Hunting High School

Chapter 493: The Whereabouts Of The Two Fruits

The moonlight was like water, pouring on the flames, and there was a wisp of white smoke that was like quenching.

After a while, the flames subsided.

Only a white bone relic was left circling in the void, and after circling the gray barrier for a few weeks, it turned into a stream of light and threw it straight at the giant Zero Three who was sluggish in place, and disappeared embedded in the Philosopher's Stone. In the frontal notch behind.


The short skeleton resonated with the vibration of the skeleton, Ju Lingsan slowly raised his head, a little paleness suddenly flashed in the originally dark and empty eye sockets.

One hop, one hop, one hop.

That point of paleness jumped several times in a row, finally got rid of the boundless darkness and emptiness, and turned into a mass of jumping soul fire, dancing lightly and powerfully in the eye sockets.

"Ju Lingsan?" Ang Lafair looked at the skeleton that had regained its mobility, and there was a trace of exploration in his eyes: "...Or, the Rat Immortal?"

The short skeleton shook its head slightly, then moved its hands and feet hesitantly.

After a while, it slowly raised its head, glanced left and right, its eyes stayed on the gray enchantment for a moment, and grinned: "It's still a mouse fairy... Ju Lingsan sounds uncomfortable."

"Do you know your mission?" Ms. Ghost asked again.

Ju Lingsan, no, the Mouse Immortal nodded.

Then he looked at the three-headed and eight-armed giant ape not far away, and the dancing soul fire in his eyes dimmed a bit: "...Really, I'm sorry."

The giant ape stared at the short skeleton silently. After a long while, it repeated the words it said before like a machine: "Catch it without a fight...Dan Hag will give you the justice you deserve."

In the distance, there was an ominous roar.



Before that roar sounded.

When the druid high priest of the dark council died under a 'quasi-forbidden curse', and the rat fairy blackmailed a blackmail from a wandering wizard.

The edge of the Hell Battlefield.

Iliros, who had been eating soy sauce silently, looking forward to leaving the prison safely, suddenly felt the spider web she opened in midair sink suddenly—this was the reaction when prey fell into the web.

According to the rules of the spider web, the stronger the prey, the stronger the spider web's reaction, and the heavier it feels to her.

This indigenous goddess from another world couldn't help but sighed deeply.

Although she also participated in the riots organized by the prisoners of the Black Hell, to be honest, she didn't want to really fight against those terrible wizards.

She is not like Bechymos or Sujad, who is backed by a powerful organization. She is just a weak, pitiful and helpless little spider who has lost the favor of the world's origin, and Realm keeps falling.

These thoughts slid through her mind, but her body flashed to the prey at the moment when the spider web trembled - this is a passive skill brought to her by her long hunting career - no matter whether she intends to fight against the wizard or not, the prey that falls into the spider web , should be made by her to make the final decision.

Then, Elise saw the fist-sized fruit hanging on the spider web, pale yellow mixed with traces of blood, which looked like a peach.

The jade-colored little spider was stunned for a few seconds.

Is this Xuan Huang Guo?

She could clearly feel the powerful magic power surging in that fruit, as well as the alluring aura from the fruit. Every strand of breath seemed to be yelling at her, eat fast, eat fast, eat and I will become a great god again, eat and I can easily leave this dark prison cell!

When Sujad and Behemoth launched their rebellion, they had introduced this kind of rare treasure in Hell Castle to Eliros. Regarding this kind of fruit that is said to help wizards break through the legendary shackles, if Elliros said that she was not tempted, she would be lying to herself. Su Jiade also repeatedly emphasized that after breaking the black prison, she also has a piece of fruit.

For this kind of promise, Eli Rose turned around and threw herself into the abyss.

She is very self-aware.

This fruit is too heavy for her to hold.

Especially today, I personally witnessed those fighting and confronting figures on the black prison battlefield, captured wizards, monsters, and even the tentacles protruding from the depths of the starry sky, and felt the breath of the fallen great wizards in the depths of the battlefield—especially the last point, which made this A cautious goddess is like a frightened bird.

She didn't have the confidence to be promoted to legend immediately after eating the fruit, and she didn't have the courage to refuse the wizards and demons at the same time after getting the fruit. But most of all, she smells a disturbing smell behind the war.

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Regardless of wizard or demon, appearing in the black prison today is not just for these few fruits—this is the most instinctive perception of a spider goddess who is skilled in conspiracy and betrayal.

She just wanted to leave this huge vortex safely, before everything was over.

Obviously, the existence hidden behind noticed the little spider's plan to withdraw and leave, so it threw a fruit and threw it directly into the little spider's web.

Elise stood a few steps away from the yellow fruit, and sneered.

Just kidding, do you think that a piece of fruit can buy the precious life of my old lady? I really look down on the native gods too! She thought indignantly, with a hook and a pick of her slender forelimbs, the translucent spider web was pulled out in an exaggerated arc, and then she flicked hard, and the black yellow fruit stuck to the spider web was bounced back to the depths of the Hell Battlefield. place.

During the whole process, Elise didn't even touch the fruit.

She stared helplessly at the distant shadow of the pale yellow fruit, and sucked in a mouthful of saliva.

Let you continue to bite dogs, the beauty on the back of the jade spider thought through gnashing teeth, when she suddenly heard a cracking sound from the top of her head, she shrank her head in fright.

Look up and look up.

In the distance, the dark behemoth Leviathan between the starry sky and the black prison was opening its mouth, biting hard, tearing off a small piece of the world, and swallowing it straight into its stomach.

The wizards, demons, and substances that originally belonged to the black prison in that world disappeared in Leviathan's mouth without a sound.

The world groaned in pain, and a small void appeared in the sky, as if a piece of cheese had been gouged out with a spoon, revealing an ugly, flawed scar.

Ellie Rose dared to bet with her own eight legs that there must be a yellow fruit in that small piece of the world.

too frightening.

This thought flashed through the mind of this god from another world, and he shuddered involuntarily. The unwillingness to throw away the black yellow fruit a moment ago has completely dissipated, leaving only her admiration for her determination and restraint.

Because he looked up at Leviathan.

Therefore, Elise did not see the final destination of the fruit she threw out.

The black yellow fruit drew a beautiful arc under the dim moonlight, and finally fell into the battlefield between the main forts, landed on a dark, cocoon-like thing, and easily melted into it.

Cocoon was silent for a few seconds.

Then there was a disturbing roar under the cocoon skin.

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