Hunting High School

Chapter 387: Leviathan

The bronze Feng Shui compass with gray-green rust is floating in the air, and the curved magnetic spoon squeaks and rotates on the smooth disc. Strands twisted.

In front of the handle of the spoon, there is a boundless white mist. This mist is the biggest support for the Misty to travel across the world and travel through time and space, and it is also one of the reasons why the Misty is called the "Mist".

It is said that these fogs are the treasures that the giant monster known as the 'King of the Sea Monsters' located above the four sea monster captains extracted from the sky above the long river of time and poured into the Misty.

Because the "water" in the long river of time and space naturally has a bit of the essence of cosmic light, these mist also have some mysterious magical effects.

For example, these fogs can connect to the underworld, connect to the starry sky above, and connect to the world on the left and right.

Just hold up the mist and have the right direction, under the guidance of Feng Shui compass, the Misty can reach any world, and any corner of the world.

Even a black prison.

For another example, the mist formed its own world, which could accommodate magical creatures far beyond the scope of the general concept.

"hold head high!!"


A long cry came from the depths of the mist, interrupting the conversation between Captain Misty and Ser Ulrich. On the deck behind the two big monsters, there was a slight commotion. From time to time, one or two scarlet spots quietly lifted up, and they glanced out of the left and right sides of the ship, trying to see what the long-screaming creature looked like.

But apart from the mist that was as white as cotton and rolled like waves, they couldn't even see a trace of other shadows. Only the light and green of the dead wind lamps that transmit signals between different warships, like the will-o'-the-wisps in the cemetery, flashed past, proving to these young monsters that they were not alone.

Of course, the sight of the two great monsters was not disturbed.

Sir Ulrich's eyes seemed to see an extremely far place through the white mist. After looking for a long time, he slowly retracted his eyes and said softly: "Leviathan?!...Before you came, you never said But they will also participate in your plans."

Captain Misty seemed very satisfied with the momentary astonishment of the Lich Mentor.

"Behemoth is in the Hell."

The corners of its mouth were slightly hooked up, and its blue-gray chin was raised slightly, as if it wanted to be gentler, but in the eyes of the old Lich, it was still difficult to hide the stiff feeling that originated from the depths of the blood:

"There is a connection between the three of them that goes beyond blood... as long as there is an opportunity to rescue Behemoth, they will not refuse. This time, our large fleet can be completely contained by the mist, we must thank Leviathan 'The mastery of the 'law of nature'."

The old lich from the withered and yellow land has long heard about the power of the legendary giant fish-shaped monster. Legend has it that it can control and dominate all living beings within its line of sight, and can distort the original laws of the world. It seems that the concept of "distortion" was born from it.

But these are not the focus of the old lich.


Sir Ulrich caught the quantifier used by the sea monster, and frowned slightly, as if thinking of something, but he was not sure: "Xie Zi is here too?"

While speaking, two streaks of red light suddenly shot out from his eyes, directly piercing into the tumbling mist.

Like a frightened child, the white mist shrieked and flinched in all directions. A large blank space suddenly appeared in front of the bow.

Without the support of the mist, the center of gravity of the Misty, which was driving in an unknown place, leaned forward, and the hull made a heavy creaking sound, as if The next moment, the girder on the ship would be crushed by the huge pressure around it.

Captain Misty moved his fingers slightly, and the snake hair on the head of the ship, like a banshee, seemed to be pulled up by two invisible thin threads, blocking in front of the two red lights.

The snake's hair hissed, and it spit out a bright red letter, and let out a pitiful howl begging for mercy, but its body stiffened to meet it, not daring to dodge at all.


Like the sound of fat falling on a hot iron plate, the snake hair blocked the two red lights from Sir Ulrich's eyes, but also turned into two black coals in the red light.


The old lich frowned slightly, lowered his eyelids, and put away the red light in his eyes. In mid-air, after the last few seconds of freezing, the two sections of black charcoal shattered and turned into a cloud of fly ash, which slowly fell into the boundless white mist outside the ship.

The white mist cheered and swept back again, supporting the heavy ship.

Until then, Captain Misty smiled gently: "Xizes isn't here... Otherwise, with its size, you wouldn't miss it."

The black smoke around Sir Ulrich became more and more dense. It shook its head slightly, and its hoarse voice lingered near the two big monsters, and even the figurehead could not be heard: "The giant beast Bechymos, the giant fish Leviathan, the giant bird Shitz... this is a huge surprise. Or, do you have other helpers that we don't know about?"

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

The "we" in its mouth specifically refers to the lich from the withered and yellow land.

As an ally who formed an alliance with the Kraken to attack the black prison, but before the outbreak of the war, he discovered that there was an existence other than the demon alliance under his command, which would naturally arouse the vigilance of the old Lich.

The monster is cool by nature, and will not feel guilty because some "beware of allies" behaviors are discovered by allies, let alone reveal all their own cards because of this.

But in order to maintain the fragile alliance between the Kraken and the Lich, Captain Misty explained a little bit.

"Perhaps there are some existences deep in the starry sky who are willing to help."

The captain replied vaguely, but he didn't intend to discuss further, but turned the topic back to "giant beasts, giant fish and giant birds":

"As I just mentioned, Bechymos, Leviathan, and Xiz, the three of them have a close relationship that goes far beyond blood... During the years when Bechymos was trapped in the black prison, Leviathan We have discussed the idea of ​​jailbreak with Xiz more than once, this time, we just help them turn their ideas into reality."

Like Sir Ulrich, the "we" in its mouth does not include the liches of the withered and yellow land, but only refers to the four sea monsters criss-crossing the sea.

"Giant, more than big, not full of legends."

Sir Ulrich heaved a long sigh: "With the help of three quasi-legends, plus the guests from the depths of the starry sky... From this point of view, as long as the headmaster doesn't show up, even if the two vice-headmasters make a move together, they can do much more. Been around for a while."

"Bechymos has been in the black prison for so long, it's hard to say how it is now." Captain Misty waved his hand very modestly at this time, showing a little carelessness: "I only hope that they will be in the opening show." Working hard enough... Just like the flames of war ignited by Master Sujiade in the black prison at this moment, it is wonderful and commendable."

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