Hunting High School

Chapter 441: Drought Demon, Emperor Insect

"It's really troublesome."

Sir Ulrich, the tutor of the Lich, withdrew his attention from the sky above the inner castle, and looked at the tall figures charging under the outer castle who were shouting 'Bofu', and couldn't help frowning: "This is just the beginning of the fight, the wizards of the school They launched a second-tier battle formation... Our children may have difficulty coping with it."

In the impression of old-school wizards—including monsters—a large-scale war is a long and cruel disaster. It often takes several months, Even a period of several years. Sometimes the rise of high rank wizards on both sides of the war will also stretch the timeline, expanding the battlefield to decades or even hundreds of years from the time of the war.

Therefore, in Sir Ulrich's view, the war that broke out in the world of Hell, from Leviathan's breakthrough to the four legendary beings leaving the battlefield, is a prelude to the complete outbreak of war. In the tentative attack.

But right now, the probing attack has not yet completely ended, and the wizards guarding the castle have already launched a second-tier battle formation, pushing the intensity of the battle to an intense level in an instant, which inevitably makes it feel uncomfortable.


A figure fell from a high altitude and hit heavily on the altar at Sir Ulrich's feet, sending many bones that built the altar flying, causing magma to splash everywhere.


The figure rolled on the ground, turned over and got up, the five tails behind it were like long whips, whipping in the air with a crackling sound like thunder.

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As if hearing Sir Ulrich's complaint, the figure that descended from the sky turned around, revealing a furry face that looked like a tiger and leopard, and a beeping, beeping, electric light flashed on a corner of its forehead.

It looked at the Lich mentor, opened its mouth, and the voice was like gold and stone, sonorous and cold:

"Old man, cheer up!"

"A lot of the wizards on the opposite side are guys who participated in the New World Opening War. They are not like the old-school wizards. war!"

"If you have any backhands, use them all at once!"

Sir Ulrich lowered his eyelids, looked at the majestic scarlet under the altar, and after a long while, he replied in a soft voice: "You should continue to deal with that scorpion with Dororo... the rest of the matter, There are people behind to arrange."

Chi Hide flicked his tail violently, roared at the old lich, jumped, and rushed to the battlefield not far away again. There, in the dim light of the smoke and Earth Fire, there are scorpions raising their pincers and their long tails vertically; there are many strange birds roaring hoarsely, opening their mouths full of fangs, dripping pieces of water like heavy acid rain. Saliva.

Jazz withdrew his gaze, and continued to look gloomyly at the tall mimetic titans on the opposite side.

The monster warriors, the undead army, and the Magical Beasts driven by Leviathan are like swarms of bugs in front of those titans. They are beaten and fly around, and the huge weapons are waving all over the sky. They die when they are wiped, and they die when they are knocked down. It is almost impossible to fight against them. The wizard's attack does nothing to get in the way.

Even the original solid The Underworld equation circle has become precarious. Many of the pillars of Sauron standing in the circle have been broken by the titans, and many of them, including the Eye of Sauron, have been taken away and turned into titans. The booty was pressed in the center of the forehead by them, driven by magic, and shot in all directions.

Like a fallen leaf, a thin figure floated silently beside Sir Ulrich.

It was another great lich on the battlefield, the prisoner of the black prison, Su Jiade.

"We can't let them continue to be arrogant."

Su Jiade clicked his mandibles, and in the hollow eye sockets, two deep red glows were particularly eye-catching: "The undead in the black prison are very limited... The bones are broken and can be re-bonded with magic power, but the fire of the soul is extinguished, and it is very difficult to recover." Difficult to find suitable substitutes."

"We also need to start the next step."

Ser Ulrich was silent.

It already knows that in the original black prison, the most precious thing is the existence full of magic power—whether it is magma, stone, or dead bodies—so, the black prison world is not like other other worlds that the undead raided, buried underground for countless years. A huge amount of undead resources.

The dead prisoners will be quickly eaten by other prisoners; if their magic power is exhausted, their bones will be polished into weapons or Magical Items, and if there is still a little magic power, they will be eaten by the hungry prisoners suffering from lack of magic power. Suck it carefully until it is chewed into bone powder and swallowed into the stomach, without any waste.

"It's really... some are too fast." Sir Ulrich is not a rigid person. After confirming that he was at a disadvantage on the frontal battlefield, he didn't hesitate for too long. He just sighed and opened his arms again. arm:

"Drought is cruel, like burning!"

"Bo Xi 朅 qie xi, hold on to the front of Shu Shu."

"The gods stop getting drunk, and the emperor's corpse is loaded!"

"Zhao Yun, the peach worm, fight to fly the bird!"

The wind of darkness blows from the deepest part of the abyss. It is cold and icy cold. Even if there are two rounds of sun shining infinitely above the head, and hot magma is tumbling and flowing underground, it still cannot stop the chill from spreading on the battlefield.

The low voice of incantations is the ballad of ancient wizards in the high tower, babbling weirdly, the wizards hear it as if a slender wire is scratching the glass, sharp and piercing, but to the ears of demons and undead, it sounds like a mother's lullaby in front of the crib , tactfully, making them intoxicated.

The wind rolled up the magma, like blood vessels, hanging on the bodies of the undead; the flesh and blood of the dead monsters, like moths to the flame, fell on those hot blood vessels and wrapped them, First Stage and First Stage, finally wrapping large oval-shaped eggs, the hot magma and flesh on the eggshells overlap each other, outlining dazzling and complex magic patterns.

Farther away, the insects and monsters that rushed towards the outer castle like a tide receded like a tide. But they didn't go far away, but began to devour each other not far from the wizard.

The swarms of insects that originally worked closely together like precision instruments killed each other without mercy. The broken limbs and horns were like black snowflakes all over the sky, and the rustling sound of gnawing made even the most daring wizard feel terrified.

It only took a short time for the demon coalition forces to spawn hundreds of red and black giant eggs in the forward positions. In the red giant egg is a dry man made of flesh and blood by the undead, and in the black giant egg is the emperor worm raised by worms using the method of raising Gu.

The wizards did not sit idly by Sir Ulrich's cataclysmic magic.

But countless undead and insect monsters are not afraid of death, swarming up, firmly blocking the steps of the titans from the hatching place of the giant eggs. Under Sir Ulrich's magic call, the dead undead and insect monsters turned into streamers of light and fell back on the giant eggs, urging them to mature faster.

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