Hunting High School

Chapter Four Career Planning

The sparrows outside the window are chattering on the paulownia tree.

The depressing atmosphere feels like before a summer rainstorm.

It's just that under the control of the school's meteorological supervisor, the heavy rain did not fall at the sunset of the practical exam after all. Instead, it was filled with red clouds, painting the entire school in its favorite color.

Zheng Qing stared out the window in a daze, seeing the original emerald green leaves being dyed into autumn maple leaves, for a moment he forgot what time it was.

When he came back to his senses, several other guests in the ward had already started talking about writing a career plan.

Zheng Qing also knows about career planning. After entering the sophomore year, the elective course in the first semester has a career plan, the purpose is to let these young wizards have a clear understanding of their careers after college, and have a clear goal for their future magic path.

When it comes to the "career plan", it is probably the summer homework for these young wizards. They need to use a summer vacation to list their own plans and how to achieve related goals before the next semester starts.

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Originally, this should be a very serious, very serious matter.

But for these young wizards who are just eighteen or nineteen years old, things in ten or even twenty or thirty years are so far away, so far away that many people regard this plan as a 'dream' to compose.

Just like Zhang Jixin.

When referring to his career plan, he was full of longing: "...I want to ride a horse and ride around the world in a four-wheeled carriage! The pumpkin cart pulled by the rabbit is a bit too small for me, I still prefer the one with western style kind."

"I thought you would choose to join a certain hunting team and go to the new world." Xin Fatty was very surprised by the choice of the red-faced wizard: "Will your family agree?"

"This is my career plan!" Zhang Jixin emphasized without confidence.

Fatty glanced at his head with pity: "I hope you won't be beaten all over the head by your big brothers after you tell this plan."

Different from Fatty, Xiao Xiao's plan for Zhang Jixin is more pertinent.

"It's a very good wish, but it's not very practicable. It may not get a good evaluation from the teacher." He patiently peeled the apple in his hand, and said slowly:

"My daddy told me that there are only two kinds of people in this world who travel around the world and make their home, the circus people and the people on the run. I don't think you're the kind of person who likes to wear red nose decorations." , or who paint their faces and whip monkeys and elephants."

"Uninformed and clichéd." Without the understanding and support of his companions, Zhang Jixin was a little discouraged, but he quickly turned his target to Xiao Xiao: "What about you? What are your future plans?"


The doctor adjusted his glasses, hesitated for a moment, and sighed slightly: "When I was young, I went to work in the library with my father, and I always saw an old man who asked for a cup of coffee and a copy of "The Old Man and the Sea". Under the second window, soaking up the sun while sipping coffee..."

"I see, you want to open a library?" The red-faced wizard suddenly realized: "Indeed, it matches your habits very well. With a library, you no longer need to worry about running out of books."

"No, I think he just wants to work in the library." Fatty was decidedly more cautious.

"Important! Important! Students."

Zheng Qing also became interested, knocked on the railing beside the hospital bed, and interjected: "Such a leisurely life, why do you only see work? I think the doctor wants to be that leisurely old man."

Xiao Xiao glanced at the noisy crowd, without comment, but continued: "...once, I finally couldn't help asking the old man 'what are you watching?', in fact, what I want to ask is that he watched it so many times. , Aren’t you tired? Then the old man told me the story of "The Old Man and the Sea" with great interest... It is indeed an interesting story about an old fisherman named Sacred Land who went out to sea Fished for eighty-four days without catching a fish, and then on the eighty-fifth day he caught an eighteen-foot, fifteen-hundred-pound salmon..."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing finally couldn't bear it, and interrupted: "You are too far away from the topic! We just want to know what kind of work you want to do after graduation... Besides, Sacred Land caught a big marlin , not salmon."

"It's just small talk anyway...don't you guys think my story is inspiring?"

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses indifferently, and squinted at the patient on the bed: "I don't want to read the graduation guest book in the future, and someone will leave you a message saying 'he has a heart as broad as the sea', leave a message to me It's 'He's a nice guy and the conversation never digresses'."

Xin Fatty and Zhang Jixin silently looked at Zheng Qing, then at the doctor, and nodded slightly, indicating that he was right.

Zheng Qing felt the veins on his forehead twitch.

But before he could think of a rebuttal, Xiao Xiao immediately turned the topic back to the main topic: "... All in all, that conversation left a deep impression on me. After that day, I never drank such a good drink. I drank coffee. So I always thought, when I grow up, I will open a delicious coffee shop, which is next to the library."

This sharp turn caught everyone off guard.

The little elf in a white gauze dress held a thick medicinal candle and flew to the ceiling to replace the old candles that had burned out. Soon, the ward was lit with a hazy but reassuring light.

Zhang Jixin coughed twice and pushed Fatty: "What about you? How are you going to write your plan?"

"Me?" Fatty's mouth was full of fruit - Zheng Qing very much suspected that he came to visit himself to eat those delicious fruits - which made his voice a little murmur:

"I told you on the first day of school, I'm going to be a great wizard in the future! Are you afraid that you won't have a job as a great wizard? Even if you only receive the allowance from the Alliance Grand Wizard Conference, you can afford a castle."

This plan sounds clear, but it is a bit unreliable. Especially his plan after becoming a great wizard is as funny as farming with a golden hoe after becoming an emperor.

Zhang Jixin looked at Fatty who had a piece of pineapple stuffed into his mouth again and his cheeks were bulging, shook his head, and looked at Zheng Qing: "What about you? What are your plans?... Well, marriage doesn't count, and bigamy doesn't count either."

Zheng Qing rolled his eyes.

"I think dentists have a bright future."

The young public fee student lay on the bed with his head in his arms, looked at the swaying blue flame on the ceiling, and said lazily: "Think about it, there are so many magical creatures like vampires, werewolves, zombies, ogres, etc. in the wizarding world. , many people don’t have Dylan’s good Life habits and his dental insurance.”

"And those monsters often use their teeth, causing their tooth loss rate to be much higher than other magical creatures. This time in the black prison, I saw those monsters full of rotten teeth, incomplete, and crooked more than once... It makes people think Smash their mouths."

"This is a huge blue ocean market, and it definitely has broad prospects for development. I think d&k can also try to develop this business."

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