Hunting High School

Chapter 488: The Choice Of The Rat Immortal

"...the goblins in the mirror are the most damning thing, they will always change into various shapes, pretend to be your friends or whoever, and then quietly eat your flesh after you fall asleep."

"The bad thing is that the mirror will save the illusory memories we left when we looked in the mirror, and then the goblins will steal them and pretend to be the plot of the memory to confuse people."

"A lot of little wizards who just entered the mirror were abducted by those goblins. In the end, they couldn't even find their bones... Me? I was very smart. I found out what they were doing on the first night, and then hid immediately... "

"Juice is the best when it's playing hide-and-seek!" Next to it, a tall wizard stroked the little witch's head and praised in a low voice.

"That's natural!"

The little witch rubbed the tip of her nose proudly, without bothering to swallow the delicious pastry in her mouth, and hurriedly added: "I am not only playing hide-and-seek, but also helping others! A long time ago... Well, let me think about it." It's time... I can't remember."

Another slender jade hand stretched out from one side, pinched the little witch's bulging cheek, and said softly: "Eat slowly, no one will fight with you... If you can't remember it, don't think about it, my juicer wants to eat it." Say what you say, Mom, listen."

Perhaps the word "juice" inspired the little witch. She reached out to pick up a glass of orange juice from the table in front of her, drank a few sips, and finally felt a little more relaxed in her mouth, and let out a sigh of relief.


The little witch sighed old-fashionedly: "Everything in the mirror is good, but I eat a little bit... The picture book you gave me, I even have the two hard skins under the eggplant stalk, and the tender skin under the chicken's beak. I didn't let it go... Where did I just say?"

"You are helpful in the mirror." The tall wizard reminded softly.

"Oh yes! Helpful!"

Zhu Si suddenly realized, raised his small fist and smashed it on the palm of his hand: "That time I saw a great wizard in the mirror... well, not a very powerful kind of great wizard, but an older one who feels like an adult The wizard...but the stupid ones are like six or seven-year-old children, recklessly breaking into the mirror and talking to those goblins..."

"If I hadn't told him how to do it quietly, he would have been eaten by the goblins in the mirror. But he was very generous and gave me a lot of myrtle leaves... At that time, my myrtle leaves had already been used up. Finished."

"But who am I? I'm a fruit juice for nothing! So I made up my mind and treated him to a big meal, eating me meat and vegetables for a week... no, it seems like two weeks Finished…"

Speaking of which, the little witch smacked her lips, as if she couldn't hold back the saliva coming out of her mouth, she turned her head and looked at the two familiar but unfamiliar figures beside her: "I still want to eat the boneless chicken feet with pickled peppers, any left……"

"Yes, yes, there are many." The tall witch replied softly, pointing forward with her hand: "Look, isn't that the disk?"

Zhu Si blinked and looked forward, there was indeed a plate of white and tender chicken feet lying on the table in front of him, lying in the clear vinegar sauce, a few pieces of emerald green onion and coriander were dotted in it, exuding a tempting aroma. The smell is mouth-watering.

A little farther away, on the dining table are stewed chicken, stewed duck, bacon, grilled fish, rabbit breast, colorful mixed vegetables, various pastries, fruit plates of grapes, oranges, pineapples, as well as fruit juices, milk, and lemonade. Wait, many delicacies that once appeared in her dreams are presented in front of her one by one, and she can enjoy them as much as she wants without worrying about filling her stomach.

Farther away, you can see a large and soft sofa opposite the dining table. On the wall behind the sofa is a large oil painting of snow-capped mountains and forests. A kitten is trying to jump up from the ground, as if it wants to jump on the sofa. A firefly flapped its wings and flew over the dining table, casting a patch of pastel colors.

Vaguely, you can also hear the bright rhythm of the piano, accompanied by cheerful chords, echoing in this small but warm room full of satisfying atmosphere.


Outside the window, the night was pitch black, and the lightning flashed, reflecting the thick dark clouds rolling in the sky. There is a gray dragon rolling and hovering in the clouds. Behind the clouds, the sound of rolling thunder, first stage followed by first stage, made the window sills buzz.

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The little witch moved her body subconsciously, shrinking her head into the warm embrace behind her.

Next to it, the tall wizard stood up, walked to the window, pulled hard, closed the heavy curtain, and firmly covered the lightning, thunder and night from the light gray curtain.

The whole room is flooded again with warm, cozy, pleasing light.

The little witch had half a banana in her left hand and a braised chicken leg in her right. With a little cream on the corner of her mouth, she was chewing on the boneless chicken feet she just ate, squinting her eyes contentedly.

Next to her, the tall witch patted her shoulder affectionately, as if she wanted her to eat slowly, but in the end she didn't speak, but turned to look at the wizard in front of the window, her tone became a little bit colder:

"How much longer?"

"You can stay here as long as you want." The wizard replied gently.

The witch's face softened a bit: "Don't think that I can forgive you...she shouldn't stay here...she deserves a better place."

"I think so."

"Think?" The witch's expression became serious again: "Just thinking is not enough... What are you going to do? You have a way, right, you have always had a way."

In the end, the sternness on the witch's face dissipated and turned into a bit of pleading.

The wizard was silent for a long time.

It was so long that Zhu Si changed to a new plate of barbecue, so long that the fireflies under the ceiling hid in the corner, and so long that the shadow behind the witch began to shake, struggling, and stretched out a few slender and ferocious joints.

The wizard finally raised his head again, glanced at his daughter with sparkling eyes, and then at his wife:

"Although I am still alive, it is no different from being dead. You are the same. We are like two prey that fell into the mire, struggling desperately, thinking that we can still get out."

The witch let out a laugh that seemed to be whimpering, and the shadow behind her shook more and more.

The wizard walked slowly behind the witch, bent down, put his arms around her shoulders, put his head on her shoulders, and muttered: "But we all know...we can't get out anymore."

He clearly felt that the witch's shoulders trembled undetectably.

"When we are alive, we live together; when we die, let us also go together happily. Juice has grown up, and she can take care of herself."

"Let us use our last bit of strength to send her out of this quagmire."

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