, and neither did anyone else. Do you think this book wasn't written by itself, is there any other possibility?"

"And then?" Fatty was obviously interested, and asked persistently—the young public fee student had reason to believe that if Fatty's hands were not full of delicious food at this moment, he must have taken out his notebook and quill pen to write for a certain issue. The Curious column began to write interviews.

"There is no more."

Zheng Qing spread his hands, licked the icing on the corners of his mouth, and added: "It's only three things. After the third time, the school never sent anyone to pick up the book again, and it may be that the wizard who seized the book didn't want to bear the loss of physical evidence." Responsibility... In short, this book just stayed in the gray cloth bag peacefully, and did not continue to be a demon. Until today."

"It is impossible for the school to compromise so easily. The reason that can make the school give up should be the reason that they have no way to refuse."

Fatty rubbed his bare chin, stared at the gray cloth bag on Zheng Qing's waist, thoughtful: "I should show the doctor later, he is well-informed and must know what's going on."


Maodou's cry interrupted the discussion of the two wizards.

Perhaps smelling the delicious food, it crawled out from under the bed, moved to Zheng Qing's feet again, and circled around his feet, meowing excitedly.

Tuantuan squatted on top of Xin Fatty's head, with his tail drooping behind Fatty's head, as if leaving a hairy braid. It was condescending, looking proudly at the dog wagging its tail, its eyes full of disdain.

Fatty picked up a piece of beef jerky from the food box, and handed it over his head. The fat cat immediately forgot his arrogance, lowered his head, and gnawed on the jerky with relish.

"Speaking of which, why hasn't the doctor come back yet?"

Zheng Qing bent down to pick up the dog, gave him a piece of jerky, and scratched its chin at the same time to make it quieter, while looking at Xin Fatty: "When did he leave?"

"Nine o'clock in the morning." Fatty looked at his pocket watch: "We went back to school in the middle of the night yesterday, so the doctor didn't go to morning class this morning... Well, it's past eleven o'clock now, and he has been there for two hours."

"Aside from wandering around the store and bringing those elves back, does he have anything else to do?" Zheng Qing felt the dog in his arms was a little heavy, so he threw it on the ground again. Maodou thought that the wizard was playing a game with it, and it became more and more joyful to spin around his legs.

"No." Fatty shook his head: "Theoretically, he should have come back a long time ago."

Tuantuan let out a soft cry, flicked its tail, and signaled Fatty to move less when shaking his head, which would affect his eating. Fatty shrank his neck obediently, indicating that he had received the warning.

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