Hunting High School

Chapter 443: Pink Mushrooms

"Damn it! Sankura!"

"Let your students be careful!"

"You can kill my crew, but you can't damage my ship's side!"

Captain Misty's annoyed voice came from mid-air, and a pair of huge fists condensed from white mist fell together, like meteorites, falling from the sky and hitting the head of the inner castle.

A thick wooden stick protruded from the side, bounced on the pair of fists, and knocked them into the air.

The three-headed and eight-armed giant ape used three heads and three pairs of arms to deal with the three big monsters, and still had a pair of arms free. At this moment, those arms were quickly pinching the magic formula, and silently summoned a series of hideous monsters. Fire Dragon, rush to the damaged Mist.

Captain Misty's curse grew louder.

The head of the inner castle.

After killing the strange pink creature that just appeared, Zheng Qing didn't pay attention to the small interaction between Dean Yao and Captain Misty in mid-air - the four deans of the First University and the six big monsters Fighting in a small wedge-shaped enclave, curses that are worse than Captain Misty keep coming and going, if you only focus on the friendly exchanges between the big brothers, it may be difficult to avoid the open and dark arrows flying from the city.

At this moment, the young public fee student was squinting, looking for a new prey while holding a talisman gun, while whispering about the prey just now with Jiang Yu and the black cat squatting on the wall.

"I always feel that the monster just now looks familiar."

Zheng Qing swears that this is definitely the first time he has seen that kind of pink monster, but for some reason, there is a strange sense of familiarity in his heart: "...I definitely haven't seen it before!"

After the head of the divination team helped the wizard resist the first wave of attacks from the monsters, he waved his feather fan and disappeared. At this moment, besides two young wizards and a little witch with a special spiritual body, there was only a lazy black cat on the top of the city.

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Behind the left and right towers, there may be wizards maintaining the guardian circle, but they are not visible at the moment.

"Pink monster? I want to see it too!"

Zhu Si climbed the rough city wall, trying to climb up the crenel, but every time when she was close to success, Jiang Yu would pinch her neck skillfully and pull her off the wall.

"Maybe it doesn't look familiar."

The witch also aimed at the monster just now, but Zheng Qing pulled the trigger faster, but this did not affect her observation of the monster's appearance: "It's not completely pink... I looked at it, and there was something A familiar feeling, especially seeing it in all its variegated colors and twisted forms."

The word "distortion" is already very good at explaining the problem.

"Starry sky?" The wizard raised his head subconsciously and glanced at the sky.

Without the cover of night and heavy clouds, the sky of Hellworld becomes vast and high. The two golden and red suns complement each other, occupying most of the sky. As long as you raise your head, everyone's eyes will be attracted by the fighting sun , As for the brilliant starry sky that may exist behind the sun, no one has noticed at this moment.

The lazy voice of the black cat finally rang in the ears of several young wizards:

"It's Mi Go."

It lay on top of the battlements, its tail hanging down into the wall like a thick rope. Several times, Zhu Si was almost able to grab the cat's tail and climb up, but the black cat could always bounce the tip of its tail at the critical moment, allowing the little cat to The witch fell short.


Zheng Qing repeated this strange word, inexplicably feeling a wet and greasy mood. This made him unable to resist stomping his feet on the spot, as if this would shake off the non-existent slippery feeling on his body.

"An ubiquitous creature from a distant space-time continuum."

The black cat didn't show off, but patiently educated the boys: "Although they also belong to the 'starry creatures' in the alliance data card, they don't belong to the same category as the Outer Gods... nor are they dependents of the Outer Gods. "

"Well, to put it simply, they can be regarded as colonists of other universes. A powerful race with the ability to colonize different universes. Wizards who pioneered in the new world will occasionally deal with this kind of creature. As far as I know, the Alliance A territory has been designated for them on Pluto as a temporary base for them to stay in the wizarding world."

"Those little pink monsters in the city are most likely a hybrid of Migo and Emperor Worm...the reason why liches become liches is because they have no scruples when they do experiments. Emperor Worm is the body that has evolved to the extreme. Migo belongs to the creatures with upgraded souls, their hybrids, who knows what kind of perverted monsters!"

While speaking, dozens of 'Migo King Worms' broke through the defensive circle of the outer fort, passed through the passage propped up by Kotos and the big willow tree, and arrived at the wedge-shaped enclave.

This time, they didn't go straight to the inner castle.

Instead, it flapped its elytra on its back, and sprinkled pieces of pink floc along the lush willow branches spreading around. Those pink flocs fluttered and fell on the wicker, quickly gathered and swelled, and clusters of brightly colored mushrooms grew.

"Bugs are bugs,"

Zheng Qing shot a monster that was slightly closer to the inner castle wall, and complained: "I'm afraid the brain is only the size of a fingernail... Those mushrooms look very dangerous. Do they think we will pick them on the battlefield to cook soup? Normal Wizards will throw a Fiery Curse at them to burn them dry... what are you doing?!!"

The young wizard almost dropped his rune spear on the black cat's head.

On the wall stack, a few pink mushrooms with thick caps and juicy meat appeared between the black cat's paws. At this moment, it is tilting its head, poking its mouth, and taking small bites to try something new.

Zheng Qing could clearly see that on the black cat's bright red tongue, mushroom cap-shaped fleshy protrusions had emerged.

"Is there a hole in your brain?!"

With just one sentence, one mushroom after another sprouted from the black cat's body, looking weird and gorgeous. The wizard wanted to go forward to help the black cat pull it out, but he was also worried about the infection of the mycelium, so he couldn't help taking a few steps back, and said frantically:

"Anyway, you have also experienced thousands of two-dimensional worlds. How can you eat the enemy's things casually?! You just look like a cat, not a real cat! Where did such a big curiosity come from!!"

"Zhu Si is more sensible than you!"

As she said that, Zheng Qing lowered her head subconsciously, looking for the figure of the little witch, trying to find evidence for her own words.

But the little witch who was still under her nose just now has disappeared.

The wizard's heart suddenly tightened, and he looked around quickly. On the empty city wall, there were only him, Jiang Yu, and the black cat. Except for the two rounds of sun in the sky shining on the wall stacks and leaving crossed long and narrow shadows on the ground, there is nothing superfluous.

It was only when Jiang Yu caught the sight of the wizard that he realized the same thing.

The two suddenly panicked.

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