Hunting High School

Chapter 21 Feeling Good

birds fly high,

you know how i feel;

fish in water,

you know how i feel;

leaves on the treetops,

you know how i feel;

the breeze blows,

you know how i feel;

The sun is shining brightly,

you know how i feel;

Star shines,

you know how i feel;

——Sunset to the west mountain, sleep peacefully, that's what I mean;

This is the old world and the new world.

To me it is the brave world;

For me, it's a new dawn, a new day, a new life!

I threw away the dharma book in my hand,

It feels good... (note 1)


Zheng Qing walked in the slightly empty school, singing the song of freedom along with the morning glory in his arms. The birds are chirping, the leaves are rustling, the breeze is blowing, and the sun is shining. It feels good.

Poseidon happily crawled around under his feet, chasing its own big fluffy tail, and the little fox girl Su Ya sullenly flocked not far behind the wizard, looking at her, who had completely neglected herself. The ungrateful little fox couldn't help clenching the handkerchief tightly, gnashing his teeth, his ears pricked up in anger.

She has reason to be annoyed.

I took care of Poseidon for a summer, looking for delicious snacks for that little ancestor every day, playing around with it, helping to wipe his butt after it got into trouble, but after receiving the paper crane flying from the school hospital, the little boy died in a blink of an eye. Leave her behind! Anyone who encounters this situation will gnash their teeth.

Zheng Qing also has reason to sing.

It was early summer when young wizards were lying in the school hospital. But when he left the white building with a flower pot in his arms and a leftover fruit basket, it was almost the end of summer. Whether it is regaining freedom, regaining control of the magic power in the body, or seeing a peaceful and peaceful world again, it is something worth celebrating.

Among the group, perhaps only Poseidon was happy for no reason.

He's just over a year old and doesn't have to find reasons to be happy yet—of course, he can find a whole host of reasons to be happy if he needs to.

For example, the butterfly fluttering in front of it has a pair of beautiful wings, which makes it look very happy; another example is Zheng Qing who is by its side, willing to play games with it, which also makes it happy; There are also the sun in the sky, the cotton candy-like clouds under the sun, the rattling treetops under the clouds, and the lively squirrels under the shade of the trees, all of which are the source of happiness for the little fox.

The holiday is not over yet, Linzhong Lake is still very quiet.

Rows of white buffaloes lie on the shore of the lake. They squat on smooth bluestone slabs, half of their bodies are submerged in the emerald green lake water, with big innocent eyes open, they quietly chew the cud accumulated in their stomach pouches. aquatic plants.

A little farther away, dozens of fiery red birds were scattered on the water, stretching their long necks into the water from time to time, pecking out lively little fish.

Without the noise of the students, the murlocs in the lake also relaxed a lot, daring to surface in broad daylight and lie on the wet shore to bask in the sun. Only when Zheng Qing passed by, a few younger murlocs became nervous. Grabbing the stone spear beside him, puffing up the fins behind him, he yelled at him twice threateningly.

Zheng Qing glanced at the little murlocs, and silently blocked Morning Glory's mouth.

He wasn't overwhelmed with public morality and worried that the singing of morning glory would disturb the sleeping murlocs by the lake; nor was he afraid of the stone weapons in the hands of those little murlocs.

He just saw the small island in the center of the lake when he saw those little murlocs. The small white tower on the island is still broken in two, and there is still a striking blackness at the break. The school seems to have no plans to repair it.

This made the young wizard feel guilty.

So much so that he walked on a bit of tiptoe, this feeling waited until he stepped on the tree-lined road at the end of Linzhong Lake, and was caught

The cool wind blowing under the shade of the trees relieved a little.

In late summer, the edges of the large leaves of the plane trees on both sides of the tree-lined road begin to turn yellow. On the mottled branches, the gray-furred squirrels and colorful-furred chinchillas no longer fight each other even if they meet each other, but hug the chestnuts in their arms. , hurried past.

They have already begun to prepare enough food for the long winter.

There was a clear and clear voice scolding the chipmunk behind him, and Zheng Qing remembered the little fox girl who came to the hospital with Poseidon, and looked back.

"Why are you still following me?" He looked at Su Ya in confusion.

The little fox girl glared at the boy angrily, pouted and pointed at Poseidon at Zheng Qing's feet with her chin: "I want to take him back for dinner!"

Zheng Qing blinked: "Dinner? No, no, no, I've already been discharged from the hospital. I can take care of Poseidon by can go back."

Poseidon squatted at Zheng Qing's feet, wrapped his big fluffy tail around Zheng Qing's ankles, and chirped happily twice, as if urging Su Ya to leave quickly.

Zheng Qing was very relieved, and suddenly felt that it was a sin of owning for not taking good care of the little fox for such a long time.

The little fox girl widened her eyes in dissatisfaction: "It has to go back... It hasn't finished its homework yesterday and the day before yesterday! I can't hide it for long. If the lady finds out, it will die!"

Do, homework? !

Zheng Qing raised his hand and picked his ears, thinking he had heard wrong. Looking down at Poseidon, the little fox shyly lowered his head, drooped his ears, and crouched at the wizard's feet, curling up his tail tightly around his ankles, looking as if he would not leave even if he was killed. plan.

The young public fee student sighed deeply, and the feeling of licking the calf that had arisen a moment ago disappeared in smoke.

Sure enough, there is no love for no reason in this world.

"What kind of lessons does it usually have?" The wizard calmed down and looked at the little fox girl again.

Su Ya pointed her fingers, and replied quickly: "Classical wizard etiquette, heraldry, understanding devils, five-language literature appreciation, music, hunting skills, fur care... Oh, and the outline of talisman study, the lady said. Now, Poseidon will be a good fox with all-round development of morality, intelligence and physique."

Zheng Qing licked his dry lips, and looked pitifully at the little fox at his feet. The little fox whined and made a wail appearance.

"That," the boy cleared his throat: "What is the five-language literature appreciation class?"

"Appreciation and analysis of works written by the witches of Thebes, Ogham, Popery, Enoch, and Malagim." Su Ya finished wringing her fingers, hesitated for a moment, and looked down at the little fox : "...Did I say something wrong?"

"Squeak!" Poseidon corrected contemptuously.

"Oh, there's no Bobby Swen, it's runes!" The little fox girl suddenly realized, and hammered her palm heavily.

Zheng Qing rubbed his head calmly.

He couldn't admit in front of the two little foxes that he didn't understand the specific meaning of the ancient runes they said—in fact, he doubted that except for a few people such as Xiao Xiao, Jiang Yu, and Matthew, the entire Jiuyou Academy I'm afraid few wizards have studied those obscure things.

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