Hunting High School

Chapter 468: Jusi And Migo

Jusi stands in front of a migo.

In fact, she didn't know that the weird-looking big bug in front of her was called Migo, and she didn't know why she stood here, staring at this big bug in a daze.

She also didn't know what the neon-like flashing light on the head of the big bug in front of her wanted to express.

All she knew was that the weird-looking bug in front of her gave her a very familiar and nostalgic feeling. It is very comfortable to stay beside it.

"Don't eat me first!"

The little witch bravely raised a small mirror and aimed at the big worm in front of her: "My parents are very careful they will kill you!"

As if frightened by the little witch's words, the big worm was forced back again and again by the small mirror, and quickly retreated to the edge of the collapsed city wall. Its body was tightly pressed against the wall bricks, as if it wanted to push itself in.

This made the little witch's interest even higher, as if she had discovered some interesting new game, she raised her arm holding the small mirror higher, forcing the big bug to hide around.

When Zheng Qing finally caught up with Zhu Si, what he saw was such a strange picture - a little witch in a shabby robe, holding a small mirror, cornering a slender pure-blood Migo. The two suns in mid-air pass through the mirror, reflecting two light spots of different sizes, which fall between the folds of Migo's forehead, and confront the neon-like light spot on its head, like a blooming flower of light .

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]


The young public finance student shouted the name of the little witch, with a bit of anger in his voice: "I told you not to run around! Why did you go down to the city casually? Do you know that people will die down there?!"

Scared by the sudden roar, the little witch shrank her neck, and even the small mirror she held up was a little unstable.

The pure-blooded Migo, who had been cowering in the corner of the city wall, did not seize the opportunity of the scattered mirror light to escape. Instead, he agitated the dorsal fins behind him that looked like bat wings, leaped over the little witch, and rushed in the direction where the wizard came. The tentacles squirmed wildly, making an indistinct buzzing sound like metal tuning forks rubbing against each other.

"Buzz... Go... Buzz... Go!!"

Zheng Qing immediately stopped, raised his rune gun, and aimed at the opposite monster. Beside him, the black cat also suddenly arched its body, raised its tail, and growled vigilantly from its throat.

"Don't eat them either!"

The scream of the little witch was still echoing in Zheng Qing's ears, and in the next second, a strand of hair dangled and slowly fell in the sight of the wizard.

The pink figure of pure blood Migo suddenly appeared in front of the wizard. Its huge and ferocious body exuded a dangerous aura. It was holding two forelimbs. The sharp claws at the end of the forelimbs were only a few centimeters away from Zheng Qing's eyelids. A palpitating cold light shone between the blades.

Zheng Qing has every reason to believe that if the little witch's scream was delayed for a moment, it might not be just a piece of hair that fell with the wind.

hum! Buzz! !

The light spot on the folds of Migo's forehead flickered violently. Although he couldn't understand it, Zheng Qing could fully understand what it wanted to express.

--Leave far away!

A trace of cold sweat trickled down Zheng Qing's temples. The wizard lowered his muzzle obediently, and together with the black cat with its tail between its legs, it slowly backed away.

Then, through the corner of his eye, he noticed dozens of corpses lying in disorder in the nearby ruins.

There are wizards and there are demons.

Comparing the wounds on the corpses with the shape of the sharp claws on the pure blood Migo's limbs, plus the previous encounters, it is easy to guess what happened.

A little further away, dozens of stout Migo Emperor Worms crawled obediently on the ground, lined up neatly, and knelt in the direction of the Migo as if worshiping.

"This big bug is so much fun!"

The little witch's cheerful voice rang in Zheng Qing's ears—this made the wizard have a strong desire to complain, and he always felt that Zhu Si seemed to have misunderstood "fun". There is no connection at all.

Before he figured out what was going on, he didn't want to, and didn't dare to continue to stimulate the big bug.

"...I can direct its movements with a mirror!"

"And it commands those other big this!"

As if to prove what she said was true, the little witch ostentatiously shook the small mirror in her hand, and the pure-blooded Migo in front of her quickly swayed the tentacles on her forehead.

Buzz! ! !

The somewhat sticky sound from the metal texture echoed in Zheng Qing's ears again, accompanied by the buzzing sound, dozens of Migo Emperor Worms crawling on the ground not far away erected their thick jointed limbs in unison, very quickly It swayed rhythmically, and staggered around in circles from time to time.

"What the hell!"

Zheng Qing and the black cat were dumbfounded.

The scene in front of them was obviously beyond their imagination—are those monsters dancing under the command of the little witch? This is not scientific at all, even beyond the imagination of magic!

Not far away was the buzzing of elytra vibrating. Zheng Qing raised his head, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw a new Migo Emperor Worm rushing from the edge of the battlefield, heading straight for the gathering of Migo Emperor Worms. The ground, but its landing point is slightly deviated.

Before he could recover, the pure-blooded Migo in his sight suddenly disappeared in a cloud of rising dust.


Zheng Qing roared in his heart, quickly drew another rune gun from his waist with his left hand, looked around, trying to find the trace of the big bug. On the belt, several pieces of jade pendants collided with each other under his movements, making a clear and pleasant sound.


The next second, there was a heavy impact sound, and a group of black shadows suddenly appeared not far away, pierced by several slender and sharp joints, and firmly nailed to the huge gray-white city wall bricks.

It's the Migo Emperor Bug!

It seemed that it only got a little closer to the little witch before it was attacked by the pure blood Migo. Two huge pink monsters are stacked together, one is slender and the other is thick.

The elytra on the back of the thick Migo King Worm fluttered weakly, and on the swirling tumor on the forehead, those light spots like the compound eyes of a fly flickered randomly, as if questioning what the Migo was doing.

The slender pureblood Migo silently pulled out the jointed limb nailed to the emperor worm, watched the light red blood gushing out from the opponent's wound, and the light spot on his forehead slowly extinguished, then he flapped his wings, slid towards the little witch, and re- Start the mini-game of 'Little Mirror Directing Action'.

The dancing Migo Emperor Worms are arranged more and more neatly, and their movements are more standardized and round.

The young wizard felt that his throat was a little tight, and he swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva before regaining his voice.

"What the hell."

He muttered, repeating what he had said to himself before, staring blankly at what happened in front of him, wondering if he was dreaming, or fell into an illusion.

Different from him, the black cat had already calmed down a lot at this time, and was looking at the Migo with strange but serious eyes.

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