Hunting High School

Chapter 337: Moving To The Hell Tower

Hell Castle.

The night shrouded this dark world, like a heavy iron block, oppressing every conscious mind.

Su Shijun stood in front of a tall floor-to-ceiling window in the old castle, looking at the dark world outside the window, his eyes moved slightly. She felt that she was looking at a prehistoric monster sitting under the black curtain, with its limbs spread out, overlooking this withered and Death-filled land arrogantly and disrespectfully.

From setting foot in this ancient castle until now.

But at the same time, the witch can clearly feel that the dead silence belonging to the black prison is slowly fading away, and the external vitality is slowly coming from the dark, infiltrating the blackness, making this world more and more " Lively'.

Milton and Soul Silence's explanation of the magical war gave her a little more understanding of the origin of this "lively" - but she didn't know if this was a good thing - after becoming a great wizard, she felt "time" ' With a deeper awe, and because of this, she was deeply worried about the wanton manipulation of the timeline by both sides of the war.

Perhaps this is why the alliance is extra cautious when dealing with the option of 'war'.

I don't know if she sensed the witch's uneasiness.

Without a word, he suddenly raised his arm and put his hand on Milton Karen's shoulder.


Holding the wine glass, Mr. Vampire squinted at Mr. Phantom: "I'm not interested in ghosts."

There's nothing funny about this one-liner.

Hun Buyu shook his head slightly and sighed.

"On the battlefield, it is the closest place to Life and death, and it is also the easiest place to see through the soul." Mr. Ghost's voice was a little erratic, just like what he wanted to express in his words:

"Whether wizards or demons confront each other on the battlefield, they can always easily see through the determination or wavering in the opponent's eyes. But for wizards whose will is shaken, danger will always come to them easily... I don't know if there is something mysterious about it The principle, perhaps this is also a derivative concept of Murphy's Law... But I know that before going to the battlefield, we need to strengthen our beliefs in our hearts."

Su Shijun's fox ears twitched slightly, and she felt that the words of Silence seemed to be addressed to herself, but it seemed that she was only mentioning Milton and Wilhelm - after all, they were the lowest among the five senators.

"What exactly do you want to express?" Duke Milton pouted sullenly.

Mr. Ghost explained in a gentle tone: "I noticed that you are a little restless, Milton, this is not a good habit before going to the battlefield."

"Agitated? Oh... that must be because I haven't slept well for a week." Mr. Vampire waved his hands indifferently, caught a glimpse of the blue fox tails in front of the window, and immediately added: "...and , There is an existence here that makes my heart sway."

"Tch." Wilhelm Potter let out a short, piercing sneer, his voice full of contempt.

Mr. Vampire is so used to it that he doesn't hear it.

Hun Buyu sighed again, and pointed to Gongsun Bing who had been sitting silently on the sofa: "Lack of sleep and restlessness are two states. You can look at Mr. Gongsun Bing, the calmness and calmness in his eyes. Calm, it seems reassuring."

When Milton heard this, he turned around with great interest and glanced at the bronze armored corpse.

"Wow," he raised the wine glass in his hand, and praised: "Mr. Gongsun's eyeshadow is pretty good, where did you buy it?"

Su Shijun turned his back to the vampire, and rolled his eyes unknowingly.

Gongsun Bing slowly raised his eyelids and glanced at Milton.

"Naturally." He replied simply.

Milton said nothing, tilted his head, shrugged his shoulders, and spread his hands: "So, you see, it's not my fault. Our family is naturally angry."

Mr. Phantom took a deep breath, his body flashed, and he realized that he should not have too high expectations for this vampire-it was a waste of time.

Just at this time.

Knock, click.

There was a sound of hurried footsteps in the corridor, which attracted everyone's attention.

After a while, there was a 'dong dong' knock on the door outside.

The door of the lounge opened, and a witch in a red robe and a large black cloak appeared in front of the members of the Lower Moon Council with four followers.

She has an impressive pair of dark circles, but I don't know if it's eye shadow or lack of rest. Milton blinked blankly. Mr. Ghost turned a blind eye.


The witch didn't notice the small movements of the senators. She pressed the book on her waist, lowered her head, paid a simple salute, and reported directly:

"Received the order from the United Headquarters, and the members of the lower council are now transferred to the battlefield! Please move to the tower of the Outer Fort Prison!"

Gongsun Bing, Soul Silence, Su Shijun, Milton, and Wilhelm, the gazes of the five senators all fell on the messenger witch, and the heavy gaze pressure even made the Dharma book on her waist glow slightly.

"Is this the beginning?"

Milton Karen put down the wine glass in his hand and stretched, but there was no tension in his tone before the big battle: "... Really, it was unexpected and sudden."

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The summoning witch lowered her head slightly, pressed the spell book, turned sideways, and the four attendants saluted in unison, making way for several senators to enter and exit the gate.


The taciturn Gongsun Bing got up first, and the cloak behind him created a whirlwind in the spacious lounge. He walked out step by step with heavy steps.

For a moment, the entire castle seemed to tremble following his footsteps.

Following him was Su Shijun who had been standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, closer to the door. The four cyan fox tails behind her swayed slightly in the whirlwind, looking vigilant but not nervous.

Milton and Wilhelm followed suit, like two gatekeepers, one left and one right behind the witch.

As a result, he fell to the end without a word. Fortunately, he didn't care about this detail, and followed with a smile.

After going out for a few steps, Su Shijun suddenly frowned, and raised his hand to look at the jade bracelet on his wrist. The cyan jade light danced wildly on the bracelet, sending out bursts of rapid magic power fluctuations.

"What happened?" Milton noticed this immediately and asked with concern.

"What do I need to do?" Wilhelm said without hesitation.

The witch frowned slightly, not paying attention to the two wizards' hospitality, and her tone seemed a little hesitant: "I don't know either...but the school's guardian circle has been activated."

Gongsun Bing, who was walking in the forefront, paused.

"First University?" His voice was a little low, revealing a reassuring strength.

"Yes." Su Shijun replied immediately: "Before Dean Yao left the school, he temporarily handed over the control of the guardian circle to me. Because of an accident in the museum, I received a letter of inquiry from Dan Hag...Leave in the morning When I was in school, I adjusted the sensitivity of the guardian magic circle to the highest level. As long as a high-risk target is detected, the magic circle is allowed to make the strongest response."

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