Hunting High School

Extra Ten Robbery

Maybe it was because of the forbidden curse.

Perhaps it was because the Rat Immortal met his wife, saved his daughter, and let go of his knots since then.

In short, when the Rat Immortal chose to give up his body and turn into a bone relic, and replaced the Philosopher's Stone with his own soul to drive Ju Lingsan, and let "Taiyi" come to the world of Hell, the end of his already dark magic road suddenly came to an end A glimmer of light.

He saw and touched the opportunity to break through the shackles of legend.

Like a drowning person who sank to the bottom of the sea, suddenly found a rope in front of him, the mouse fairy grabbed it without hesitation, and then struggled to climb up along the rope.

This process does not end in a short moment.

It may take one day, two days, or one month, two months, or even one or two years. But he finally found the right path.

It's just that when he keeps approaching the legendary Realm.

The Rat Clan he once created, under the influence of that legendary aura, began to transform—for the Rat Immortal, this was another accident.

Originally, he created the Rat Clan to break through the shackles of legend through the good fortune Transcendent race, like the ancestor of the vampire or fox clan, to achieve the 'ancestor'.

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Unexpectedly, in the end, he touched the legend before the own Rat Clan.

Instead, the mice under his command began to evolve and transform. If nothing else, the wizarding world will soon add a new Transcendent clan, the Bugi Island Rat Clan, on the basis of the traditional Transcendent clans such as vampires, werewolves, and foxes.

Fortunately and unfortunately, most of the Rat Clan, who were supposed to be underground, went to the Hell World with the Rat Immortal, and died on the battlefield between wizards and demons. Only in the rearing ground of the underground rat clan in the school, there are still many rat clan wearing yellow vests, who were left in the school by the rat fairy because they were underage.

In addition, a few mice were also sent back to school before the mouse fairy left Buji Island for the black prison because of other contracts.

For example, the brothers Dingdang Er and Dingdong Er who were employed by d&k as shop assistants.


Walking street.

Inside Sanyou Bookstore.

"Think clearly."

Seeing that the yellow raccoon's tail was about to stick out of the door, on the reclining chair, the owner of Sanyou Bookstore had no choice but to remind: "If you act now, you won't just save two mice."

"If it's just two mice, I don't need to hesitate." The flower cat raised its chin and snorted. It means that the two mice have become human beings and should not be treated as two mice.

Obviously, Huamao didn't understand the meaning of the owner of the bookstore.

Mr. was silent for a moment.

"Every wizard needs to face wizard catastrophe in the process of reaching the top of the legend."

He sighed slightly, took the book off his face, squinted his eyes, looked at the dark yellow ceiling above his head, as if he saw the sky full of Xuanhuang 1 in the black prison, and said softly:

"Some catastrophes are tempering. After passing through, wizards can have a more precise grasp of magic power and a more comprehensive understanding of the rules; some catastrophes are wealth. After passing through, they can gain a stronger body and a stronger soul; Other catastrophes are pure troubles... To use the words of old-school wizards, they are the bad karma you have accumulated in your daily life, and they are the Karma threads and red dust entwined around your true body."

"Only by cutting off those cumbersome Karma, washing away the red dust on the body, and keeping the soul in the most pure state, can you feel the true meaning of the legend. Before, the Rat Immortal was drawn by the two thickest Karma threads of his wife and daughter. trip, so I have been unable to escape from Sea of ​​Bitterness..."

"What do you think this has anything to do with me saving those two little guys?"

The yellow raccoon patiently listened for a long time, but still couldn't get the point, and finally couldn't help interrupting: "This is not a classroom... If you talk a little longer, they will be torn into pieces by those ogres for dessert! "

The owner of Sanyou Bookstore was silent, and after a moment of consideration, he spoke again: "...What I want to say is that it is very dangerous to interfere with a legend's catastrophe at will."


The yellow raccoon took a surprised look at the two 'ratmen' curled up in a ball more than ten meters away, raised a paw, pointed at them very seriously, and reconfirmed: "What you told me is one thing Is it? Those two little mice? Those silly ogres? Legendary catastrophe?"

In Huamao's view, the gap between these two things is as far away as the gap between the sun and sesame seeds, and there is no comparison at all.

The owner of the bookstore replied calmly: "Yes."

"It's kind of confusing."

The yellow raccoon raised its paws, scratched its chin, and looked confused: "How did they have something to do with the catastrophe of a legendary existence far away in the black prison that is about to advance?"

Mr. Wu sighed deeply, and seemed to regret his previous opening. But as a human teacher, he couldn't ignore the eager eyes of others seeking knowledge—even if the other person was a cat.

"The catastrophe is not static. It only refers to the disaster of thunder and illusion."

"The kalpa is divided into big and small, there are big kalpa, middle kalpa, and small kalpa; it is also divided into birth and death, kalpa is born and transported, and kalpa is destroyed and transported; Buddhism talks about the four kalpas of success, dwelling, decay, and emptiness, covering all causes and conditions. Formation, merging and merging, extinction and extinction; Taoism talks about heaven, earth, and people..."

"Say the point! The point!!"

The yellow raccoon screamed and interrupted the teacher's long-winded lecture. With its tail raised high like a middle finger, it pointed at the teacher and pointed out the window: "...those two little guys are going to die!"

Outside the window, at the end of the pedestrian street, a tall double-headed ogre is dragging a thick wooden stick, swaying towards the door of d&k, with its two heads on the left and right, sniffing its nose vigorously, The big mouth full of fangs was slightly opened, and the saliva dripped from the corner of the mouth, and fell on the bluestone floor, etching out small scorched pits.

The gentleman paused, then continued: "...human, human calamity is the most complicated and variable calamity. Because human calamity will be interlocking and evolve layer by layer, the calamity at this time may be a blessing in the future ;The means of resolving the catastrophe at this time may become the source of even greater disasters in the future."

"That ogre and those two little mice are the catastrophe of the Mouse Immortal."

"It was a coincidence that the Rat Immortal was able to spy on the legend. Because the intelligent species he created, the Rat Clan, had a chance to become a Transcendent, and he himself touched the outline of the forbidden curse in the Hell—this is how he entered the legend later. There are two pillars, before the true achievement of the legend, the collapse of any one of the pillars will make him completely lose the opportunity to advance."

"You saved these two little mice, you helped the Mouse Immortal stabilize a pillar, and helped him crucify two anchor lines that fell from the legendary realm. In the future, he only needs to hold on to these two lines to be safe Steadily become a legend."

"So, do you want to continue saving?"

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